S02-S1 Digital and spatial transformation: structures and relations in the knowledge economy
Special Session
Wednesday, August 28, 2019 |
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM |
IUT_Room 402 |
Convenor(s): Stefan Lüthi, Michael Bentlage, Alain Thierstein / Chair: Stefan Lüthi
Mr Jonas Glaesser
Ph.D. Student
Technical University Of Munich
Spatial effects of digital transformation. An analysis on the example of an automotive R&D network
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Jonas Glaesser (p), Michael Bentlage , Alain Thierstein
Discussant for this paper
Alain Thierstein
'see extended abstract'
Mr Matthew Zenkteler
Ph.D. Student
Queensland University Of Technology (qut)
Fostering home-based work and remote work in neighbourhoods: design scenarios
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Matthew Zenkteler (p), Marcus Foth , Gregory Hearn
Discussant for this paper
Alain Thierstein
Please see the extended abstract uploaded below.
Dr. Miguel Manjon
Associate Professor
University Rovira I Virgili
What makes a city “smart”? Evidence from Belgian municipalities
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Miguel Manjon (p), Nathalie Crutzen
Discussant for this paper
Alain Thierstein
Despite the considerable amount of resources devoted to “smart city” initiatives, little is known about what makes a city more or less “smart”. We use survey data from Belgian municipalities to analyse the determinants of the “smartness of a city”, as measured by the assessment made by well-informed local public officials. We find that only the economic and social-human capital factors are (positively) correlated with our “smartness” measure. This cast doubts on the effective role played by other factors, such as governance- participation and transportation, identified as critical in the literature (as well as by local governments and other stakeholders).