G18-O3 Tourism and Culture
Refereed/Ordinary Session
Thursday, August 29, 2019 |
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM |
IUT_Room 104 |
Chair: Kazuo Nishii
Prof. Kazuo Nishii
Full Professor
University Of Marketing And Distribution Sciences
The risks involved and determining factors over the stagnation period of tourism area life cycle (TALC) in the Onsen-tourism destinations
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Kazuo Nishii (p)
This study is motivated by the news that the earthquake struck Hokkaido last September and caused damage to tourism related industries at Noboribetsu, reporting anxiety that the damage will last long. The Noboribetsu Hot-Springs Resort is one of the Onsen tourism destinations, where a varied set of spa-related services and health-oriented activities are required for the attraction and satisfaction of wellness travelers.
This study aims to quantitatively analyze the Tourism Area Life Cycle (denoted TALC) in the Onsen tourism destinations and to identify involved risks and determining factors over the stagnation period.
In this study, we start to review the TALC researches referring to recent advances by Butler et.al (2006) and summarize them as follows: The first perspective is that there exists the variety of the TALC evolutionary processes depending on differences in both external and internal impacts. The second perspective concerns the diversified situations during the reorientation period of the TALC. Such diversification covers situations that range from decline to rejuvenation. Tourism destination marketers take evasive action to reorient forward to the post-stagnation period. Nonetheless, the types of destination management strategies vary from case to case corresponding to the circumstances specific to the surrounding areas. This means that a better understanding of the actual situation of the TALC should be required for better decisions with respect to area management strategies.
Based on these perspectives, the TALCs in Hokkaido and the Noboribetsu destination are quantitatively analyzed comparing with other hot-springs spa resorts. The analysis specifies evolutionary growth patterns and identifies what period they are actually positioned in their life cycles. It also intends to explore the risks and factors determining the fluctuation, especially in the stagnation period.
The results show that the TALC in Hokkaido can be classified into a stepped-up growth pattern: In the stepped-up stage, positive social capital impact caused pushing up the carrying capacity. They also indicate that the actual situation in Noboribetsu has been positioned into the stagnation period since 1970s. When our focusing on the risks involved over 40 years, it can be found that several earthquakes significantly offer negative impact on the number of visitors to Hokkaido and that the range of negative impact accounts from 2.4 to 9.6 points in a decreasing rate of the previous year.
Finally, we will try to clarify challenges on how we can inclusively manage the risks inherent in these stagnated tourism destinations to move the rejuvenation period.
This study aims to quantitatively analyze the Tourism Area Life Cycle (denoted TALC) in the Onsen tourism destinations and to identify involved risks and determining factors over the stagnation period.
In this study, we start to review the TALC researches referring to recent advances by Butler et.al (2006) and summarize them as follows: The first perspective is that there exists the variety of the TALC evolutionary processes depending on differences in both external and internal impacts. The second perspective concerns the diversified situations during the reorientation period of the TALC. Such diversification covers situations that range from decline to rejuvenation. Tourism destination marketers take evasive action to reorient forward to the post-stagnation period. Nonetheless, the types of destination management strategies vary from case to case corresponding to the circumstances specific to the surrounding areas. This means that a better understanding of the actual situation of the TALC should be required for better decisions with respect to area management strategies.
Based on these perspectives, the TALCs in Hokkaido and the Noboribetsu destination are quantitatively analyzed comparing with other hot-springs spa resorts. The analysis specifies evolutionary growth patterns and identifies what period they are actually positioned in their life cycles. It also intends to explore the risks and factors determining the fluctuation, especially in the stagnation period.
The results show that the TALC in Hokkaido can be classified into a stepped-up growth pattern: In the stepped-up stage, positive social capital impact caused pushing up the carrying capacity. They also indicate that the actual situation in Noboribetsu has been positioned into the stagnation period since 1970s. When our focusing on the risks involved over 40 years, it can be found that several earthquakes significantly offer negative impact on the number of visitors to Hokkaido and that the range of negative impact accounts from 2.4 to 9.6 points in a decreasing rate of the previous year.
Finally, we will try to clarify challenges on how we can inclusively manage the risks inherent in these stagnated tourism destinations to move the rejuvenation period.
Ms Diane Laugel
Ph.D. Student
Wine tourism and territorial development: what practices for what opportunities
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Diane Laugel (p), Leïla Kebir
This paper questions the relation between wine tourism and territorial development. Based on a literature review and on an inventory of wine tourism practices, the objective is to propose an analytical framework to analyze its contribution (or not) to territorial development (resource development, collective learning processes, innovation dynamics, employment, vineyards maintaining, etc.).
According to France AgriMer (2016) wine activities engage positives dynamics and contribute to maintain an economic and social life for “rural disfavored area”. The opening of vineyards to tourists enhances local actor’s dynamics and the territory planning (Mitchell & al. 2018) but can also bring use conflicts. Also terroir economy appears as a marketing key tool for territory as it diffuses images and symbols in the consumer system.
The paper start with the definition(s) of wine industry and the identification of related practices. Different tourism models such as wine tourism, oenotourism (Lignon-Darmaillac, 2017) were described and scrutinized in the literature. The second part of this paper will identify and analyze the forms of relations to the territory that these models imply. Finally based on the literature of territorial economy, the paper will propose an analytical grid aiming at understanding the relation between wine tourism and territorial development.
FranceAgriMer, «Plan stratégique sur les perspectives de la filière vitivinicole à l’horizon 2025» :http://www.franceagrimer.fr/content/download/32879/296608/file/strat%C3%A9gie%20vi n%202025%20- %20Plan%20strat%C3%A9gique%20-%20vs%20160714.pdf
Richard Mitchell & al. “Cultural Systems and the wine tourism product”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 39, No 1, pp. 311-335, 2012, doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2011.05.002
Sophie Lignon-Darmaillac, « les grandes orientations : modèles européens, modèles californiens. », Territoires du vin [En ligne], Numéros, n°8 – Patrimoine et valorisation des territoires de la vigne et du vin, Valorisations touristiques, patrimonialisation et traditions dans les vignobles., mis à jour le : 21/12/2017, URL : http://pepiniere.u- bourgogne.fr/territoiresduvin/index.php?id=1336.
According to France AgriMer (2016) wine activities engage positives dynamics and contribute to maintain an economic and social life for “rural disfavored area”. The opening of vineyards to tourists enhances local actor’s dynamics and the territory planning (Mitchell & al. 2018) but can also bring use conflicts. Also terroir economy appears as a marketing key tool for territory as it diffuses images and symbols in the consumer system.
The paper start with the definition(s) of wine industry and the identification of related practices. Different tourism models such as wine tourism, oenotourism (Lignon-Darmaillac, 2017) were described and scrutinized in the literature. The second part of this paper will identify and analyze the forms of relations to the territory that these models imply. Finally based on the literature of territorial economy, the paper will propose an analytical grid aiming at understanding the relation between wine tourism and territorial development.
FranceAgriMer, «Plan stratégique sur les perspectives de la filière vitivinicole à l’horizon 2025» :http://www.franceagrimer.fr/content/download/32879/296608/file/strat%C3%A9gie%20vi n%202025%20- %20Plan%20strat%C3%A9gique%20-%20vs%20160714.pdf
Richard Mitchell & al. “Cultural Systems and the wine tourism product”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 39, No 1, pp. 311-335, 2012, doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2011.05.002
Sophie Lignon-Darmaillac, « les grandes orientations : modèles européens, modèles californiens. », Territoires du vin [En ligne], Numéros, n°8 – Patrimoine et valorisation des territoires de la vigne et du vin, Valorisations touristiques, patrimonialisation et traditions dans les vignobles., mis à jour le : 21/12/2017, URL : http://pepiniere.u- bourgogne.fr/territoiresduvin/index.php?id=1336.
Ms Elisa Panzera
Post-Doc Researcher
Politecnico di Milano - DABC
The role of cultural heritage on tourism attractiveness in European countries: analogies and discrepancies
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Henri L.F. De Groot, Elisa Panzera (p) , Thomas De Graaff
Cultural heritage represents a unique and irreplaceable resource for European countries. The main means to share, experience and appreciate cultural heritage across Europe is tourism. As well as being an enrichment for both individuals and communities and an opportunity for different cultures to meet, tourism represents a significant industry for European economies. The present article focuses on empirically testing the assumption that the presence of tangible cultural heritage (i.e. monuments, museums, landscapes) influences tourism attractiveness of European regions. Furthermore, we are interested in analyzing the analogies and discrepancies that emerge in the functioning of the relationship between tangible cultural heritage and tourism attractiveness across different European countries endowed with dissimilar typologies of cultural heritage. Using panel data on tourism flows at NUTS2 level, a gravity model will be applied on various European countries domestic tourism flows focusing on the role played by the presence of tangible cultural heritage. A further analysis will be performed to understand the determinants of the similarities or differences emerging in the behavior of tourism flows related to tangible cultural heritage across the analyzed countries. Because of the idiosyncratic nature of cultural heritage, we hypothesize heterogeneity in the results mainly being due to diverse typologies of cultural heritage and dissimilar characteristics of the countries.