S23-S1 Territorial and place-based governance, (new) processes for local coordination
Special Session
Wednesday, August 28, 2019 |
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM |
IUT_Room 303 |
Convenor(s): Fabienne Leloup / Chair: Fabienne Leloup
Ms Grace Kassis
Ph.D. Student
Territorial land use governance for conservation of aquatic biodiversity: emerging collective action in favor of an integrated land governance.
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Nathalie Bertrand (p), Grace Kassis (p)
Discussant for this paper
Fabienne Leloup
See extended abstract
Dr. Laurent Trognon
Other Academic Position
Agroparistech, Umr Territoires
Territorial Governance Through the Prism of the “Food System of the Middle” Concept
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Laurent Trognon (p)
Discussant for this paper
Fabienne Leloup
A territory, as an actors appropriated space, is a complex concept which can mean, at the same time, a manageable entity and a learning entity which is able to think by itself and conceive its strategy. In both cases, actors, resources, activities and policies interact. The territorial governance is that will allow co-ordinations between actors, scales, and also objects and projects. Such a coordination can be thought to assist a strategy whether that is built ex ante (territory as object) or coconstructed, along the way, by the actors (learning entity). In any case, a good governance is defined in relation to its beneficiaries. Within a territory, economic sectors are structured, distinguished and combined. The territorial governance can relate to one, several or the whole of the territory sectors. Strictly speaking, the territorial dimension of such a governance implies the local anchoring of both the actors and the problematic to investigate. However and although often delimited by administrative perimeters, the spacial, territorial and local dimension can be emergent and somewhat fuzzy. At least, there is the idea of a "somewhere".
Since decades, researches have been carried out about food systems, through various concepts (terroir, supply chain, local food system, territorial food system, etc.) and in alternative perspectives to a "food from nowhere" offer. The Concept of “Food System of Middle” (object the SYAM project in the Research program For and About Regional Development, 2016-2019) is innovating in that it is very integrative by including responses to many demands from public and private actors, from consumer to producer, from elected official or NGOs to entrepreneur; it aims at articulating the triples performance wanted by the sustainable development and, for that, rests on and fits in a territorial governance.
In order to contribute to the special session objectives, this communication will present the concept of SYAM and give a case of it that illustrates the place-based governance mechanisms. Links will be made with the concept of businesses ecosystem and its extension as territorial ecosystem (learning territory). The central role of the keystone actor will be analysed and discussed, as well as the devices of a value-chain coordination that matter for the governance beneficiaries. Lastly, after having pointed out the militant character of the concept of SYAM, we will show how its appropriation and mobilization by the actors give sense and direction to their action and to the territorial governance.
Since decades, researches have been carried out about food systems, through various concepts (terroir, supply chain, local food system, territorial food system, etc.) and in alternative perspectives to a "food from nowhere" offer. The Concept of “Food System of Middle” (object the SYAM project in the Research program For and About Regional Development, 2016-2019) is innovating in that it is very integrative by including responses to many demands from public and private actors, from consumer to producer, from elected official or NGOs to entrepreneur; it aims at articulating the triples performance wanted by the sustainable development and, for that, rests on and fits in a territorial governance.
In order to contribute to the special session objectives, this communication will present the concept of SYAM and give a case of it that illustrates the place-based governance mechanisms. Links will be made with the concept of businesses ecosystem and its extension as territorial ecosystem (learning territory). The central role of the keystone actor will be analysed and discussed, as well as the devices of a value-chain coordination that matter for the governance beneficiaries. Lastly, after having pointed out the militant character of the concept of SYAM, we will show how its appropriation and mobilization by the actors give sense and direction to their action and to the territorial governance.
Dr. Jean-pierre NICOLAS
How do local stakeholders consider transport and housing energy precariousness? An example of new territorial governance issues
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Jean-Pierre Nicolas (p), Marie-Clotilde Meillerand, Sébastien Gardon, Vincent Warwzyniak, Natacha Gondran
Discussant for this paper
Fabienne Leloup
In the framework of that session on territorial and placed-based governance, we would be pleased to present the result of the RESILIENCE project on the interplay of local actors involved in energy precariousness in 3 French territories with distinctive characteristics (rural, peri-urban and urban).
Despite their growing interest for energy price issues, local stakeholders have difficulties to take into consideration the combined impact of household location on their housing heating and their daily mobility gasoline consumption. First, there is a lack of local databases crossing household expenses for housing and transport, which would allow better territorial diagnosis; second, and this is what we would like to point out in that communication, the local governance is structured by sector of action (housing, transport, energy, social, etc.), and it could be difficult for stakeholders to provide coherent answers when facing such a transversal issue.
How do these stakeholders coming from different sectors interplay? How do the territorial specificities interfere with their positioning and their local actions? These specificities can be economical, institutional, geographical, etc., but we will also emphasis on the historical dimension that can strongly affect the cooperation between actors.
The 3 territories that have been investigated are the Trièves ‘communauté de communes’, a rural territory located 30-40 kilometers in the south of Grenoble conurbation, the urban municipality of Saint Fons, integrated into the ‘Métropole de Lyon’, and the peri-urban territory of the ‘SCOT du Rovaltain’ (Roman, Valence, Tain-l’Hermitage, in the Rhône valley). These 3 territories are representative of French local collectivities with different fields of competence, at different scales and with different household energy issues: how does it influence the local stakeholders and their action? In the same time, the selection of these 3 territories is due to their very soon implication on energy and social issues, and the experimentations they then have been able to conduct.
Our presentation will focus on the way of housing and transport precariousness is ownershiped by local stakeholders of these 3 territories, with a particular attention on how they work together on that issue, the data and knowledge they mobilise, the difficulties and blocks they meet, how they identify the consequences of some spatial planning choices. The question of transversality and cross-sectorial cooperation will be a core issue of our presentation.
Despite their growing interest for energy price issues, local stakeholders have difficulties to take into consideration the combined impact of household location on their housing heating and their daily mobility gasoline consumption. First, there is a lack of local databases crossing household expenses for housing and transport, which would allow better territorial diagnosis; second, and this is what we would like to point out in that communication, the local governance is structured by sector of action (housing, transport, energy, social, etc.), and it could be difficult for stakeholders to provide coherent answers when facing such a transversal issue.
How do these stakeholders coming from different sectors interplay? How do the territorial specificities interfere with their positioning and their local actions? These specificities can be economical, institutional, geographical, etc., but we will also emphasis on the historical dimension that can strongly affect the cooperation between actors.
The 3 territories that have been investigated are the Trièves ‘communauté de communes’, a rural territory located 30-40 kilometers in the south of Grenoble conurbation, the urban municipality of Saint Fons, integrated into the ‘Métropole de Lyon’, and the peri-urban territory of the ‘SCOT du Rovaltain’ (Roman, Valence, Tain-l’Hermitage, in the Rhône valley). These 3 territories are representative of French local collectivities with different fields of competence, at different scales and with different household energy issues: how does it influence the local stakeholders and their action? In the same time, the selection of these 3 territories is due to their very soon implication on energy and social issues, and the experimentations they then have been able to conduct.
Our presentation will focus on the way of housing and transport precariousness is ownershiped by local stakeholders of these 3 territories, with a particular attention on how they work together on that issue, the data and knowledge they mobilise, the difficulties and blocks they meet, how they identify the consequences of some spatial planning choices. The question of transversality and cross-sectorial cooperation will be a core issue of our presentation.
Dr. Moyart Laurence
University Lecturer
Uclouvain (mons)
De la nouvelle fabrique de l'action publique en lien avec l’innovation et la créativité : application au cas wallon (Belgique)
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Moyart Laurence (p), Leloup Fabienne (p)
Discussant for this paper
Fabienne Leloup
'see extended abstract'