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S63-S1 Public transportation and big data: data processing and valuation

Special Session
Thursday, August 29, 2019
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
MILC_Room 310


Convenor(s): Patrick Bonnel, Oscar Egu, Catherine Morency, Martin Trépanier / Chair: Patrick Bonnel


Agenda Item Image
Ms Manlika Sukitpaneenit
Ph.D. Student
Imperial College London

High spatial resolution traffic flow and emissions based on taxi GPS data in Bangkok, Thailand

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Manlika Sukitpaneenit (p), Marc E. J. Stettler

Discussant for this paper

Oscar Egu


A high spatial resolution traffic flow is an important input variable for vehicle emissions estimates and health impact assessments. Due to the limited number of fixed detectors on roads, it is a challenging task to estimate the traffic flow on the entire the road network. In this study, we demonstrate a methodology for predicting traffic flow using the GPS data from public taxis (probe vehicles). The fundamental diagram, which describes the relationship between traffic flow, speed, and density, is applied in order to estimate the flow. Uncertainty in the estimated traffic flow is also quantified and propagated to uncertainties in vehicle emissions estimates. The methodology is applied to a case study in Bangkok Metropolitan Region, Thailand using data from approximately 3,000 taxis, to estimate the average vehicle speed on each road segment. A validation of the traffic flow estimates is performed for each road categories.

Full Paper - access for all participants

Mr Oscar Egu
Ph.D. Student
LAET-ENTPE, University of Lyon

Comparing origin-destination matrices derived from smart card data with a large scale OD survey. A case study in Lyon.

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Oscar Egu (p)

Discussant for this paper

Manlika Sukitpaneenit


see extended abstract