G24-O2 Empirical Methods in Regional and Urban Analysis
Refereed/0rdinary Session
Wednesday, August 28, 2019 |
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM |
MILC_Room 308 |
Chair : Artem Korzhenevych
Dr. Katsuhiro Sakurai
Associate Professor
Rissho University
Evaluation Modeling of the Water Environmental Policy in the Integrated River Basin and Bay Area
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Katsuhiro Sakurai (p), Hiroyuki Shibusawa
The purpose of this study is to develop the environmental policy evaluation model, and to analyze comprehensively the environmental and economic impacts in the integrated river basin and the bay area. The target area is the Toyogawa River basin and the Mikawa bay area that is a part of the Aichi Prefecture, Japan. The Toyogawa River basin has an area of 724 square kilometers, which spreads from the urban, bay area in the south the rural, mountainous area of the north. Particularly the southern area of the basin has been developed ever since the water for the household, agricultural, and industrial use has been supplied from the Toyogawa River. Today, this development includes the high value-added agricultural systems in the cities of Toyohashi and Tahara, and the manufacturing base, which includes the automobile industry, around the beyond the Mikawa Port. We analyze the regional economic and environmental data of the Toyogawa River Basin and the Mikawa bay area, and construct the system model to clarify the interaction between the regional economy and the water environment in the basin, which model describes the socio-economic activities and its impact on the water environment in the Mikawa bay. The model is mainly considered the water quality and environment as maximum restrictions and has the aim at the purpose of maximizing the GDP of the basin area with consideration for the transportation structure of the water pollutant in the integrated river basin and bay area. Our model is the regional model to evaluate the environmental policy in the integrated area, which is defined as the simulation model. The simulation model is for example to evaluate the land use conversion and industrial subsidy policy to improve the water environment of the bay. Of course we can analyze the relationship between the regional economy and the water environment of the bay, and estimate the impacts of the regional economic activities.
Dr. Lamara Hadjou
Assistant Professor
University Of tizi ouzou
Impact of brand equity on consumers' purchase intention: Case of Tizi-Ouzou consumers
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Jugurta Akkoul (p), Lamara Hadjou
The purpose of this article is to assess the influences of brand equity dimensions on purchase intention. We aim to determine the type of relationship between brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, and consumer willingness to buy a brand. A quantitative study was conducted using a questionnaire distributed to a sample of 200 consumers living in Tizi-Ouzou. The latter had to evaluate the biscuit brand "Bimo". Data analysis was performed with statistical data analysis software SPSS v21.. The results of our research highlight the existence of significant and positive relationships between the four dimensions of the brand and the purchase intention. The prospects of this research will shed more light on the consumption habits of Algerians.
Ms. Minsong Seo
Ph.D. Student
Gyeongsang National University
Analysis of fire patterns according to land use in Korea local government
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Minsong Seo (p), Hwan Hee Yoo
Fire is one of the most frequent disasters in Korean cities, as well as traffic accidents, and causes tremendous damage to property and loss of life. In this study, fire occurrence data were collected for approximately 10 years, between 2007 and 2017, from the city of Jinju, which is a medium and small city located in the southern part of Korea. We analyzed the cause of fire according to land use and the correlation of the occurrence of fire through the analysis of temporal and spatial patterns. Time series analysis was carried out to predict future fire occurrence.
The following conclusions were obtained, first, as a result of the analysis of the occurrence of fires based on land use, fire in Jinju city were located mostly in the center and in the residential area of the city. Between 2007 and 2012, fires occurred in the central commercial area and in the industrial area that was the old center of the city. On the other hand, from 2013 to 2017, the fires are grouped around the existing residential areas and the recent ones built by residential development projects. Second, to analyze to predict the fire occurrence trend of Jinju city, time series analysis was performed by seasonal ARIMA model based on 10 years data. Through this, it was possible to predict the trend of fire occurrence for the next two years. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test (ADF Test) was used to verify the stability of the time series data, and the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) analysis was applied to predict of the time series data.
The following conclusions were obtained, first, as a result of the analysis of the occurrence of fires based on land use, fire in Jinju city were located mostly in the center and in the residential area of the city. Between 2007 and 2012, fires occurred in the central commercial area and in the industrial area that was the old center of the city. On the other hand, from 2013 to 2017, the fires are grouped around the existing residential areas and the recent ones built by residential development projects. Second, to analyze to predict the fire occurrence trend of Jinju city, time series analysis was performed by seasonal ARIMA model based on 10 years data. Through this, it was possible to predict the trend of fire occurrence for the next two years. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test (ADF Test) was used to verify the stability of the time series data, and the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) analysis was applied to predict of the time series data.
Dr. Elzbieta Antczak
Ph.D. Student
University Of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Determinants of Municipal Waste in Poland: Analyses of Spatially Varying Relationships
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Elzbieta Antczak (p)
In Poland, identifying key factors affecting the quantity of generated and recovered waste is currently becoming one of the most significant challenges for the contemporary science dedicated to the theory and practice of waste management. The diversification, intensity and strength of influence of specific factors determine changes in the quantity and morphological composition of generated municipal waste. That knowledge may, in turn, form a basis for preparing reliable expert opinions and prognostic models, as well as support local governments in waste management decision-making processes. This article attempts to identify factors impacting on the quantity of municipal waste collected in Poland, taking into account the variability of influence of particular determinants depending on their regional diversification. The analysis covered the years 2005-2017 and local administrative units - communes (LAU-2). The spatial heterogeneity of the variable, identified spatial concentration and spatial relationships warranted applying geographically weighted regression with spatial error term (GWR-SEM) in the study. The dependent variable in regression is the total quantity of municipal waste in kg per capita, whereas the group of determinants included: uncontrolled dumping sites, population density, share of the population at the working age as % of the total population, registrations for permanent residence, nights spent by tourists per 1000 capita, dummy variable indicated urban and rural area, dwellings per 1000 population, permanent marketplaces per 100 thousand capita, entities entered in the REGON register per 10 thous. population, graduates per 10 population and investments in waste municipal management; The results prove that, e.g.: 1) the share of waste collected separately from the households is only 30% during the year; 2) the higher the level of education the less waste is generated - especially in the north-central Poland; 3) the entities entered in the REGON register per 10 thous. population and share of the population at the working age as % of the total population are crucial for the waste quantity in regions of eastern Poland; 4) the factor most considerably as to its regional range affecting the annually collected municipal waste quantity is the nights spent by tourists per 1000 capita; 5) the share of individuals of working age was the factor most considerably (as to its strength) affected the quantity of annually collected municipal waste; 6) the applicable “litter law” does not introduce a tight, coherent, rational and effective waste management model (the investments in waste management is not significant in estimations);
Supported: NCN/Miniatura2 2018/02/X/HS4/00966
Supported: NCN/Miniatura2 2018/02/X/HS4/00966