G06-O6 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Refereed/Ordinary Session
Friday, August 30, 2019 |
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
IUT_Room 306 |
Chair: Bonghyun Jeong
Prof. Bonghyun Jeong
Full Professor
Chonnam National University
Performance and Implications of Public Deliberation on Urban Metro Project -The Case of Gwangju in South Korea-
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Bonghyun Jeong (p)
Gwangju Metro Line 2 Project (GMP) is an essential urban transportation infrastructure project to mitigate traffic congestion in GMC, improve the traffic environment and promote urban development. The basic plan for GMP was decided in 2002, but controversy has continued conflict over the route, changes in construction method and heavy budget burden over the past 16 years. As a result, the project was not finalized. This has resulted in problems such as aggravated traffic congestion in Gwangju Metropolitan City (GMC), increase in construction cost, deterioration of the urban environment, a declined urban economy, inconsistency of urban transport policy, and conflicts in civil society. GMP is an enlarged circulation type line, with a total length of 41.9 km and a total construction cost of 2.57 trillion won, which will be built in three stages during the 2019 ~ 2025 period.
The 7th Mayor of GMC, who was elected in June 2018, attempted to decide whether to implement the GMP through a public deliberation (PD). As a result of the PD, the project was finalized. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the achievements and limitations of GMP and to present policy implications comprehensively. The main contents of this study include an introduction, an outline of public deliberation for transportation projects, a case study of public deliberation on GMP, the performance and implications of public deliberation on GMP, and conclusions. This study will be conducted by a theoretical review of related literature, an analysis of existing research and statistical data, participatory observation, and field survey. The results of this paper will contribute to the establishment of theories on public transportation investment, improvement of urban traffic problems, securing consistency and accountability of urban transport policies, and attracting public investment.
The 7th Mayor of GMC, who was elected in June 2018, attempted to decide whether to implement the GMP through a public deliberation (PD). As a result of the PD, the project was finalized. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the achievements and limitations of GMP and to present policy implications comprehensively. The main contents of this study include an introduction, an outline of public deliberation for transportation projects, a case study of public deliberation on GMP, the performance and implications of public deliberation on GMP, and conclusions. This study will be conducted by a theoretical review of related literature, an analysis of existing research and statistical data, participatory observation, and field survey. The results of this paper will contribute to the establishment of theories on public transportation investment, improvement of urban traffic problems, securing consistency and accountability of urban transport policies, and attracting public investment.
Dr. Marek Pieniazek
Manager/Director (prof.)
Statistics Poland
More than data. How to support local self-government in providing public services in the digital era?
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Marek Pieniazek (p)
Monitoring of public services is very important for maintaining their quality and availability. Data are useful both for local government, which provides services to residents as well as for entrepreneurs who make decisions on the location of economic activity.
In the digital era access to key data and ability to process them and generate useful information is very important.
Statistics Poland has developed the concept of a public services monitoring system with representatives of the Ministry of Administration and experts of local government associations .
The main purpose of the system is to collect data on the quantity, quality, availiability and cost of services such as: property management, public transport and road construction, environmental protection and waste disposal, construction, geodesy, administration, local social policy, education and culture.
The presentation will outline the concept of the system, its elements, the construction of indicators and the developed methods of supporting territorial self-government in managing the delivery of public services.
In the digital era access to key data and ability to process them and generate useful information is very important.
Statistics Poland has developed the concept of a public services monitoring system with representatives of the Ministry of Administration and experts of local government associations .
The main purpose of the system is to collect data on the quantity, quality, availiability and cost of services such as: property management, public transport and road construction, environmental protection and waste disposal, construction, geodesy, administration, local social policy, education and culture.
The presentation will outline the concept of the system, its elements, the construction of indicators and the developed methods of supporting territorial self-government in managing the delivery of public services.
Dr. Lukasz Damurski
Associate Professor
Wroclaw University Of Science And Technology
Pedestrian accessibility of services as a measure of territorial cohesion at the local level
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Lukasz Damurski (p), Jacek Pluta , Wawrzyniec Zipser
Territorial cohesion is a concept prevailing the EU political discourse since the 1990’s. However, its implementation in practice presents a big challenge to policy makers at various levels of public administration. One important strand of territorial cohesion is citizen access to affordable public infrastructure services. Even where supply networks are built and problems of accessibility reduced, affordability issues may occur as market-oriented provision in areas associated with lower profitability means that citizens bear the extra costs.
In this paper we try to answer the questions of accessibility and affordability of essential everyday services (e.g. local shops, personal services, finance, education, healthcare, public transport etc.) in urban neighbourhoods. Analysing the 32 territorial cohesion indicators established by ESPON (2012) we adapted 3 of them to the local scale: access to public services, access to market services, access to urban public transport. In order to conduct empirical research, we developed a three-step method of measuring accessibility of services: 1) a thorough inventory of selected locations, including delimitation of research areas, typology of services and their location; 2) social surveys (paper and pencil interviews) among two groups of respondents: residents and users of public spaces; 3) extensive mapping data, including spatial distribution of neighbourhood population and paths for pedestrian movement.
The empirical data was collected in the years 2017-2019 in 5 locations in Poland representing various geographical settings (large cities, medium towns and suburban areas). A total of 618 social surveys was conducted among two (partly overlapping) groups of respondents: residents and users of public spaces. It provided detailed information on the average distances in everyday travels to essential local services and the most popular means of transport. Then, a GIS-based accessibility analysis was conducted for pedestrian movement, enabling the verification of residents’ opinions and offering particular statistics on the percent of population within the preferred time zone (5 minutes of walking) and the acceptable time zone (10 minutes of walking).
The results of the research provide particular insight into the scalability of the territorial cohesion concept. Indeed, the indicators of territorial cohesion can be adapted to the local context of urban neighbourhood, offering reliable and comparable information on pedestrian accessibility of everyday services for citizens in various geographical settings (big cities, medium cities and suburban areas). The results prove also the high importance of local service centres in shaping the livability of urban environment.
In this paper we try to answer the questions of accessibility and affordability of essential everyday services (e.g. local shops, personal services, finance, education, healthcare, public transport etc.) in urban neighbourhoods. Analysing the 32 territorial cohesion indicators established by ESPON (2012) we adapted 3 of them to the local scale: access to public services, access to market services, access to urban public transport. In order to conduct empirical research, we developed a three-step method of measuring accessibility of services: 1) a thorough inventory of selected locations, including delimitation of research areas, typology of services and their location; 2) social surveys (paper and pencil interviews) among two groups of respondents: residents and users of public spaces; 3) extensive mapping data, including spatial distribution of neighbourhood population and paths for pedestrian movement.
The empirical data was collected in the years 2017-2019 in 5 locations in Poland representing various geographical settings (large cities, medium towns and suburban areas). A total of 618 social surveys was conducted among two (partly overlapping) groups of respondents: residents and users of public spaces. It provided detailed information on the average distances in everyday travels to essential local services and the most popular means of transport. Then, a GIS-based accessibility analysis was conducted for pedestrian movement, enabling the verification of residents’ opinions and offering particular statistics on the percent of population within the preferred time zone (5 minutes of walking) and the acceptable time zone (10 minutes of walking).
The results of the research provide particular insight into the scalability of the territorial cohesion concept. Indeed, the indicators of territorial cohesion can be adapted to the local context of urban neighbourhood, offering reliable and comparable information on pedestrian accessibility of everyday services for citizens in various geographical settings (big cities, medium cities and suburban areas). The results prove also the high importance of local service centres in shaping the livability of urban environment.