G23-O1 Rural Issues
Refereed/Ordinary Session
Thursday, August 29, 2019 |
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM |
IUT_Room 301 |
Chair: Vítor João Pereira Domingues Martinho
Prof. Tatiana Blinova
Senior Researcher
Institute of Agrarian Problems of The RAS
Assessment of economic losses caused by mortality of rural population at working age in Russia
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Tatiana Blinova (p), Victor Rusanovskiy , Vladimir Markov
The purpose of this study is to quantify the cost equivalent of economic losses from mortality of the rural population of working age in Russia (2012-2017). The size of the economic losses caused by the mortality of the rural population is measured by the scale of agricultural products potential underproduction. The approaches that exist in the scientific literature to measuring the economic losses from mortality and assessing the economic equivalent of the cost of living are reviewed and summarized. On the basis of the calculations carried out, the variants of quantitative estimation of economic losses scale from mortality of the rural working age population are proposed.
The results of the study showed that significant interregional differences in economic losses from mortality of the rural population of the Russian Federation of working age remain. The estimation of interregional differentiation of indicators of economic losses for 2012-2017 years is carried out. It is shown that the greatest economic losses is recorded from external causes of death, diseases of the circulatory system, tumors, as well as some infectious and parasitic diseases.
Acknowledgements. The research received support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), project No 19-010-00229A.
The results of the study showed that significant interregional differences in economic losses from mortality of the rural population of the Russian Federation of working age remain. The estimation of interregional differentiation of indicators of economic losses for 2012-2017 years is carried out. It is shown that the greatest economic losses is recorded from external causes of death, diseases of the circulatory system, tumors, as well as some infectious and parasitic diseases.
Acknowledgements. The research received support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), project No 19-010-00229A.
Dr. Mikael Akimowicz
Associate Professor
University Toulouse III
Catching the train? A community-based analysis of digital technologies utilization in rural Manitoba, Canada.
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Sherine Salmon, Mikaël Akimowicz (p)
Despite new opportunities for development in rural communities, digital technologies have not always met expectations. In particular, their status as a panacea for rural communities has been extensively discussed over the last twenty years. Many rural communities have been slow to adopt these technologies or achieve meaningful outcomes, further contributing to the urban-rural digital divide. Researchers have identified the use of digital technologies as an important area requiring a better understanding in order to realize their potential for expanding and developing capitals.
In this presentation, we investigate the opportunities and barriers associated with the use of digital technologies in three rural communities of Southern Manitoba, Canada. The content of interviews with business representatives and focus groups with youths and seniors is analyzed through the theoretical framework of the community capitals (CC), which includes natural, built, financial, political, human, social, and cultural capitals. In our operationalization of the CC framework, we introduce a dynamic perspective by discussing capitals interactions as well as in- and out-flows of capitals in addition to the current stocks of capitals.
The analysis highlights the resilience of rural communities and the creativity associated with their utilization of digital technologies, which enable them to take advantage of opportunities despite serious barriers. In particular, preliminary results show that:
- The lack of infrastructure to support coverage and connectivity can lead to security issues;
- Access costs are higher in rural areas, where extra equipment is needed to boost signals and services are not always delivered;
- Skills are mostly self-taught, which fits the entrepreneurial attitude of most business representatives but can result in fears among seniors who tend to learn more slowly;
- Integration of digital technologies is fast-paced in every domain of everyday life (education, social life, economic activity)
By August 2019, data analysis will be complete and definite results will be included in the presentation.
In this presentation, we investigate the opportunities and barriers associated with the use of digital technologies in three rural communities of Southern Manitoba, Canada. The content of interviews with business representatives and focus groups with youths and seniors is analyzed through the theoretical framework of the community capitals (CC), which includes natural, built, financial, political, human, social, and cultural capitals. In our operationalization of the CC framework, we introduce a dynamic perspective by discussing capitals interactions as well as in- and out-flows of capitals in addition to the current stocks of capitals.
The analysis highlights the resilience of rural communities and the creativity associated with their utilization of digital technologies, which enable them to take advantage of opportunities despite serious barriers. In particular, preliminary results show that:
- The lack of infrastructure to support coverage and connectivity can lead to security issues;
- Access costs are higher in rural areas, where extra equipment is needed to boost signals and services are not always delivered;
- Skills are mostly self-taught, which fits the entrepreneurial attitude of most business representatives but can result in fears among seniors who tend to learn more slowly;
- Integration of digital technologies is fast-paced in every domain of everyday life (education, social life, economic activity)
By August 2019, data analysis will be complete and definite results will be included in the presentation.
Prof. Vítor João Pereira Domingues Martinho
Associate Professor
Agricultural School (ESAV) and CERNAS-IPV Research Centre, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (IPV)
Behaviour of wine demand in Portuguese regions
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Vítor João Pereira Domingues Martinho (p)
The wine markets have, in general, specific behaviours which makes it difficult to analyse them, namely in our days, where there are many information and many factors to take into account. In fact, the wine markets are very diverse and sometimes it is difficult to predict the reaction from the consumption to endogenous and exogenous shocks. In these cases, often, the most problematic is the definition of adjusted prices. In this way, the main objective of this work is to analyse the sales and the prices of still wine from the Portuguese wine regions, considering data from the Portuguese Wine Institute (IVV), since the first quarter of 2014 until the first quarter of 2017. On the other hand, taking into account data envelopment analysis, they were obtained optimized prices based on approaches of technical efficiency. The results show that considering the domestic demand structure for the Portuguese still wine (in the recent years), 4 euros/litre in the Alentejo region is adjusted because the great volume of wine sold. The same happens for the Algarve region taking into account the reduced dimension of the sales (12.5 euros per litre). However, the remain Portuguese wine regions need to improve significantly their prices to become more efficient in the use of the resources available, because are, in general, smaller regions with more reduced volume of sales. The case that deserves more concerns is the Portuguese region Beiras (original prices of 1.961 euros). The contexts verified, for example, for the regions Douro and Minho are less preoccupant, considering some proximity between the original and the optimized prices. There is, indeed, some work to do, namely, in the smaller regions to improve the quality and, consequently, improve the prices. The specialization and the customization taking advantage from the new market tendencies could be an interesting approach for these Portuguese regions with great endogenous richness.
Acknowledgments: This work is financed by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P., under the project UID/Multi/04016/2019. Furthermore we would like to thank the Instituto Politécnico de Viseu and CI&DETS for their support.
Acknowledgments: This work is supported by national funds, through the FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the project UID/SOC/04011/2019.
Acknowledgments: This work is financed by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P., under the project UID/Multi/04016/2019. Furthermore we would like to thank the Instituto Politécnico de Viseu and CI&DETS for their support.
Acknowledgments: This work is supported by national funds, through the FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the project UID/SOC/04011/2019.
Dr. Yaning Dong
Post-Doc Researcher
Peking University
A Study on The "Two-Way" Flow of Urban and Rural Talents Under The Background of Chinese Rural Revitalization
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Yaning Dong (p), Yun Gu
Research Objectives: The key to the revitalization of rural areas lies in the revitalization of talents. To analyse the influence mechanism of regional and local quality, especially the equalization and convenience of public services on the two-way flow of urban and rural heterogeneous talents. Research Methods: By constructing a spatial general equilibrium model which integrates the functions of income equality, public service choice and migration friction, this paper USES mathematical analysis and numerical simulation to reveal the internal mechanism of the "two-way" flow of heterogeneous talents between urban and rural areas. Research Findings: By Raising wages and improving local ecological conditions will help attract more talents. According to the "critical condition of talent pendulum", when the interregional convenience effect is equal to the regional convenience effect, the spatial distribution of urban and rural talents presents a stable state. When the regional convenience effect is greater than the inter-regional convenience effect, improving the types and quality of local public services is conducive to attracting talents to move to the region. When the inter-regional convenience effect is greater than the intra-regional convenience effect, improving the types and quality of local public services is not conducive to attracting talents to move to the region. The improvement of the convenience of public services in the region and the consumption of public services in the other region is conducive to the relocation of talents to the region. Research Innovations: Research on systematic integration of talent location selection by integrating multiple migration mechanisms. Research Value: To provide scientific theoretical basis for promoting the revitalization of rural talents.
Dr. Inmaculada Alvarez
Full Professor
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Rural and agricultural development by land consolidation: a spatial production analysis of Asturias´ parishes
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Inmaculada Alvarez (p), Luis Orea , Jose Antonio Perez
This paper evaluates the impact of the land consolidation processes that have taken place in Asturias during the period 2001-2017. These processes have been received European funds because of their potential to improve the economic activity in rural areas and stabilize their population. In particular, land consolidation aims to increase farms’ productivity as these processes involve public investment in infrastructures that favour accessibility and development in these and adjacent areas. To evaluate the effect of land consolidation processes on milk and meat production we treat the parishes in Asturias as production units and estimate a set of distance functions. We use the number of dairy and beef herd in the parishes as a proxy of the production of the farms located in each parish. With this aim we consider different indicators collecting several aspects about the quantity and the intensity of those consolidation processes. In particular, we consider the number of processes, their duration, which is an indicator that collects the time elapsed between processes, and investment per hectare carried out.
Our preliminary results indicate that only the investment in land consolidation contributes to increase farms production. Therefore, processes should not be separated in time. However, the investment has an opposite effect, that is, the intensity of the processes in monetary terms helps to encourage agricultural production. It also worth noting that the interactions with investment are positive. This results suggest that higher investment contribute to enhance the effect of the other indicators of land consolidation.
To identify the magnitude and the significance of the spillover effects equivalent regressions are performed including the land consolidation processes carried out in the adjacent parishes. Following the standard approach in the literature, we present estimations of production function including the spillover effects of land consolidation indicators from neighboring parishes. They are as relevant as the internal consolidation processes, thereby confirming the importance of considering the notion of spatial interactions in these studies.
Our preliminary results indicate that only the investment in land consolidation contributes to increase farms production. Therefore, processes should not be separated in time. However, the investment has an opposite effect, that is, the intensity of the processes in monetary terms helps to encourage agricultural production. It also worth noting that the interactions with investment are positive. This results suggest that higher investment contribute to enhance the effect of the other indicators of land consolidation.
To identify the magnitude and the significance of the spillover effects equivalent regressions are performed including the land consolidation processes carried out in the adjacent parishes. Following the standard approach in the literature, we present estimations of production function including the spillover effects of land consolidation indicators from neighboring parishes. They are as relevant as the internal consolidation processes, thereby confirming the importance of considering the notion of spatial interactions in these studies.