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G06-O1 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance

Refereed/0rdinary Session
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
IUT_Room 306


Chair: Roberto Ippoliti


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Mr Marcos Sanso-Navarro
Associate Professor
Universidad de Zaragoza

An assessment of poverty determinants in U.S. census tracts, 1970-2010

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Carlos Gayán-Navarro, Marcos Sanso-Navarro (p), Fernando Sanz-Gracia


This paper carries out an empirical analysis of the variables that explain poverty rates in U.S. census tracts. To do so, a geographically consistent panel data set covering 366 MSAs during 1970-2010 has been used. Our study begins by testing for the stationarity of poverty rates and establishing the estimation strategy. We will show the differences between the poverty determinants in (i) the suburbs and the city center, (ii) big, medium and small MSAs, and (iii) rich and poor tracts. The analysis of the socio-economic factors that are significantly related to poverty will also allow us to establish the role played by the filtering process in urban housing markets. Even though we obtain evidence that poverty rates can be considered stationary processes, estimation results suggest that they display some degree of persistence and spatial dependence. The variables that have a positive and significant relationship with poverty are the percentages of racial minorities, female-headed families, renter-occupied housing and old dwellings. On the contrary, educational attainment, female employment rate and the percentages of population under 18 and over 60 are negatively associated with poverty. We have not found a significant influence of the employment rate on poverty. Nevertheless, it can be stated that this phenomenon has a sectoral component. These results are framed within the debate about the design of local development strategies, establishing under which circumstances place-based policies should prevail over person-centred ones, and vice versa. In a nutshell, our findings lead us to conclude that these two perspectives
are complementary rather than substitutes.
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Mr Youngsub Kim
Ph.D. Student
Chunnam University

A Study on the Connection Network Characteristics and Activation Plan of Social Economic Organization Ecosystem : Focusing on Gwangju City

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Youngsub Kim (p)


The social economic organization can define the concept of a voluntary group or organization that is organized as a means to pursue public interest and creating profit for the enterprises at the same time and to realize social purpose through solving various problems in the community.
The Korean social and economic organization has been rapidly quantitative growing since the enactment of the "Social Enterprise Promotion Act" in 2007. Typical forms include social enterprises, cooperatives, village enterprises, and self-help companies. As of the end of December 2018, 19,536 social economic organizations are operating nationwide.
The government established the Korea Social Enterprise Agency in 2011 as an intermediate support organization to support social economic organizations and designated various forms of intermediate support organizations for each region.
Although network formation between social economic organization and intermediary support organization is very important factor for growth of social economic organization, but, network analysis through industrial classification is hard to find.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the connection network activities with the intermediate support organization and to search the direction of the social economic ecosystem in Gwangju Metropolitan City by differentiating the industrial classification into the social service part and the other part. Based on theories and previous studies on network activities, research hypotheses and models are set up through questionnaires.
First, the analysis direction is to dynamically analyze the interconnection network activity of ecosystem of social economy organization. Second, it seeks to grasp the characteristics of exchanges such as voluntary cooperation with social economic organization and intermediary support organization that are differentiated by industrial classification.
Through this study, we analyze the connection network of social economic organization ecosystem in Gwangju Metropolitan City, and propose a way for intermediate support organization to contribute to the activation of social economic organization.
Mr Vladimir Klimanov
Full Professor

Balance of Financial Flows between the Center and Regions in Russia: Alternative Estimations

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Vladimir Klimanov (p)


The method of calculating the balance of financial flows between the Federal and regional budgets should be the basis of the system of Federal monitoring, analysis and forecasting of the situation in regions.
The balance of financial flows by region is characterized by some indicators, e.g. the ratio of revenues collected in a region for Federal budget, on the one hand, and Federal budget expenditures, including grants, in the territory of this region, on the other hand. In accordance with Russia’s budget legislation, the regions which receive unmatched grants are named as donors. Last five years, not more than 15 Russia’s regions were among those who did not receive such grants. At the same time, according to the data obtained in the study, the number of regions by the percentage of return on the balance of financial flows, as well as according to the balance of financial flows, considering the direct expenses of the Federal budget, reached 20 or even more.
In addition to direct spending, the Federal budget provides regions with grants. In 2016, their share in the total amount of Federal expenditures by territories ranged from 6 per cent in Moscow to 57 per cent in the Republics of Altai and Dagestan. The percentage of return on the balance sheet of financial flows was 77 per cent on average and ranged from 3 per cent in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region to about 5,000 per cent in the Republic of Ingushetia.
The informal rules in the decision-making regarding the regulation of financial flows from the Federal budget to the regional ones indicates the need for further improvement of intergovernmental relations in Russia. In this regard, the described method of calculating the total balance of financial flows for each region can become the basis for making certain individual decisions in relation to a region when providing, for example, targeted subsidies. Such measures will become one of the tools for the introduction of new principles of a differentiated approach in the regulation of regional development.
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Prof. Roberto Ippoliti
Junior Researcher
University of Bielefeld

The sustainability of a community nurses programme in mountain areas: a Directional Distance Function approach.

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Roberto Ippoliti (p), Greta Falavigna


This manuscript focuses on the sustainability of a European Union project, funded by the Alpine Space Programme. This project aims to develop an innovative care model based on community nurses to support municipalities in promoting active and healthy ageing. Adopting the Directional Distance Function, our work sets out to propose a specific score able to identify all those municipalities that are inefficient in supporting the ageing process. According to the estimated scores, policy makers can make more rational use of the available resources, implementing the innovative treatments where it is most necessary. In this way, the achievements of this European Union project can be maintained for the sake of the next generation, avoiding its collapse as soon as funding shifts to new programmes.
Ms Juhee Jeong
Post-Doc Researcher
Chonnam National University

A Study on the Correlation between Mobile E-Government Use Satisfaction and Political Efficacy in South Korea's 2030 Generation

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Juhee Jeong (p), James Jeong , Jumong Na


 According to the Ministry of Science and ICT's 2017 Internet Usage Survey, 90.3% South Koreans over 3 years of age use the internet. In particular, the usage rate of smartphones in the 2030 generation reaches 99.8%, making it easier to access the Internet through mobile. Based on these trends, many scholars recently note that the Internet has transformed the younger generation into a political participant with a new mode of activity. In addition, the transition to e-government centered on citizen participation is taking place. Therefore, e-government is changing from 'provision' of civil service to 'role as window' where opinions can be presented if the internet is available. The purpose of this study is to confirm the descriptive statistics of the e-government use satisfaction of 2030 Generation households based on the survey of actual conditions of e-government service utilization conducted by the National Information Society Agency. This study subsequently gives an insight into the e-government services that have influenced the political efficacy of the 2030 Generation. Based on these insights, I will present development directions to reinforce Korea's status as a world leader in e-government. Through this study, it is expected that the citizens' political participation will be expanded in the future and the directions to better realize e-democracy will be presented.