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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Special Session
Refereed/0rdinary Session
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Plenary Keynote Lecture
by Prof. Susan Parnell, University of Cape Town
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Morning Coffee Break Wednesday
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Keynote Lecture
by Professor Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano
* Special Sessions Wed 2
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Wed 2
S04-S1 The digital transformation of tourism in the city G01-R1 Cities, Regions and Digital Transformations
S05-S1 Sharing economy and accommodation industry in urban and non urban environment G15-R1 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
S06-S1 Changes in health care provision, spatial mobility and access to care G17-R1 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
S20-S1 Collective action, commons and commoning : towards the emergence of new forms of territorial development processes? G04-O1 Regional and Urban Development
S21-S1 Circularities and proximities: stakeholders, scales, ressources G04-O2 Regional and Urban Development
S22-S1 The politics of local and regional development G05-O1 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
S27-S1 Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics: A Rebirth of Theory? G06-O1 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S33-S1 Modelling place attractiveness in the era of Big and Open data G07-O1 Innovation and Regional Development
S38-S1 Housing Markets: information, taxes, prices G08-O1 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S40-S1 Regional Resilience: How can regions survive? G09-O1 Regional Finance, Fiscal Issues, Investment or Capital Markets
S41-S1 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks G14-O1 Energy and Ecological Transition
S47-S1 Maintenance and regeneration of the territory and the city as an occasion for their ecological transformation G24-O1 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
S69-S1 The spatial dimension of productivity (OECD Spatial Productivity Lab Special Session)
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Lunch Wednesday
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM RSAI Long Range Planning Committee meeting (by invitation only)
* Special Sessions Wed 3
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Wed 3
S06-S2 Changes in health care provision, spatial mobility and access to care G03-R1 Big Data and Regional Science
S10-S1 Territorial Servitization G06-R1 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S11-S1 The regional socio-economic impact of the 4th industrial revolution G17-R2 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
S20-S2 Collective action, commons and commoning : towards the emergence of new forms of territorial development processes? G04-O3 Regional and Urban Development
S21-S2 Circularities and proximities : stakeholders, scales, ressources G04-O4 Regional and Urban Development
S22-S2 The politics of local and regional development G05-O2 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
S27-S2 Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics: A Rebirth of Theory? G08-O2 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S30-S1 Connecting short and long distance perspectives in freight transportation G09-O2 Regional Finance, Fiscal Issues, Investment or Capital Markets
S33-S2 Modelling place attractiveness in the era of Big and Open data G14-O2 Energy and Ecological Transition
S38-S2 Housing Markets: information, taxes, prices G15-O1 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
S40-S2 Regional Resilience: How can regions survive? G24-O2 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
S41-S2 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks
S47-S2 Maintenance and regeneration of the territory and the city as an occasion for their ecological transformation
S69-S2 The spatial dimension of productivity (OECD Spatial Productivity Lab Special Session)
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM Technical Excursion 2
"Confluence, a new area in the city"
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Afternoon Coffee break Wednesday
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM PIRs Keynote
by Prof. André Torre, University Paris Saclay, INRA-Agroparistech, France
* Special Sessions Wed 4
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Wed 4
S02-S1 Digital and spatial transformation: structures and relations in the knowledge economy G(01+02)-O1 Cities, Regions and Digital Transformations
S11-S2 The regional socio-economic impact of the 4th industrial revolution G04-O5 Regional and Urban Development
S20-S3 Collective action, commons and commoning : towards the emergence of new forms of territorial development processes? G04-O6 Regional and Urban Development
S23-S1 Territorial and place-based governance, (new) processes for local coordination G05-O3 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
S28-S1 Applying a Complex Adaptive Systems Approach to Regional Economics: big data, network analysis, and computational theory G06-O2 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S29-S1 Mapping flows, movements and cities networks at a European level G08-O3 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S30-S2 Connecting short and long distance perspectives in freight transportation G09-O3 Regional Finance, Fiscal Issues, Investment or Capital Markets
S36-S1 Real Estate and the Development of Cities and Regions (ERES Special Session) G13-O1 Real Estate and Housing Markets
S40-S3 Regional Resilience: How can regions survive? G14-O3 Energy and Ecological Transition
S41-S3 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks G15-O2 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
S56-S1 Transport, health and socio-territorial disparities G16-O1 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
S61-S1 Energy Transition and Eco Innovation G24-O3 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
S69-S3 The spatial dimension of productivity (OECD Spatial Productivity Lab Special Session)
7:30 PM - 10:00 PM Get-together Party
Venue: the Boat, Lyon
Special Session
Refereed/0rdinary Session
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Plenary Keynote Lecture
by Prof. Susan Parnell, University of Cape Town
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Morning Coffee Break Wednesday
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Keynote Lecture
by Professor Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano
* Special Sessions Wed 2
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Wed 2
S04-S1 The digital transformation of tourism in the city G01-R1 Cities, Regions and Digital Transformations
S05-S1 Sharing economy and accommodation industry in urban and non urban environment G15-R1 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
S06-S1 Changes in health care provision, spatial mobility and access to care G17-R1 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
S20-S1 Collective action, commons and commoning : towards the emergence of new forms of territorial development processes? G04-O1 Regional and Urban Development
S21-S1 Circularities and proximities: stakeholders, scales, ressources G04-O2 Regional and Urban Development
S22-S1 The politics of local and regional development G05-O1 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
S27-S1 Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics: A Rebirth of Theory? G06-O1 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S33-S1 Modelling place attractiveness in the era of Big and Open data G07-O1 Innovation and Regional Development
S38-S1 Housing Markets: information, taxes, prices G08-O1 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S40-S1 Regional Resilience: How can regions survive? G09-O1 Regional Finance, Fiscal Issues, Investment or Capital Markets
S41-S1 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks G14-O1 Energy and Ecological Transition
S47-S1 Maintenance and regeneration of the territory and the city as an occasion for their ecological transformation G24-O1 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
S69-S1 The spatial dimension of productivity (OECD Spatial Productivity Lab Special Session)
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Lunch Wednesday
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM RSAI Long Range Planning Committee meeting (by invitation only)
* Special Sessions Wed 3
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Wed 3
S06-S2 Changes in health care provision, spatial mobility and access to care G03-R1 Big Data and Regional Science
S10-S1 Territorial Servitization G06-R1 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S11-S1 The regional socio-economic impact of the 4th industrial revolution G17-R2 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
S20-S2 Collective action, commons and commoning : towards the emergence of new forms of territorial development processes? G04-O3 Regional and Urban Development
S21-S2 Circularities and proximities : stakeholders, scales, ressources G04-O4 Regional and Urban Development
S22-S2 The politics of local and regional development G05-O2 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
S27-S2 Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics: A Rebirth of Theory? G08-O2 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S30-S1 Connecting short and long distance perspectives in freight transportation G09-O2 Regional Finance, Fiscal Issues, Investment or Capital Markets
S33-S2 Modelling place attractiveness in the era of Big and Open data G14-O2 Energy and Ecological Transition
S38-S2 Housing Markets: information, taxes, prices G15-O1 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
S40-S2 Regional Resilience: How can regions survive? G24-O2 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
S41-S2 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks
S47-S2 Maintenance and regeneration of the territory and the city as an occasion for their ecological transformation
S69-S2 The spatial dimension of productivity (OECD Spatial Productivity Lab Special Session)
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM Technical Excursion 2
"Confluence, a new area in the city"
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Afternoon Coffee break Wednesday
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM PIRs Keynote
by Prof. André Torre, University Paris Saclay, INRA-Agroparistech, France
* Special Sessions Wed 4
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Wed 4
S02-S1 Digital and spatial transformation: structures and relations in the knowledge economy G(01+02)-O1 Cities, Regions and Digital Transformations
S11-S2 The regional socio-economic impact of the 4th industrial revolution G04-O5 Regional and Urban Development
S20-S3 Collective action, commons and commoning : towards the emergence of new forms of territorial development processes? G04-O6 Regional and Urban Development
S23-S1 Territorial and place-based governance, (new) processes for local coordination G05-O3 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
S28-S1 Applying a Complex Adaptive Systems Approach to Regional Economics: big data, network analysis, and computational theory G06-O2 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S29-S1 Mapping flows, movements and cities networks at a European level G08-O3 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S30-S2 Connecting short and long distance perspectives in freight transportation G09-O3 Regional Finance, Fiscal Issues, Investment or Capital Markets
S36-S1 Real Estate and the Development of Cities and Regions (ERES Special Session) G13-O1 Real Estate and Housing Markets
S40-S3 Regional Resilience: How can regions survive? G14-O3 Energy and Ecological Transition
S41-S3 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks G15-O2 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
S56-S1 Transport, health and socio-territorial disparities G16-O1 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
S61-S1 Energy Transition and Eco Innovation G24-O3 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
S69-S3 The spatial dimension of productivity (OECD Spatial Productivity Lab Special Session)
7:30 PM - 10:00 PM Get-together Party
Venue: the Boat, Lyon

Special Session
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Plenary Keynote Lecture
by Prof. Susan Parnell, University of Cape Town
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Morning Coffee Break Wednesday
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Keynote Lecture
by Professor Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano
* Special Sessions Wed 2
S04-S1 The digital transformation of tourism in the city
S05-S1 Sharing economy and accommodation industry in urban and non urban environment
S06-S1 Changes in health care provision, spatial mobility and access to care
S20-S1 Collective action, commons and commoning : towards the emergence of new forms of territorial development processes?
S21-S1 Circularities and proximities: stakeholders, scales, ressources
S22-S1 The politics of local and regional development
S27-S1 Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics: A Rebirth of Theory?
S33-S1 Modelling place attractiveness in the era of Big and Open data
S38-S1 Housing Markets: information, taxes, prices
S40-S1 Regional Resilience: How can regions survive?
S41-S1 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks
S47-S1 Maintenance and regeneration of the territory and the city as an occasion for their ecological transformation
S69-S1 The spatial dimension of productivity (OECD Spatial Productivity Lab Special Session)
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Lunch Wednesday
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM RSAI Long Range Planning Committee meeting (by invitation only)
* Special Sessions Wed 3
S06-S2 Changes in health care provision, spatial mobility and access to care
S10-S1 Territorial Servitization
S11-S1 The regional socio-economic impact of the 4th industrial revolution
S20-S2 Collective action, commons and commoning : towards the emergence of new forms of territorial development processes?
S21-S2 Circularities and proximities : stakeholders, scales, ressources
S22-S2 The politics of local and regional development
S27-S2 Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics: A Rebirth of Theory?
S30-S1 Connecting short and long distance perspectives in freight transportation
S33-S2 Modelling place attractiveness in the era of Big and Open data
S38-S2 Housing Markets: information, taxes, prices
S40-S2 Regional Resilience: How can regions survive?
S41-S2 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks
S47-S2 Maintenance and regeneration of the territory and the city as an occasion for their ecological transformation
S69-S2 The spatial dimension of productivity (OECD Spatial Productivity Lab Special Session)
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM Technical Excursion 2
"Confluence, a new area in the city"
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Afternoon Coffee break Wednesday
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM PIRs Keynote
by Prof. André Torre, University Paris Saclay, INRA-Agroparistech, France
* Special Sessions Wed 4
S02-S1 Digital and spatial transformation: structures and relations in the knowledge economy
S11-S2 The regional socio-economic impact of the 4th industrial revolution
S20-S3 Collective action, commons and commoning : towards the emergence of new forms of territorial development processes?
S23-S1 Territorial and place-based governance, (new) processes for local coordination
S28-S1 Applying a Complex Adaptive Systems Approach to Regional Economics: big data, network analysis, and computational theory
S29-S1 Mapping flows, movements and cities networks at a European level
S30-S2 Connecting short and long distance perspectives in freight transportation
S36-S1 Real Estate and the Development of Cities and Regions (ERES Special Session)
S40-S3 Regional Resilience: How can regions survive?
S41-S3 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks
S56-S1 Transport, health and socio-territorial disparities
S61-S1 Energy Transition and Eco Innovation
S69-S3 The spatial dimension of productivity (OECD Spatial Productivity Lab Special Session)
7:30 PM - 10:00 PM Get-together Party
Venue: the Boat, Lyon

Refereed/0rdinary Session
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Plenary Keynote Lecture
by Prof. Susan Parnell, University of Cape Town
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Morning Coffee Break Wednesday
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Keynote Lecture
by Professor Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Wed 2
G01-R1 Cities, Regions and Digital Transformations
G15-R1 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
G17-R1 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
G04-O1 Regional and Urban Development
G04-O2 Regional and Urban Development
G05-O1 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
G06-O1 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
G07-O1 Innovation and Regional Development
G08-O1 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
G09-O1 Regional Finance, Fiscal Issues, Investment or Capital Markets
G14-O1 Energy and Ecological Transition
G24-O1 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Lunch Wednesday
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM RSAI Long Range Planning Committee meeting (by invitation only)
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Wed 3
G03-R1 Big Data and Regional Science
G06-R1 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
G17-R2 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
G04-O3 Regional and Urban Development
G04-O4 Regional and Urban Development
G05-O2 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
G08-O2 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
G09-O2 Regional Finance, Fiscal Issues, Investment or Capital Markets
G14-O2 Energy and Ecological Transition
G15-O1 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
G24-O2 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM Technical Excursion 2
"Confluence, a new area in the city"
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Afternoon Coffee break Wednesday
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM PIRs Keynote
by Prof. André Torre, University Paris Saclay, INRA-Agroparistech, France
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Wed 4
G(01+02)-O1 Cities, Regions and Digital Transformations
G04-O5 Regional and Urban Development
G04-O6 Regional and Urban Development
G05-O3 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
G06-O2 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
G08-O3 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
G09-O3 Regional Finance, Fiscal Issues, Investment or Capital Markets
G13-O1 Real Estate and Housing Markets
G14-O3 Energy and Ecological Transition
G15-O2 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
G16-O1 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
G24-O3 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
7:30 PM - 10:00 PM Get-together Party
Venue: the Boat, Lyon

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Special Session
Refereed/Ordinary Session
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Regional Science Policy and Practice Keynote Lecture
by Prof. Yannis Psycharis, Panteion University, Greece
* Special Sessions Thu 1
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Thu 1
S02-S2 Digital and spatial transformation: structures and relations in the knowledge economy G09-R1 Regional Finance, Fiscal Issues, Investment or Capital Markets
S20-S4 Collective action, commons and commoning : towards the emergence of new forms of territorial development processes? G03-O1 Big Data and Regional Science
S25-S1 Historical Roots of Regional Performance G04-O7 Regional and Urban Development
S35-S1 Recent Advances in Spatial Econometrics and Big Data G04-O8 Regional and Urban Development
S40-S4 Regional Resilience: How can regions survive? G05-O4 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
S41-S4 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks G06-O3 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S54-S1 Evaluating Smart Specialisation: early evidence on policy implementation and economic transformation G07-O2 Innovation and Regional Development
S58-S1 Serious Games and Urban Studies G08-O4 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S69-S4 The spatial dimension of productivity (OECD Spatial Productivity Lab Special Session) G11-O1 Spatial Econometrics
S70-S1 Expanding the content of regional science, risks and rewards G15-O3 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
G16-O2 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
G18-O1 Tourism and Culture
G19-O1 Health and Environmental Issues
G21-O1 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
G24-O4 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Morning Coffee break Thursday
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
*Young Scientists Sessions
G05-YS1 Regional and Urban Labour Markets (EPAINOS)
G06-YS1 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance (EPAINOS)
G12-YS1 Location of Economic Activity (EPAINOS)
G02-YS1 Mobility and Digital Transformations
G03-YS1 Big Data and Regional Science
G04-YS1 Regional and Urban Development
G05-YS2 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
G08-YS1 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
G14-YS1 Energy and Ecological Transition
G15–YS1 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
G16-YS1 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
G22-YS1 Institutions
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Fellows Luncheon (by invitation only)
Lunch Thursday
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM RSAI Council meeting (by invitation only)
* Special Sessions Thu 3
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Thu 3
S01-S1 Regional Science Footprints of Walter Isard G04-R1 Regional and Urban Development
S03-S1 Engaging with the Digital World: the effects for society, places and individuals G05-R1 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
S16-S1 Students, University and the City: Location Choice and Mobility Behaviour G07-R1 Innovation and Regional Development
S25-S2 Historical Roots of Regional Performance G04-O9 Regional and Urban Development
S40-S5 Regional Resilience: How can regions survive? G06-O4 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S41-S5 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks G08-O5 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S50-S1 Fiscal decentralisation and multi-level governance G11-O2 Spatial Econometrics
S54-S2 Evaluating Smart Specialisation: early evidence on policy implementation and economic transformation G12-O1 Location of Economic Activity
S59-S1 Road Safety Economics for Resilient Countries and Regions G13-O2 Real Estate and Housing Markets
S67-S1 Sustainability, water and energy use in the productive sectors: tourism, services, industry, agriculture and administrations G15-O4 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
G16-O3 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
G17-O1 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
G18-O2 Tourism and Culture
G21-O2 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
G22-O1 Institutions
G23-O1 Rural Issues
G24-O5 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Afternoon Coffee break Thursday
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Policy Session: Opportunities and risk of disruptive transport innovations in cities and regions
* Special Sessions Thu 4
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Thu 4
S01-S2 Regional Science Footprints of Walter Isard G12-R1 Location of Economic Activity
S03-S2 Engaging with the Digital World: the effects for society, places and individuals G(01+02)-O2 Mobility and Digital Transformations
S16-S2 Students, University and the City: Location Choice and Mobility Behaviour G04-O10 Regional and Urban Development
S18-S1 Entrepreneurship and local development: symbiosis and/or dissonance? G05-O5 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
S24-S1 Neo-Weberian Approaches to China: Cultural Attitudes and Economic Development G06-O5 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S39-S1 Understanding urbanisation at a global scale: definitions and empirical analyses (OECD and European Commission) G07-O3 Innovation and Regional Development
S41-S6 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks G08-O6 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S45-S1 Social mobility & Inequality G10-O1 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Economics
S60-S1 Road Safety Management in Developing Countries: the case of Africa G16-O4 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
S63-S1 Public transportation and big data: data processing and valuation G17-O2 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
G18-O3 Tourism and Culture
G19-O2 Health and Environmental Issues
G20-O1 Social Innovation for Resilient Regions
G21-O3 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
G22-O2 Institutions
G23-O2 Rural Issues
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM Let's Play Together Party
Venue: La Commune, Lyon
Special Session
Refereed/Ordinary Session
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Regional Science Policy and Practice Keynote Lecture
by Prof. Yannis Psycharis, Panteion University, Greece
* Special Sessions Thu 1
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Thu 1
S02-S2 Digital and spatial transformation: structures and relations in the knowledge economy G09-R1 Regional Finance, Fiscal Issues, Investment or Capital Markets
S20-S4 Collective action, commons and commoning : towards the emergence of new forms of territorial development processes? G03-O1 Big Data and Regional Science
S25-S1 Historical Roots of Regional Performance G04-O7 Regional and Urban Development
S35-S1 Recent Advances in Spatial Econometrics and Big Data G04-O8 Regional and Urban Development
S40-S4 Regional Resilience: How can regions survive? G05-O4 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
S41-S4 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks G06-O3 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S54-S1 Evaluating Smart Specialisation: early evidence on policy implementation and economic transformation G07-O2 Innovation and Regional Development
S58-S1 Serious Games and Urban Studies G08-O4 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S69-S4 The spatial dimension of productivity (OECD Spatial Productivity Lab Special Session) G11-O1 Spatial Econometrics
S70-S1 Expanding the content of regional science, risks and rewards G15-O3 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
G16-O2 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
G18-O1 Tourism and Culture
G19-O1 Health and Environmental Issues
G21-O1 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
G24-O4 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Morning Coffee break Thursday
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
*Young Scientists Sessions
G05-YS1 Regional and Urban Labour Markets (EPAINOS)
G06-YS1 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance (EPAINOS)
G12-YS1 Location of Economic Activity (EPAINOS)
G02-YS1 Mobility and Digital Transformations
G03-YS1 Big Data and Regional Science
G04-YS1 Regional and Urban Development
G05-YS2 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
G08-YS1 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
G14-YS1 Energy and Ecological Transition
G15–YS1 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
G16-YS1 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
G22-YS1 Institutions
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Fellows Luncheon (by invitation only)
Lunch Thursday
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM RSAI Council meeting (by invitation only)
* Special Sessions Thu 3
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Thu 3
S01-S1 Regional Science Footprints of Walter Isard G04-R1 Regional and Urban Development
S03-S1 Engaging with the Digital World: the effects for society, places and individuals G05-R1 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
S16-S1 Students, University and the City: Location Choice and Mobility Behaviour G07-R1 Innovation and Regional Development
S25-S2 Historical Roots of Regional Performance G04-O9 Regional and Urban Development
S40-S5 Regional Resilience: How can regions survive? G06-O4 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S41-S5 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks G08-O5 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S50-S1 Fiscal decentralisation and multi-level governance G11-O2 Spatial Econometrics
S54-S2 Evaluating Smart Specialisation: early evidence on policy implementation and economic transformation G12-O1 Location of Economic Activity
S59-S1 Road Safety Economics for Resilient Countries and Regions G13-O2 Real Estate and Housing Markets
S67-S1 Sustainability, water and energy use in the productive sectors: tourism, services, industry, agriculture and administrations G15-O4 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
G16-O3 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
G17-O1 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
G18-O2 Tourism and Culture
G21-O2 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
G22-O1 Institutions
G23-O1 Rural Issues
G24-O5 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Afternoon Coffee break Thursday
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Policy Session: Opportunities and risk of disruptive transport innovations in cities and regions
* Special Sessions Thu 4
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Thu 4
S01-S2 Regional Science Footprints of Walter Isard G12-R1 Location of Economic Activity
S03-S2 Engaging with the Digital World: the effects for society, places and individuals G(01+02)-O2 Mobility and Digital Transformations
S16-S2 Students, University and the City: Location Choice and Mobility Behaviour G04-O10 Regional and Urban Development
S18-S1 Entrepreneurship and local development: symbiosis and/or dissonance? G05-O5 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
S24-S1 Neo-Weberian Approaches to China: Cultural Attitudes and Economic Development G06-O5 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S39-S1 Understanding urbanisation at a global scale: definitions and empirical analyses (OECD and European Commission) G07-O3 Innovation and Regional Development
S41-S6 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks G08-O6 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S45-S1 Social mobility & Inequality G10-O1 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Economics
S60-S1 Road Safety Management in Developing Countries: the case of Africa G16-O4 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
S63-S1 Public transportation and big data: data processing and valuation G17-O2 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
G18-O3 Tourism and Culture
G19-O2 Health and Environmental Issues
G20-O1 Social Innovation for Resilient Regions
G21-O3 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
G22-O2 Institutions
G23-O2 Rural Issues
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM Let's Play Together Party
Venue: La Commune, Lyon

Special Session
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Regional Science Policy and Practice Keynote Lecture
by Prof. Yannis Psycharis, Panteion University, Greece
* Special Sessions Thu 1
S02-S2 Digital and spatial transformation: structures and relations in the knowledge economy
S20-S4 Collective action, commons and commoning : towards the emergence of new forms of territorial development processes?
S25-S1 Historical Roots of Regional Performance
S35-S1 Recent Advances in Spatial Econometrics and Big Data
S40-S4 Regional Resilience: How can regions survive?
S41-S4 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks
S54-S1 Evaluating Smart Specialisation: early evidence on policy implementation and economic transformation
S58-S1 Serious Games and Urban Studies
S69-S4 The spatial dimension of productivity (OECD Spatial Productivity Lab Special Session)
S70-S1 Expanding the content of regional science, risks and rewards
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Morning Coffee break Thursday
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
*Young Scientists Sessions
G05-YS1 Regional and Urban Labour Markets (EPAINOS)
G06-YS1 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance (EPAINOS)
G12-YS1 Location of Economic Activity (EPAINOS)
G02-YS1 Mobility and Digital Transformations
G03-YS1 Big Data and Regional Science
G04-YS1 Regional and Urban Development
G05-YS2 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
G08-YS1 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
G14-YS1 Energy and Ecological Transition
G15–YS1 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
G16-YS1 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
G22-YS1 Institutions
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Fellows Luncheon (by invitation only)
Lunch Thursday
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM RSAI Council meeting (by invitation only)
* Special Sessions Thu 3
S01-S1 Regional Science Footprints of Walter Isard
S03-S1 Engaging with the Digital World: the effects for society, places and individuals
S16-S1 Students, University and the City: Location Choice and Mobility Behaviour
S25-S2 Historical Roots of Regional Performance
S40-S5 Regional Resilience: How can regions survive?
S41-S5 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks
S50-S1 Fiscal decentralisation and multi-level governance
S54-S2 Evaluating Smart Specialisation: early evidence on policy implementation and economic transformation
S59-S1 Road Safety Economics for Resilient Countries and Regions
S67-S1 Sustainability, water and energy use in the productive sectors: tourism, services, industry, agriculture and administrations
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Afternoon Coffee break Thursday
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Policy Session: Opportunities and risk of disruptive transport innovations in cities and regions
* Special Sessions Thu 4
S01-S2 Regional Science Footprints of Walter Isard
S03-S2 Engaging with the Digital World: the effects for society, places and individuals
S16-S2 Students, University and the City: Location Choice and Mobility Behaviour
S18-S1 Entrepreneurship and local development: symbiosis and/or dissonance?
S24-S1 Neo-Weberian Approaches to China: Cultural Attitudes and Economic Development
S39-S1 Understanding urbanisation at a global scale: definitions and empirical analyses (OECD and European Commission)
S41-S6 Drivers of interregional migration: new insights on the role of local labour markets, human capital, personality and (family) networks
S45-S1 Social mobility & Inequality
S60-S1 Road Safety Management in Developing Countries: the case of Africa
S63-S1 Public transportation and big data: data processing and valuation
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM Let's Play Together Party
Venue: La Commune, Lyon

Refereed/Ordinary Session
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Regional Science Policy and Practice Keynote Lecture
by Prof. Yannis Psycharis, Panteion University, Greece
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Thu 1
G09-R1 Regional Finance, Fiscal Issues, Investment or Capital Markets
G03-O1 Big Data and Regional Science
G04-O7 Regional and Urban Development
G04-O8 Regional and Urban Development
G05-O4 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
G06-O3 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
G07-O2 Innovation and Regional Development
G08-O4 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
G11-O1 Spatial Econometrics
G15-O3 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
G16-O2 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
G18-O1 Tourism and Culture
G19-O1 Health and Environmental Issues
G21-O1 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
G24-O4 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Morning Coffee break Thursday
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
*Young Scientists Sessions
G05-YS1 Regional and Urban Labour Markets (EPAINOS)
G06-YS1 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance (EPAINOS)
G12-YS1 Location of Economic Activity (EPAINOS)
G02-YS1 Mobility and Digital Transformations
G03-YS1 Big Data and Regional Science
G04-YS1 Regional and Urban Development
G05-YS2 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
G08-YS1 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
G14-YS1 Energy and Ecological Transition
G15–YS1 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
G16-YS1 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
G22-YS1 Institutions
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Fellows Luncheon (by invitation only)
Lunch Thursday
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM RSAI Council meeting (by invitation only)
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Thu 3
G04-R1 Regional and Urban Development
G05-R1 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
G07-R1 Innovation and Regional Development
G04-O9 Regional and Urban Development
G06-O4 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
G08-O5 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
G11-O2 Spatial Econometrics
G12-O1 Location of Economic Activity
G13-O2 Real Estate and Housing Markets
G15-O4 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
G16-O3 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
G17-O1 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
G18-O2 Tourism and Culture
G21-O2 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
G22-O1 Institutions
G23-O1 Rural Issues
G24-O5 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Afternoon Coffee break Thursday
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Policy Session: Opportunities and risk of disruptive transport innovations in cities and regions
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Thu 4
G12-R1 Location of Economic Activity
G(01+02)-O2 Mobility and Digital Transformations
G04-O10 Regional and Urban Development
G05-O5 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
G06-O5 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
G07-O3 Innovation and Regional Development
G08-O6 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
G10-O1 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Economics
G16-O4 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
G17-O2 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
G18-O3 Tourism and Culture
G19-O2 Health and Environmental Issues
G20-O1 Social Innovation for Resilient Regions
G21-O3 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
G22-O2 Institutions
G23-O2 Rural Issues
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM Let's Play Together Party
Venue: La Commune, Lyon

Friday, August 30, 2019

Special Session
Refereed/Ordinary Session
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
* Special Sessions Fri 1
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Fri 1
S07-S1 Transportation and Mobility in an Ageing Society. Perspectives, Trends and Drivers G04-O11 Regional and Urban Development
S14-S1 Collaboration-based innovation policies: theory, empirics and practitioner feedbacks G05-O6 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
S18-S2 Entrepreneurship and local development: symbiosis and/or dissonance? G06-O6 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S32-S1 Spatial CGE, land use and transport modeling G07-O4 Innovation and Regional Development
S37-S1 Geography of the real estate stock wealth and of its evolutions G08-O7 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S39-S2 Understanding urbanisation at a global scale: definitions and empirical analyses (OECD and European Commission) G10-O2 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Economics
S43-S1 Geography of discontent: Explanations and policies G12-O2 Location of Economic Activity
S48-S1 The Mediterranean: conflicts, ecological and economic values Time: of a changing sea environment G17-O3 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
S51-S1 Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation: Policies for firms G20-O2 Social Innovation for Resilient Regions
S52-S1 Joint SBCA ERSA Session on Evaluation
S55-S1 The EU Cohesion Policy after 2020 – How to achieve faster and more impactful spending where it is needed the most?
S57-S1 Freight mobility and urban forms
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Technical Excursion 3
"Eco tour vs UNESCO"
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Morning Coffee break Friday
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
* Special Sessions Fri 2
* Refereed/Ordinary Session Fri 2
S07-S2 Transportation and Mobility in an Ageing Society. Perspectives, Trends and Drivers G08-R1 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S08-S1 New working spaces, digital transformations and peripheral areas G04-O12 Regional and Urban Development
S14-S2 Collaboration-based innovation policies: theory, empirics and practitioner feedbacks G06-O7 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S17-S1 Geography of science and the spatial dimension of scientific activity G07-O5 Innovation and Regional Development
S19-S1 Regional Entrepreneurship Policy G10-O3 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Economics
S26-S1 Comparing local and regional development within and between countries – what information and data is needed? G12-O3 Location of Economic Activity
S34-S1 Regional Modelling: New Approaches and Data G16-O6 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
S42-S1 Causes and Effects of Regional Integration: Development of Local Economy via Mobility G17-O4 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
S43-S2 Geography of discontent: Explanations and policies G18-O4 Tourism and Culture
S46-S1 Recent Trends in Regional Socio-Economic Inequalities G19-O3 Health and Environmental Issues
S51-S2 Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation: Social and labour policies G23-O3 Rural Issues
S55-S2 The EU Cohesion Policy after 2020 – How to achieve faster and more impactful spending where it is needed the most?
S66-S1 Assessing impacts of automated driving and automated mobility
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Lunch Friday
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ERSAC Meeting (invitation only)
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Technical Excursion 4
"Heritage and urban development"
* Special Sessions Fri 3
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Fri 3
S08-S2 New working spaces, digital transformations and peripheral areas G04-O13 Regional and Urban Development
S12-S1 Socio-spatial equity in the light of post-industrial restructuring, modeling exercises in Africa and Asia G06-O8 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S13-S1 Mainstreaming Smart Specialisation across European Union policies: challenges, opportunities and tools G07-O6 Innovation and Regional Development
S17-S2 Geography of science and the spatial dimension of scientific activity G10-O4 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Economics
S19-S2 Regional Entrepreneurship Policy G12-O4 Location of Economic Activityy
S26-S2 Comparing local and regional development within and between countries – what information and data is needed? G17-O5 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
S31-S1 Carpooling for daily trips G18-O5 Tourism and Culture
S34-S2 Regional Modelling: New Approaches and Data G23-O4 Rural Issues
S42-S2 Causes and Effects of Regional Integration: Development of Local Economy via Mobility
S49-S1 The retail chains development and changes in service patterns in small towns and rural areas
S51-S3 Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation: Policies for regions and cities
S53-S1 Breaking out of the Bubble - Teaching and Dissemination of Regional Science
S68-S1 Transport Infrastructures and European Integration in the Framework of the White Paper 2011: Evaluation, Benchmark, Perspectives at the Age of Digital Transformation
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Afternoon Coffee break Friday
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Closing Ceremony
Presentation of Awards / Keynote Lecture ERSA Prize Winner 2019 / Handover of the ERSA flag to Bolzano-Bozen LOC 2020 / Closing Speeches
8:00 PM - 12:00 AM Gala Dinner and After Party
Venue: La Sucrière, Lyon
Special Session
Refereed/Ordinary Session
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
* Special Sessions Fri 1
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Fri 1
S07-S1 Transportation and Mobility in an Ageing Society. Perspectives, Trends and Drivers G04-O11 Regional and Urban Development
S14-S1 Collaboration-based innovation policies: theory, empirics and practitioner feedbacks G05-O6 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
S18-S2 Entrepreneurship and local development: symbiosis and/or dissonance? G06-O6 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S32-S1 Spatial CGE, land use and transport modeling G07-O4 Innovation and Regional Development
S37-S1 Geography of the real estate stock wealth and of its evolutions G08-O7 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S39-S2 Understanding urbanisation at a global scale: definitions and empirical analyses (OECD and European Commission) G10-O2 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Economics
S43-S1 Geography of discontent: Explanations and policies G12-O2 Location of Economic Activity
S48-S1 The Mediterranean: conflicts, ecological and economic values Time: of a changing sea environment G17-O3 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
S51-S1 Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation: Policies for firms G20-O2 Social Innovation for Resilient Regions
S52-S1 Joint SBCA ERSA Session on Evaluation
S55-S1 The EU Cohesion Policy after 2020 – How to achieve faster and more impactful spending where it is needed the most?
S57-S1 Freight mobility and urban forms
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Technical Excursion 3
"Eco tour vs UNESCO"
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Morning Coffee break Friday
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
* Special Sessions Fri 2
* Refereed/Ordinary Session Fri 2
S07-S2 Transportation and Mobility in an Ageing Society. Perspectives, Trends and Drivers G08-R1 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
S08-S1 New working spaces, digital transformations and peripheral areas G04-O12 Regional and Urban Development
S14-S2 Collaboration-based innovation policies: theory, empirics and practitioner feedbacks G06-O7 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S17-S1 Geography of science and the spatial dimension of scientific activity G07-O5 Innovation and Regional Development
S19-S1 Regional Entrepreneurship Policy G10-O3 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Economics
S26-S1 Comparing local and regional development within and between countries – what information and data is needed? G12-O3 Location of Economic Activity
S34-S1 Regional Modelling: New Approaches and Data G16-O6 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
S42-S1 Causes and Effects of Regional Integration: Development of Local Economy via Mobility G17-O4 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
S43-S2 Geography of discontent: Explanations and policies G18-O4 Tourism and Culture
S46-S1 Recent Trends in Regional Socio-Economic Inequalities G19-O3 Health and Environmental Issues
S51-S2 Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation: Social and labour policies G23-O3 Rural Issues
S55-S2 The EU Cohesion Policy after 2020 – How to achieve faster and more impactful spending where it is needed the most?
S66-S1 Assessing impacts of automated driving and automated mobility
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Lunch Friday
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ERSAC Meeting (invitation only)
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Technical Excursion 4
"Heritage and urban development"
* Special Sessions Fri 3
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Fri 3
S08-S2 New working spaces, digital transformations and peripheral areas G04-O13 Regional and Urban Development
S12-S1 Socio-spatial equity in the light of post-industrial restructuring, modeling exercises in Africa and Asia G06-O8 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
S13-S1 Mainstreaming Smart Specialisation across European Union policies: challenges, opportunities and tools G07-O6 Innovation and Regional Development
S17-S2 Geography of science and the spatial dimension of scientific activity G10-O4 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Economics
S19-S2 Regional Entrepreneurship Policy G12-O4 Location of Economic Activityy
S26-S2 Comparing local and regional development within and between countries – what information and data is needed? G17-O5 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
S31-S1 Carpooling for daily trips G18-O5 Tourism and Culture
S34-S2 Regional Modelling: New Approaches and Data G23-O4 Rural Issues
S42-S2 Causes and Effects of Regional Integration: Development of Local Economy via Mobility
S49-S1 The retail chains development and changes in service patterns in small towns and rural areas
S51-S3 Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation: Policies for regions and cities
S53-S1 Breaking out of the Bubble - Teaching and Dissemination of Regional Science
S68-S1 Transport Infrastructures and European Integration in the Framework of the White Paper 2011: Evaluation, Benchmark, Perspectives at the Age of Digital Transformation
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Afternoon Coffee break Friday
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Closing Ceremony
Presentation of Awards / Keynote Lecture ERSA Prize Winner 2019 / Handover of the ERSA flag to Bolzano-Bozen LOC 2020 / Closing Speeches
8:00 PM - 12:00 AM Gala Dinner and After Party
Venue: La Sucrière, Lyon

Special Session
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
* Special Sessions Fri 1
S07-S1 Transportation and Mobility in an Ageing Society. Perspectives, Trends and Drivers
S14-S1 Collaboration-based innovation policies: theory, empirics and practitioner feedbacks
S18-S2 Entrepreneurship and local development: symbiosis and/or dissonance?
S32-S1 Spatial CGE, land use and transport modeling
S37-S1 Geography of the real estate stock wealth and of its evolutions
S39-S2 Understanding urbanisation at a global scale: definitions and empirical analyses (OECD and European Commission)
S43-S1 Geography of discontent: Explanations and policies
S48-S1 The Mediterranean: conflicts, ecological and economic values Time: of a changing sea environment
S51-S1 Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation: Policies for firms
S52-S1 Joint SBCA ERSA Session on Evaluation
S55-S1 The EU Cohesion Policy after 2020 – How to achieve faster and more impactful spending where it is needed the most?
S57-S1 Freight mobility and urban forms
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Technical Excursion 3
"Eco tour vs UNESCO"
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Morning Coffee break Friday
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
* Special Sessions Fri 2
S07-S2 Transportation and Mobility in an Ageing Society. Perspectives, Trends and Drivers
S08-S1 New working spaces, digital transformations and peripheral areas
S14-S2 Collaboration-based innovation policies: theory, empirics and practitioner feedbacks
S17-S1 Geography of science and the spatial dimension of scientific activity
S19-S1 Regional Entrepreneurship Policy
S26-S1 Comparing local and regional development within and between countries – what information and data is needed?
S34-S1 Regional Modelling: New Approaches and Data
S42-S1 Causes and Effects of Regional Integration: Development of Local Economy via Mobility
S43-S2 Geography of discontent: Explanations and policies
S46-S1 Recent Trends in Regional Socio-Economic Inequalities
S51-S2 Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation: Social and labour policies
S55-S2 The EU Cohesion Policy after 2020 – How to achieve faster and more impactful spending where it is needed the most?
S66-S1 Assessing impacts of automated driving and automated mobility
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Lunch Friday
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ERSAC Meeting (invitation only)
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Technical Excursion 4
"Heritage and urban development"
* Special Sessions Fri 3
S08-S2 New working spaces, digital transformations and peripheral areas
S12-S1 Socio-spatial equity in the light of post-industrial restructuring, modeling exercises in Africa and Asia
S13-S1 Mainstreaming Smart Specialisation across European Union policies: challenges, opportunities and tools
S17-S2 Geography of science and the spatial dimension of scientific activity
S19-S2 Regional Entrepreneurship Policy
S26-S2 Comparing local and regional development within and between countries – what information and data is needed?
S31-S1 Carpooling for daily trips
S34-S2 Regional Modelling: New Approaches and Data
S42-S2 Causes and Effects of Regional Integration: Development of Local Economy via Mobility
S49-S1 The retail chains development and changes in service patterns in small towns and rural areas
S51-S3 Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation: Policies for regions and cities
S53-S1 Breaking out of the Bubble - Teaching and Dissemination of Regional Science
S68-S1 Transport Infrastructures and European Integration in the Framework of the White Paper 2011: Evaluation, Benchmark, Perspectives at the Age of Digital Transformation
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Afternoon Coffee break Friday
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Closing Ceremony
Presentation of Awards / Keynote Lecture ERSA Prize Winner 2019 / Handover of the ERSA flag to Bolzano-Bozen LOC 2020 / Closing Speeches
8:00 PM - 12:00 AM Gala Dinner and After Party
Venue: La Sucrière, Lyon

Refereed/Ordinary Session
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Fri 1
G04-O11 Regional and Urban Development
G05-O6 Regional and Urban Labour Markets
G06-O6 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
G07-O4 Innovation and Regional Development
G08-O7 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
G10-O2 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Economics
G12-O2 Location of Economic Activity
G17-O3 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
G20-O2 Social Innovation for Resilient Regions
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Technical Excursion 3
"Eco tour vs UNESCO"
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Morning Coffee break Friday
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
* Refereed/Ordinary Session Fri 2
G08-R1 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
G04-O12 Regional and Urban Development
G06-O7 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
G07-O5 Innovation and Regional Development
G10-O3 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Economics
G12-O3 Location of Economic Activity
G16-O6 Transport, Land Use and Accessibility
G17-O4 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
G18-O4 Tourism and Culture
G19-O3 Health and Environmental Issues
G23-O3 Rural Issues
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Lunch Friday
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ERSAC Meeting (invitation only)
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Technical Excursion 4
"Heritage and urban development"
* Refereed/Ordinary Sessions Fri 3
G04-O13 Regional and Urban Development
G06-O8 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
G07-O6 Innovation and Regional Development
G10-O4 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Economics
G12-O4 Location of Economic Activityy
G17-O5 Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour
G18-O5 Tourism and Culture
G23-O4 Rural Issues
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Afternoon Coffee break Friday
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Closing Ceremony
Presentation of Awards / Keynote Lecture ERSA Prize Winner 2019 / Handover of the ERSA flag to Bolzano-Bozen LOC 2020 / Closing Speeches
8:00 PM - 12:00 AM Gala Dinner and After Party
Venue: La Sucrière, Lyon
