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The ERSA2024 Agenda is out!

The ERSA2024 Programme is updated in real-time (click on the below link), so you will always find the most up-to-date programme on this portal.
ONLINE parallel sessions from 26 to 27 August 2024.
TERCEIRA Programme from 27 August afternoon to 30 August 2024.

Download ERSA2024 full Programme in Pdf (live link) Or scroll down the page to see full agenda.

Click on the below image to download the e-abstract book (update: 23/08/2024).

Pre-Terceira Congress Event by TRSA - ABC Programme, Tuesday 27 August 2024 (Room "Small Auditorium"), Download the TRSA-ABC full programme here.
Special Academic Session (SAS) part 1 & part 2, Thursday 29 August 2024, Download the programme here.

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Event Timeschedule (UTC+0/ Terceira time)  

Monday, August 26, 2024

Special Session
Ordinary Session
8:45 - 9:00 Online-Welcome words from the ERSA President, Roberta Capello
9:00 - 10:30 Online-S13 Regional Development and Sustainable Peace Online-G01-O1 Peace, Regional and Urban Sustainable Development
Online-S38 The conflict between tourism expansion and sustainability: The case of Less Developed Countries Online-G02-O1 Demographic Change, Population and Migration
Online-S53 Maritime Regions: Europe Hot Spots Online-G09 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
Online-S70-S1 The role of young people in building up sustainable development practices for inner and rural areas Online-G11 Transport and Accessibility
Online-G14 Institutions, Political and Decisional Processes
Online-G21 Urban Challenges and technological transformations
10:30 - 11:00
Break 1
11:00 - 13:00 How to select a SCOPUS database academic journal and get published in it Online-G03-O1 Innovation and Regional Development
Online-S34 Opportunities, Risks and Challenges of the Digital Transformation in Tourism Online-G04-O1 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
Online-S47 Leave No One Behind! The Role of The EU Cohesion Policy in a Changing World Online-G06 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Online-S57 Government of Anthropization Processes: Domain of the Territories and Cities, Climate Changes Online-G10 Trade and Global Value Chains
Online-S70-S2 The role of young people in building up sustainable development practices for inner and rural areas Online-G35-O1 Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Online-S72 Consequences of Place-Based Policies: Perspectives and Challenges
13:00 - 14:30
Break 2
14:30 - 16:15 Online-S02 Culture Based Development: Cultural Narratives for Polarization versus Peace Online-G01-O2 Peace, Regional and Urban Sustainable Development
Online-S52 Sustainability Challenges in GVC-Dependent FDI Development Path: Assessing Regional Development within Global Production Networks Online-G02-O2 Demographic Change, Population and Migration
Online-S56 Regional Transitions: Adaptation and Transformations in the Tourism Sector Online-G03-O2 Innovation and Regional Development
Online-G04-O2 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
Online-G07 The geography of corruption
Online-G35-O2 Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Online-G47 The role of public policies in local development
16:15 - 16:45
Break 3
16:45 - 18:30 Online-S50 Territorial Disparities and the Achievement of the SDGs? Online-G03-O3 Innovation and Regional Development
Online-S59 Telework in Post COVID Times: Trends and Challenges for the Future Online-G12 Economic development in rural places
Online-G18-O1 Climate Adaptive and Resilient Regions and Cities
Online-G24 Human - Environmental Interactions
Online-G31 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Analysis
Online-G36 Digitalization from a regional perspective
Online-G37 Ecological Transition
Online-G39 Intangible assests and regional development
Special Session
Ordinary Session
8:45 - 9:00 Online-Welcome words from the ERSA President, Roberta Capello
9:00 - 10:30 Online-S13 Regional Development and Sustainable Peace Online-G01-O1 Peace, Regional and Urban Sustainable Development
Online-S38 The conflict between tourism expansion and sustainability: The case of Less Developed Countries Online-G02-O1 Demographic Change, Population and Migration
Online-S53 Maritime Regions: Europe Hot Spots Online-G09 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
Online-S70-S1 The role of young people in building up sustainable development practices for inner and rural areas Online-G11 Transport and Accessibility
Online-G14 Institutions, Political and Decisional Processes
Online-G21 Urban Challenges and technological transformations
10:30 - 11:00
Break 1
11:00 - 13:00 How to select a SCOPUS database academic journal and get published in it Online-G03-O1 Innovation and Regional Development
Online-S34 Opportunities, Risks and Challenges of the Digital Transformation in Tourism Online-G04-O1 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
Online-S47 Leave No One Behind! The Role of The EU Cohesion Policy in a Changing World Online-G06 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Online-S57 Government of Anthropization Processes: Domain of the Territories and Cities, Climate Changes Online-G10 Trade and Global Value Chains
Online-S70-S2 The role of young people in building up sustainable development practices for inner and rural areas Online-G35-O1 Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Online-S72 Consequences of Place-Based Policies: Perspectives and Challenges
13:00 - 14:30
Break 2
14:30 - 16:15 Online-S02 Culture Based Development: Cultural Narratives for Polarization versus Peace Online-G01-O2 Peace, Regional and Urban Sustainable Development
Online-S52 Sustainability Challenges in GVC-Dependent FDI Development Path: Assessing Regional Development within Global Production Networks Online-G02-O2 Demographic Change, Population and Migration
Online-S56 Regional Transitions: Adaptation and Transformations in the Tourism Sector Online-G03-O2 Innovation and Regional Development
Online-G04-O2 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
Online-G07 The geography of corruption
Online-G35-O2 Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Online-G47 The role of public policies in local development
16:15 - 16:45
Break 3
16:45 - 18:30 Online-S50 Territorial Disparities and the Achievement of the SDGs? Online-G03-O3 Innovation and Regional Development
Online-S59 Telework in Post COVID Times: Trends and Challenges for the Future Online-G12 Economic development in rural places
Online-G18-O1 Climate Adaptive and Resilient Regions and Cities
Online-G24 Human - Environmental Interactions
Online-G31 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Analysis
Online-G36 Digitalization from a regional perspective
Online-G37 Ecological Transition
Online-G39 Intangible assests and regional development

Special Session
8:45 - 9:00 Online-Welcome words from the ERSA President, Roberta Capello
9:00 - 10:30 Online-S13 Regional Development and Sustainable Peace
Online-S38 The conflict between tourism expansion and sustainability: The case of Less Developed Countries
Online-S53 Maritime Regions: Europe Hot Spots
Online-S70-S1 The role of young people in building up sustainable development practices for inner and rural areas
10:30 - 11:00
Break 1
11:00 - 13:00 How to select a SCOPUS database academic journal and get published in it
Online-S34 Opportunities, Risks and Challenges of the Digital Transformation in Tourism
Online-S47 Leave No One Behind! The Role of The EU Cohesion Policy in a Changing World
Online-S57 Government of Anthropization Processes: Domain of the Territories and Cities, Climate Changes
Online-S70-S2 The role of young people in building up sustainable development practices for inner and rural areas
Online-S72 Consequences of Place-Based Policies: Perspectives and Challenges
13:00 - 14:30
Break 2
14:30 - 16:15 Online-S02 Culture Based Development: Cultural Narratives for Polarization versus Peace
Online-S52 Sustainability Challenges in GVC-Dependent FDI Development Path: Assessing Regional Development within Global Production Networks
Online-S56 Regional Transitions: Adaptation and Transformations in the Tourism Sector
16:15 - 16:45
Break 3
16:45 - 18:30 Online-S50 Territorial Disparities and the Achievement of the SDGs?
Online-S59 Telework in Post COVID Times: Trends and Challenges for the Future

Ordinary Session
8:45 - 9:00 Online-Welcome words from the ERSA President, Roberta Capello
9:00 - 10:30 Online-G01-O1 Peace, Regional and Urban Sustainable Development
Online-G02-O1 Demographic Change, Population and Migration
Online-G09 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
Online-G11 Transport and Accessibility
Online-G14 Institutions, Political and Decisional Processes
Online-G21 Urban Challenges and technological transformations
10:30 - 11:00
Break 1
11:00 - 13:00 Online-G03-O1 Innovation and Regional Development
Online-G04-O1 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
Online-G06 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Online-G10 Trade and Global Value Chains
Online-G35-O1 Tourism and Overtourism Issues
13:00 - 14:30
Break 2
14:30 - 16:15 Online-G01-O2 Peace, Regional and Urban Sustainable Development
Online-G02-O2 Demographic Change, Population and Migration
Online-G03-O2 Innovation and Regional Development
Online-G04-O2 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
Online-G07 The geography of corruption
Online-G35-O2 Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Online-G47 The role of public policies in local development
16:15 - 16:45
Break 3
16:45 - 18:30 Online-G03-O3 Innovation and Regional Development
Online-G12 Economic development in rural places
Online-G18-O1 Climate Adaptive and Resilient Regions and Cities
Online-G24 Human - Environmental Interactions
Online-G31 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Analysis
Online-G36 Digitalization from a regional perspective
Online-G37 Ecological Transition
Online-G39 Intangible assests and regional development

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Special Session
Ordinary Session/Refereed
9:00 - 10:30 Terceira-KL1 Keynote Lecture by Mário Centeno
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break 1
11:00 - 13:00 Terceira-OECD Roundtable
Terceira-S04 The Spatial, Regional and Urban Dimensions of Circular Economy Terceira-G01-O1 Peace, Regional and Urban Sustainable Development
Terceira-S08-S1 University Impacts on the Local and Regional Economy Terceira-G02-O1 Demographic change, Population and Migration
Terceira-S21-S1 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends Terceira-G03-O1 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-S26-S1 Social Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Regions, Communities and Neighborhoods Terceira-G06-O1 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-S45 AI and Other Digital Technologies: Old Wine in New Bottles or Transformative Tools for Urban and Regional Economies? Terceira-G09-O1 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
Terceira-S49-S1 Networks in Resilience and Vulnerability Terceira-G12-O1 Economic development in rural places
Terceira-S73 Global Value Chains Restructuring, Regional Dynamics and Inequalities Terceira-G20 Creative Industries and Regional Development
Terceira-S75-S1 Collective Action and Territorial Transitions Terceira-G24-O1 Human - Environmental Interactions
Terceira-S77-S1 Collective Smartness to Foster Sustainability Transitions of Places: Smart Cities, Regions, and Energy Communities Terceira-G42 Crime, Corruptions, Institutions, and Local Economic Policies
Terceira-S84 Navigating Climate Transitions: Main Challenges to Communities Towards Sustainability Terceira-G46 Circular Economy and Technological Change
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch 1
14:30 - 16:15 Terceira-KL2 Keynote Lecture by Leïla Kebir
Terceira-S01-S1 Building Sustainable Cities Terceira-G02-O2 Demographic change, Population and Migration
Terceira-S11-S1 Left Behind Areas: Past, Present and Future Terceira-G03-O2 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-S20 Central and East European Regions on the Common Path - 20 Years of Integration With European Union Terceira-G08-O1 Covid-19 and regional and urban resilience
Terceira-S21-S2 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends Terceira-G11-O1 Transport and Accessibility
Terceira-S30 Small (Island) Economies – Approaches and Perspectives Terceira-G15-O1 Spatial Sustainable Development
Terceira-S32 On the Dynamics and Consequences of Short-term Rentals Terceira-G17-O1 Cooperation and Local / Regional Development
Terceira-S40 Fostering Sustainable Regional Development: The Central Role of Entrepreneurship and Policy Terceira-G26 Urban-Rural Relationships
Terceira-S48 Tourism in Times of Crises: Current and Future Challenges Terceira-G31-O1 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Analysis
Terceira-S64 The Role of EU- and Regional-Policy in Sustainable Land Use Management Terceira-G40 Spatial Issues of Monetary Policy
Terceira-S67 A World of Shocks: Multi-Layers Multi-Shocks Resilience
Terceira-S69 The Promise of Transition Via Innovation for Sustainable Regional Development
Terceira-S81 Spatial Effects of the Green Deal
Terceira-S87 Environmental Justice: the Need for Community-based Strategies for Resilience and Access
16:15 - 16:45
Coffee Break 2
16:45 - 18:30 Terceira-S02 Culture Based Development: Cultural Narratives for Polarization versus Peace Terceira-G35-R Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Terceira-S05-S1 Machine Learning in Regional Science: Perspectives, Methods, and Applications Terceira-G01-O2 Peace, Regional and Urban Sustainable Development
Terceira-S08-S2 University Impacts on the Local and Regional Economy Terceira-G03-O3 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-S21-S3 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends Terceira-G06-O2 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-S23 Tropical Deforestation – Measurement, Economic Drivers, and Human Consequences Terceira-G09-O2 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
Terceira-S25-S1 Counterfactual Methods for Regional Policy Evaluation Terceira-G12-O2 Economic development in rural places
Terceira-S39-S1 From Neglect to Nuance: Exploring the Diversity of Second-Tier Cities Terceira-G13-O1 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Terceira-S54 Territorial Intelligence, a Key for a Sustainable Future? New Challenges and New Prospects for Regional Development and Growth: Data, Methods and Solutions Terceira-G17-O2 Cooperation and Local / Regional Development
Terceira-S71 Sustainability in Tourist Destinations: A Multidimensional Approach Terceira-G18-O1 Climate Adaptive and Resilient Regions and Cities
Terceira-S75-S2 Collective Action and Territorial Transitions Terceira-G35-O1 Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Terceira-G48 Mapping conflicts and exclusion
18:45 - 20:30
Get-Together Party
Special Session
Ordinary Session/Refereed
9:00 - 10:30 Terceira-KL1 Keynote Lecture by Mário Centeno
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break 1
11:00 - 13:00 Terceira-OECD Roundtable
Terceira-S04 The Spatial, Regional and Urban Dimensions of Circular Economy Terceira-G01-O1 Peace, Regional and Urban Sustainable Development
Terceira-S08-S1 University Impacts on the Local and Regional Economy Terceira-G02-O1 Demographic change, Population and Migration
Terceira-S21-S1 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends Terceira-G03-O1 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-S26-S1 Social Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Regions, Communities and Neighborhoods Terceira-G06-O1 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-S45 AI and Other Digital Technologies: Old Wine in New Bottles or Transformative Tools for Urban and Regional Economies? Terceira-G09-O1 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
Terceira-S49-S1 Networks in Resilience and Vulnerability Terceira-G12-O1 Economic development in rural places
Terceira-S73 Global Value Chains Restructuring, Regional Dynamics and Inequalities Terceira-G20 Creative Industries and Regional Development
Terceira-S75-S1 Collective Action and Territorial Transitions Terceira-G24-O1 Human - Environmental Interactions
Terceira-S77-S1 Collective Smartness to Foster Sustainability Transitions of Places: Smart Cities, Regions, and Energy Communities Terceira-G42 Crime, Corruptions, Institutions, and Local Economic Policies
Terceira-S84 Navigating Climate Transitions: Main Challenges to Communities Towards Sustainability Terceira-G46 Circular Economy and Technological Change
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch 1
14:30 - 16:15 Terceira-KL2 Keynote Lecture by Leïla Kebir
Terceira-S01-S1 Building Sustainable Cities Terceira-G02-O2 Demographic change, Population and Migration
Terceira-S11-S1 Left Behind Areas: Past, Present and Future Terceira-G03-O2 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-S20 Central and East European Regions on the Common Path - 20 Years of Integration With European Union Terceira-G08-O1 Covid-19 and regional and urban resilience
Terceira-S21-S2 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends Terceira-G11-O1 Transport and Accessibility
Terceira-S30 Small (Island) Economies – Approaches and Perspectives Terceira-G15-O1 Spatial Sustainable Development
Terceira-S32 On the Dynamics and Consequences of Short-term Rentals Terceira-G17-O1 Cooperation and Local / Regional Development
Terceira-S40 Fostering Sustainable Regional Development: The Central Role of Entrepreneurship and Policy Terceira-G26 Urban-Rural Relationships
Terceira-S48 Tourism in Times of Crises: Current and Future Challenges Terceira-G31-O1 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Analysis
Terceira-S64 The Role of EU- and Regional-Policy in Sustainable Land Use Management Terceira-G40 Spatial Issues of Monetary Policy
Terceira-S67 A World of Shocks: Multi-Layers Multi-Shocks Resilience
Terceira-S69 The Promise of Transition Via Innovation for Sustainable Regional Development
Terceira-S81 Spatial Effects of the Green Deal
Terceira-S87 Environmental Justice: the Need for Community-based Strategies for Resilience and Access
16:15 - 16:45
Coffee Break 2
16:45 - 18:30 Terceira-S02 Culture Based Development: Cultural Narratives for Polarization versus Peace Terceira-G35-R Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Terceira-S05-S1 Machine Learning in Regional Science: Perspectives, Methods, and Applications Terceira-G01-O2 Peace, Regional and Urban Sustainable Development
Terceira-S08-S2 University Impacts on the Local and Regional Economy Terceira-G03-O3 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-S21-S3 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends Terceira-G06-O2 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-S23 Tropical Deforestation – Measurement, Economic Drivers, and Human Consequences Terceira-G09-O2 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
Terceira-S25-S1 Counterfactual Methods for Regional Policy Evaluation Terceira-G12-O2 Economic development in rural places
Terceira-S39-S1 From Neglect to Nuance: Exploring the Diversity of Second-Tier Cities Terceira-G13-O1 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Terceira-S54 Territorial Intelligence, a Key for a Sustainable Future? New Challenges and New Prospects for Regional Development and Growth: Data, Methods and Solutions Terceira-G17-O2 Cooperation and Local / Regional Development
Terceira-S71 Sustainability in Tourist Destinations: A Multidimensional Approach Terceira-G18-O1 Climate Adaptive and Resilient Regions and Cities
Terceira-S75-S2 Collective Action and Territorial Transitions Terceira-G35-O1 Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Terceira-G48 Mapping conflicts and exclusion
18:45 - 20:30
Get-Together Party

Special Session
9:00 - 10:30 Terceira-KL1 Keynote Lecture by Mário Centeno
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break 1
11:00 - 13:00 Terceira-OECD Roundtable
Terceira-S04 The Spatial, Regional and Urban Dimensions of Circular Economy
Terceira-S08-S1 University Impacts on the Local and Regional Economy
Terceira-S21-S1 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends
Terceira-S26-S1 Social Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Regions, Communities and Neighborhoods
Terceira-S45 AI and Other Digital Technologies: Old Wine in New Bottles or Transformative Tools for Urban and Regional Economies?
Terceira-S49-S1 Networks in Resilience and Vulnerability
Terceira-S73 Global Value Chains Restructuring, Regional Dynamics and Inequalities
Terceira-S75-S1 Collective Action and Territorial Transitions
Terceira-S77-S1 Collective Smartness to Foster Sustainability Transitions of Places: Smart Cities, Regions, and Energy Communities
Terceira-S84 Navigating Climate Transitions: Main Challenges to Communities Towards Sustainability
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch 1
14:30 - 16:15 Terceira-KL2 Keynote Lecture by Leïla Kebir
Terceira-S01-S1 Building Sustainable Cities
Terceira-S11-S1 Left Behind Areas: Past, Present and Future
Terceira-S20 Central and East European Regions on the Common Path - 20 Years of Integration With European Union
Terceira-S21-S2 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends
Terceira-S30 Small (Island) Economies – Approaches and Perspectives
Terceira-S32 On the Dynamics and Consequences of Short-term Rentals
Terceira-S40 Fostering Sustainable Regional Development: The Central Role of Entrepreneurship and Policy
Terceira-S48 Tourism in Times of Crises: Current and Future Challenges
Terceira-S64 The Role of EU- and Regional-Policy in Sustainable Land Use Management
Terceira-S67 A World of Shocks: Multi-Layers Multi-Shocks Resilience
Terceira-S69 The Promise of Transition Via Innovation for Sustainable Regional Development
Terceira-S81 Spatial Effects of the Green Deal
Terceira-S87 Environmental Justice: the Need for Community-based Strategies for Resilience and Access
16:15 - 16:45
Coffee Break 2
16:45 - 18:30 Terceira-S02 Culture Based Development: Cultural Narratives for Polarization versus Peace
Terceira-S05-S1 Machine Learning in Regional Science: Perspectives, Methods, and Applications
Terceira-S08-S2 University Impacts on the Local and Regional Economy
Terceira-S21-S3 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends
Terceira-S23 Tropical Deforestation – Measurement, Economic Drivers, and Human Consequences
Terceira-S25-S1 Counterfactual Methods for Regional Policy Evaluation
Terceira-S39-S1 From Neglect to Nuance: Exploring the Diversity of Second-Tier Cities
Terceira-S54 Territorial Intelligence, a Key for a Sustainable Future? New Challenges and New Prospects for Regional Development and Growth: Data, Methods and Solutions
Terceira-S71 Sustainability in Tourist Destinations: A Multidimensional Approach
Terceira-S75-S2 Collective Action and Territorial Transitions
18:45 - 20:30
Get-Together Party

Ordinary Session/Refereed
9:00 - 10:30 Terceira-KL1 Keynote Lecture by Mário Centeno
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break 1
11:00 - 13:00 Terceira-OECD Roundtable
Terceira-G01-O1 Peace, Regional and Urban Sustainable Development
Terceira-G02-O1 Demographic change, Population and Migration
Terceira-G03-O1 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-G06-O1 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-G09-O1 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
Terceira-G12-O1 Economic development in rural places
Terceira-G20 Creative Industries and Regional Development
Terceira-G24-O1 Human - Environmental Interactions
Terceira-G42 Crime, Corruptions, Institutions, and Local Economic Policies
Terceira-G46 Circular Economy and Technological Change
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch 1
14:30 - 16:15 Terceira-KL2 Keynote Lecture by Leïla Kebir
Terceira-G02-O2 Demographic change, Population and Migration
Terceira-G03-O2 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-G08-O1 Covid-19 and regional and urban resilience
Terceira-G11-O1 Transport and Accessibility
Terceira-G15-O1 Spatial Sustainable Development
Terceira-G17-O1 Cooperation and Local / Regional Development
Terceira-G26 Urban-Rural Relationships
Terceira-G31-O1 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Analysis
Terceira-G40 Spatial Issues of Monetary Policy
16:15 - 16:45
Coffee Break 2
16:45 - 18:30 Terceira-G35-R Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Terceira-G01-O2 Peace, Regional and Urban Sustainable Development
Terceira-G03-O3 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-G06-O2 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-G09-O2 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
Terceira-G12-O2 Economic development in rural places
Terceira-G13-O1 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Terceira-G17-O2 Cooperation and Local / Regional Development
Terceira-G18-O1 Climate Adaptive and Resilient Regions and Cities
Terceira-G35-O1 Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Terceira-G48 Mapping conflicts and exclusion
18:45 - 20:30
Get-Together Party

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Special Session
Ordinary Session
9:00 - 10:30 Terceira-KL3 Keynote Lecture by Lewis Dijkstra
Terceira-S01-S2 Building Sustainable Cities Terceira-G02-O3 Demographic change, Population and Migration
Terceira-S03 Digital Geographies: Spacelessness, or New Mode of Space-Making and Space Relations Terceira-G03-O4 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-S05-S2 Machine Learning in Regional Science: Perspectives, Methods, and Applications Terceira-G04-O1 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
Terceira-S07 Navigating the Storm: Exploring the Socio-Economic and Behavioural Impacts of Natural Disasters on Communities Terceira-G08-O2 Covid-19 and regional and urban resilience
Terceira-S13 Regional Development and Sustainable Peace Terceira-G10 Trade and Global Value Chains
Terceira-S21-S4 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends Terceira-G11-O2 Transport and Accessibility
Terceira-S26-S2 Social Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Regions, Communities and Neighborhoods Terceira-G13-O2 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Terceira-S29 Savoring Sustainability: The Intersection of Wine Tourism, Heritage, and Eco-Friendly Growth in Wine Regions Terceira-G14-O1 Institutions, Political and Decisional Processes
Terceira-S31 Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development: Uncovering the Sources and Effects of Innovative Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Value Creation Terceira-G16-O2 Cities, Regions and Digital Transformations
Terceira-S41-S1 Assessing the economic impacts of tourism Terceira-G41-O1 Migration and Integration in a Global World
Terceira-S53-S1 Maritime Regions: Europe Hot Spots Terceira-G49 Entreprenurship and Digitalization
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break 3
11:00 - 13:00 Terceira-YSS3 Sustainable Development - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS4 Spatial Structure and Delineation - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS5 Drivers of Inequality - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS6 Regional-Economic Development - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS7 Inequality Causes and Consequences - Non EPAINOS
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch 2
14:30 - 16:15 Terceira-KL4 Keynote Lecture by Michael Fritsch
Terceira-S06-S1 RSPP Special Issue: A New Toolbox for Novel Research in Regional, Urban and Spatial Studies Terceira-G04-O2 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
Terceira-S15-S1 Flood Risk and Natural Hazard in the Built Environment - From Economic Impact to Regional Resilience Terceira-G06-O3 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-S21-S5 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends Terceira-G12-O3 Economic development in rural places
Terceira-S28 The Geography of Public Health Terceira-G14-O2 Institutions, Political and Decisional Processes
Terceira-S39-S2 From Neglect to Nuance: Exploring the Diversity of Second-Tier Cities Terceira-G15-O2 Spatial Sustainable Development
Terceira-S41-S2 Assessing the economic impacts of tourism Terceira-G16-O1 Cities, Regions and Digital Transformations
Terceira-S42 Local Mission Approach as a Challenge Based Multi-Level Building Block for Sustainable Development Terceira-G19-O1 Energy and Ecological Transitions
Terceira-S80-S1 New Work Horizons: Geographical, Social, and Economic Dimensions of Collaborative Working Spaces Terceira-G27-O1 Regional and Urban Labour Markets and Entrepreneurship
Terceira-S82 The Technological Turmoil of the XXI Century: Spatial Dynamics and the “No Person and No Place Behind” Approaches Terceira-G31-O2 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Analysis
Terceira-G35-O2 Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Terceira-G39-O1 Big Data and Regional Science
Terceira-G50 Sustainability, Smartness and Festivals
Terceira-TRSA: Special Academic Session & Great Minds Lecture In Regional Science
16:15 - 16:45
Coffee Break 4
16:45 - 18:30 Terceira-Paul Krugmant's event
18:30 - 19:30 Terceira-Meet the New ERSA Journal "Global Challenges and Regional Science"
Special Session
Ordinary Session
9:00 - 10:30 Terceira-KL3 Keynote Lecture by Lewis Dijkstra
Terceira-S01-S2 Building Sustainable Cities Terceira-G02-O3 Demographic change, Population and Migration
Terceira-S03 Digital Geographies: Spacelessness, or New Mode of Space-Making and Space Relations Terceira-G03-O4 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-S05-S2 Machine Learning in Regional Science: Perspectives, Methods, and Applications Terceira-G04-O1 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
Terceira-S07 Navigating the Storm: Exploring the Socio-Economic and Behavioural Impacts of Natural Disasters on Communities Terceira-G08-O2 Covid-19 and regional and urban resilience
Terceira-S13 Regional Development and Sustainable Peace Terceira-G10 Trade and Global Value Chains
Terceira-S21-S4 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends Terceira-G11-O2 Transport and Accessibility
Terceira-S26-S2 Social Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Regions, Communities and Neighborhoods Terceira-G13-O2 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Terceira-S29 Savoring Sustainability: The Intersection of Wine Tourism, Heritage, and Eco-Friendly Growth in Wine Regions Terceira-G14-O1 Institutions, Political and Decisional Processes
Terceira-S31 Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development: Uncovering the Sources and Effects of Innovative Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Value Creation Terceira-G16-O2 Cities, Regions and Digital Transformations
Terceira-S41-S1 Assessing the economic impacts of tourism Terceira-G41-O1 Migration and Integration in a Global World
Terceira-S53-S1 Maritime Regions: Europe Hot Spots Terceira-G49 Entreprenurship and Digitalization
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break 3
11:00 - 13:00 Terceira-YSS3 Sustainable Development - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS4 Spatial Structure and Delineation - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS5 Drivers of Inequality - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS6 Regional-Economic Development - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS7 Inequality Causes and Consequences - Non EPAINOS
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch 2
14:30 - 16:15 Terceira-KL4 Keynote Lecture by Michael Fritsch
Terceira-S06-S1 RSPP Special Issue: A New Toolbox for Novel Research in Regional, Urban and Spatial Studies Terceira-G04-O2 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
Terceira-S15-S1 Flood Risk and Natural Hazard in the Built Environment - From Economic Impact to Regional Resilience Terceira-G06-O3 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-S21-S5 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends Terceira-G12-O3 Economic development in rural places
Terceira-S28 The Geography of Public Health Terceira-G14-O2 Institutions, Political and Decisional Processes
Terceira-S39-S2 From Neglect to Nuance: Exploring the Diversity of Second-Tier Cities Terceira-G15-O2 Spatial Sustainable Development
Terceira-S41-S2 Assessing the economic impacts of tourism Terceira-G16-O1 Cities, Regions and Digital Transformations
Terceira-S42 Local Mission Approach as a Challenge Based Multi-Level Building Block for Sustainable Development Terceira-G19-O1 Energy and Ecological Transitions
Terceira-S80-S1 New Work Horizons: Geographical, Social, and Economic Dimensions of Collaborative Working Spaces Terceira-G27-O1 Regional and Urban Labour Markets and Entrepreneurship
Terceira-S82 The Technological Turmoil of the XXI Century: Spatial Dynamics and the “No Person and No Place Behind” Approaches Terceira-G31-O2 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Analysis
Terceira-G35-O2 Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Terceira-G39-O1 Big Data and Regional Science
Terceira-G50 Sustainability, Smartness and Festivals
Terceira-TRSA: Special Academic Session & Great Minds Lecture In Regional Science
16:15 - 16:45
Coffee Break 4
16:45 - 18:30 Terceira-Paul Krugmant's event
18:30 - 19:30 Terceira-Meet the New ERSA Journal "Global Challenges and Regional Science"

Special Session
9:00 - 10:30 Terceira-KL3 Keynote Lecture by Lewis Dijkstra
Terceira-S01-S2 Building Sustainable Cities
Terceira-S03 Digital Geographies: Spacelessness, or New Mode of Space-Making and Space Relations
Terceira-S05-S2 Machine Learning in Regional Science: Perspectives, Methods, and Applications
Terceira-S07 Navigating the Storm: Exploring the Socio-Economic and Behavioural Impacts of Natural Disasters on Communities
Terceira-S13 Regional Development and Sustainable Peace
Terceira-S21-S4 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends
Terceira-S26-S2 Social Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Regions, Communities and Neighborhoods
Terceira-S29 Savoring Sustainability: The Intersection of Wine Tourism, Heritage, and Eco-Friendly Growth in Wine Regions
Terceira-S31 Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development: Uncovering the Sources and Effects of Innovative Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Value Creation
Terceira-S41-S1 Assessing the economic impacts of tourism
Terceira-S53-S1 Maritime Regions: Europe Hot Spots
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break 3
11:00 - 13:00 Terceira-YSS3 Sustainable Development - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS4 Spatial Structure and Delineation - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS5 Drivers of Inequality - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS6 Regional-Economic Development - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS7 Inequality Causes and Consequences - Non EPAINOS
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch 2
14:30 - 16:15 Terceira-KL4 Keynote Lecture by Michael Fritsch
Terceira-S06-S1 RSPP Special Issue: A New Toolbox for Novel Research in Regional, Urban and Spatial Studies
Terceira-S15-S1 Flood Risk and Natural Hazard in the Built Environment - From Economic Impact to Regional Resilience
Terceira-S21-S5 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends
Terceira-S28 The Geography of Public Health
Terceira-S39-S2 From Neglect to Nuance: Exploring the Diversity of Second-Tier Cities
Terceira-S41-S2 Assessing the economic impacts of tourism
Terceira-S42 Local Mission Approach as a Challenge Based Multi-Level Building Block for Sustainable Development
Terceira-S80-S1 New Work Horizons: Geographical, Social, and Economic Dimensions of Collaborative Working Spaces
Terceira-S82 The Technological Turmoil of the XXI Century: Spatial Dynamics and the “No Person and No Place Behind” Approaches
16:15 - 16:45
Coffee Break 4
16:45 - 18:30 Terceira-Paul Krugmant's event
18:30 - 19:30 Terceira-Meet the New ERSA Journal "Global Challenges and Regional Science"

Ordinary Session
9:00 - 10:30 Terceira-KL3 Keynote Lecture by Lewis Dijkstra
Terceira-G02-O3 Demographic change, Population and Migration
Terceira-G03-O4 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-G04-O1 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
Terceira-G08-O2 Covid-19 and regional and urban resilience
Terceira-G10 Trade and Global Value Chains
Terceira-G11-O2 Transport and Accessibility
Terceira-G13-O2 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Terceira-G14-O1 Institutions, Political and Decisional Processes
Terceira-G16-O2 Cities, Regions and Digital Transformations
Terceira-G41-O1 Migration and Integration in a Global World
Terceira-G49 Entreprenurship and Digitalization
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break 3
11:00 - 13:00 Terceira-YSS3 Sustainable Development - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS4 Spatial Structure and Delineation - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS5 Drivers of Inequality - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS6 Regional-Economic Development - EPAINOS
Terceira-YSS7 Inequality Causes and Consequences - Non EPAINOS
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch 2
14:30 - 16:15 Terceira-KL4 Keynote Lecture by Michael Fritsch
Terceira-G04-O2 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
Terceira-G06-O3 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-G12-O3 Economic development in rural places
Terceira-G14-O2 Institutions, Political and Decisional Processes
Terceira-G15-O2 Spatial Sustainable Development
Terceira-G16-O1 Cities, Regions and Digital Transformations
Terceira-G19-O1 Energy and Ecological Transitions
Terceira-G27-O1 Regional and Urban Labour Markets and Entrepreneurship
Terceira-G31-O2 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Analysis
Terceira-G35-O2 Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Terceira-G39-O1 Big Data and Regional Science
Terceira-G50 Sustainability, Smartness and Festivals
Terceira-TRSA: Special Academic Session & Great Minds Lecture In Regional Science
16:15 - 16:45
Coffee Break 4
16:45 - 18:30 Terceira-Paul Krugmant's event
18:30 - 19:30 Terceira-Meet the New ERSA Journal "Global Challenges and Regional Science"

Friday, August 30, 2024

Special Session
9:00 - 10:30 Terceira-KL5 Keynote Lecture by David Audretsch
Terceira-S06-S2 RSPP Special Issue: A New Toolbox for Novel Research in Regional, Urban and Spatial Studies Terceira-G03-O5 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-S09 ‘What’s the Impact?’: the State of Social and Economic Impact Modeling, and its Role in a Transitioning World Terceira-G06-O4 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-S11-S2 Left Behind Areas: Past, Present and Future Terceira-G15-O3 Spatial Sustainable Development
Terceira-S17 Tackling Territorial Inequality: Challenges, Research, and Policies Terceira-G25 Spatial Econometrics
Terceira-S19 Gender and Diversity in Cities Terceira-G29 Quality of government across space and time
Terceira-S25-S2 Counterfactual Methods for Regional Policy Evaluation Terceira-G31-O3 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Analysis
Terceira-S36 Entrepreneurship and Public Policy Terceira-G41-O2 Migration and Integration in a Global World
Terceira-S43-S1 Skills on Local Labour Markets Terceira-G51 Sustainable Development Goals
Terceira-S53-S2 Maritime Regions: Europe Hot Spots
Terceira-S63 The European Outermost Regions: Remote Territories... Forgotten Territories?
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break 5
11:00 - 13:00 Terceira-KL6 Keynote Lecture by Joaquim Oliveira Martins
Terceira-S15-S2 Flood Risk and Natural Hazard in the Built Environment - From Economic Impact to Regional Resilience Terceira-G03-R Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-S21-S6 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends Terceira-G02-O4 Demographic change, Population and Migration
Terceira-S33 Drivers and Impacts of Migration: New Insights on the Role of Labour Markets, Demographic Change, Human Capital, and Networks Terceira-G03-O6 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-S43-S2 Skills on Local Labour Markets Terceira-G06-O5 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-S49-S2 Networks in Resilience and Vulnerability Terceira-G09-O3 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
Terceira-S52 Sustainability Challenges in GVC-Dependent FDI Development Path: Assessing Regional Development within Global Production Networks Terceira-G19-O2 Energy and Ecological Transitions
Terceira-S59 Telework in Post COVID Times: Trends and Challenges for the Future Terceira-G27-O2 Regional and Urban Labour Markets and Entrepreneurship
Terceira-S60 Towards Local Development Through a Sustainable Valorization of Cultural Heritage: the Role of Tourism Terceira-G35-O3 Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Terceira-S61 Transport and Rural Development: Keeping Rural Areas Accessible
Terceira-S62 Urban and Territorial Resilience: From Measuring to Building Planning Solutions
Terceira-S77-S2 Collective Smartness to Foster Sustainability Transitions of Places: Smart Cities, Regions, and Energy Communities
Terceira-S80-S2 New Work Horizons: Geographical, Social, and Economic Dimensions of Collaborative Working Spaces
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch 3
14:30 - 16:15 Terceira-KL7 Keynote Lecture by Ricardo Serrão Santos
Terceira-S44 Networks: An Empirical and Conceptual Toolset to Understand and Model Cities, Regions and Their Interactions Terceira-G18-R Climate Adaptive and Resilient Regions and Cities
Terceira-S74 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Regional Development: Dynamics, Evolution, and Implications Terceira-G04-O3 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
Terceira-S85 Sustainable Cultural Tourism in Urban and Rural Areas Terceira-G06-O6 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-G08-O3 Covid-19 and regional and urban resilience
Terceira-G14-O3 Institutions, Political and Decisional Processes
Terceira-G18-O2 Climate Adaptive and Resilient Regions and Cities
Terceira-G19-O3 Energy and Ecological Transitions
Terceira-G21 Urban Challenges and technological transformations
Terceira-G24-O2 Human - Environmental Interactions
Terceira-G39-O2 Big Data and Regional Science
16:15 - 16:45
Coffee Break 6
16:45 - 18:30 Terceira-Closing Ceremony & KL8 Keynote Lecture by Simona Iammarino
Including Awards Ceremony and Handover of the ERSA flag for next year's Congress
18:30 - 23:00
Gala Dinner
Special Session
9:00 - 10:30 Terceira-KL5 Keynote Lecture by David Audretsch
Terceira-S06-S2 RSPP Special Issue: A New Toolbox for Novel Research in Regional, Urban and Spatial Studies Terceira-G03-O5 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-S09 ‘What’s the Impact?’: the State of Social and Economic Impact Modeling, and its Role in a Transitioning World Terceira-G06-O4 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-S11-S2 Left Behind Areas: Past, Present and Future Terceira-G15-O3 Spatial Sustainable Development
Terceira-S17 Tackling Territorial Inequality: Challenges, Research, and Policies Terceira-G25 Spatial Econometrics
Terceira-S19 Gender and Diversity in Cities Terceira-G29 Quality of government across space and time
Terceira-S25-S2 Counterfactual Methods for Regional Policy Evaluation Terceira-G31-O3 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Analysis
Terceira-S36 Entrepreneurship and Public Policy Terceira-G41-O2 Migration and Integration in a Global World
Terceira-S43-S1 Skills on Local Labour Markets Terceira-G51 Sustainable Development Goals
Terceira-S53-S2 Maritime Regions: Europe Hot Spots
Terceira-S63 The European Outermost Regions: Remote Territories... Forgotten Territories?
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break 5
11:00 - 13:00 Terceira-KL6 Keynote Lecture by Joaquim Oliveira Martins
Terceira-S15-S2 Flood Risk and Natural Hazard in the Built Environment - From Economic Impact to Regional Resilience Terceira-G03-R Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-S21-S6 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends Terceira-G02-O4 Demographic change, Population and Migration
Terceira-S33 Drivers and Impacts of Migration: New Insights on the Role of Labour Markets, Demographic Change, Human Capital, and Networks Terceira-G03-O6 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-S43-S2 Skills on Local Labour Markets Terceira-G06-O5 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-S49-S2 Networks in Resilience and Vulnerability Terceira-G09-O3 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
Terceira-S52 Sustainability Challenges in GVC-Dependent FDI Development Path: Assessing Regional Development within Global Production Networks Terceira-G19-O2 Energy and Ecological Transitions
Terceira-S59 Telework in Post COVID Times: Trends and Challenges for the Future Terceira-G27-O2 Regional and Urban Labour Markets and Entrepreneurship
Terceira-S60 Towards Local Development Through a Sustainable Valorization of Cultural Heritage: the Role of Tourism Terceira-G35-O3 Tourism and Overtourism Issues
Terceira-S61 Transport and Rural Development: Keeping Rural Areas Accessible
Terceira-S62 Urban and Territorial Resilience: From Measuring to Building Planning Solutions
Terceira-S77-S2 Collective Smartness to Foster Sustainability Transitions of Places: Smart Cities, Regions, and Energy Communities
Terceira-S80-S2 New Work Horizons: Geographical, Social, and Economic Dimensions of Collaborative Working Spaces
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch 3
14:30 - 16:15 Terceira-KL7 Keynote Lecture by Ricardo Serrão Santos
Terceira-S44 Networks: An Empirical and Conceptual Toolset to Understand and Model Cities, Regions and Their Interactions Terceira-G18-R Climate Adaptive and Resilient Regions and Cities
Terceira-S74 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Regional Development: Dynamics, Evolution, and Implications Terceira-G04-O3 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
Terceira-S85 Sustainable Cultural Tourism in Urban and Rural Areas Terceira-G06-O6 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-G08-O3 Covid-19 and regional and urban resilience
Terceira-G14-O3 Institutions, Political and Decisional Processes
Terceira-G18-O2 Climate Adaptive and Resilient Regions and Cities
Terceira-G19-O3 Energy and Ecological Transitions
Terceira-G21 Urban Challenges and technological transformations
Terceira-G24-O2 Human - Environmental Interactions
Terceira-G39-O2 Big Data and Regional Science
16:15 - 16:45
Coffee Break 6
16:45 - 18:30 Terceira-Closing Ceremony & KL8 Keynote Lecture by Simona Iammarino
Including Awards Ceremony and Handover of the ERSA flag for next year's Congress
18:30 - 23:00
Gala Dinner

Special Session
9:00 - 10:30 Terceira-KL5 Keynote Lecture by David Audretsch
Terceira-S06-S2 RSPP Special Issue: A New Toolbox for Novel Research in Regional, Urban and Spatial Studies
Terceira-S09 ‘What’s the Impact?’: the State of Social and Economic Impact Modeling, and its Role in a Transitioning World
Terceira-S11-S2 Left Behind Areas: Past, Present and Future
Terceira-S17 Tackling Territorial Inequality: Challenges, Research, and Policies
Terceira-S19 Gender and Diversity in Cities
Terceira-S25-S2 Counterfactual Methods for Regional Policy Evaluation
Terceira-S36 Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
Terceira-S43-S1 Skills on Local Labour Markets
Terceira-S53-S2 Maritime Regions: Europe Hot Spots
Terceira-S63 The European Outermost Regions: Remote Territories... Forgotten Territories?
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break 5
11:00 - 13:00 Terceira-KL6 Keynote Lecture by Joaquim Oliveira Martins
Terceira-S15-S2 Flood Risk and Natural Hazard in the Built Environment - From Economic Impact to Regional Resilience
Terceira-S21-S6 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends
Terceira-S33 Drivers and Impacts of Migration: New Insights on the Role of Labour Markets, Demographic Change, Human Capital, and Networks
Terceira-S43-S2 Skills on Local Labour Markets
Terceira-S49-S2 Networks in Resilience and Vulnerability
Terceira-S52 Sustainability Challenges in GVC-Dependent FDI Development Path: Assessing Regional Development within Global Production Networks
Terceira-S59 Telework in Post COVID Times: Trends and Challenges for the Future
Terceira-S60 Towards Local Development Through a Sustainable Valorization of Cultural Heritage: the Role of Tourism
Terceira-S61 Transport and Rural Development: Keeping Rural Areas Accessible
Terceira-S62 Urban and Territorial Resilience: From Measuring to Building Planning Solutions
Terceira-S77-S2 Collective Smartness to Foster Sustainability Transitions of Places: Smart Cities, Regions, and Energy Communities
Terceira-S80-S2 New Work Horizons: Geographical, Social, and Economic Dimensions of Collaborative Working Spaces
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch 3
14:30 - 16:15 Terceira-KL7 Keynote Lecture by Ricardo Serrão Santos
Terceira-S44 Networks: An Empirical and Conceptual Toolset to Understand and Model Cities, Regions and Their Interactions
Terceira-S74 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Regional Development: Dynamics, Evolution, and Implications
Terceira-S85 Sustainable Cultural Tourism in Urban and Rural Areas
16:15 - 16:45
Coffee Break 6
16:45 - 18:30 Terceira-Closing Ceremony & KL8 Keynote Lecture by Simona Iammarino
Including Awards Ceremony and Handover of the ERSA flag for next year's Congress
18:30 - 23:00
Gala Dinner

9:00 - 10:30 Terceira-KL5 Keynote Lecture by David Audretsch
Terceira-G03-O5 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-G06-O4 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-G15-O3 Spatial Sustainable Development
Terceira-G25 Spatial Econometrics
Terceira-G29 Quality of government across space and time
Terceira-G31-O3 Methods in Regional Science or Urban Analysis
Terceira-G41-O2 Migration and Integration in a Global World
Terceira-G51 Sustainable Development Goals
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break 5
11:00 - 13:00 Terceira-KL6 Keynote Lecture by Joaquim Oliveira Martins
Terceira-G03-R Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-G02-O4 Demographic change, Population and Migration
Terceira-G03-O6 Innovation and Regional Development
Terceira-G06-O5 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-G09-O3 Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Productivity
Terceira-G19-O2 Energy and Ecological Transitions
Terceira-G27-O2 Regional and Urban Labour Markets and Entrepreneurship
Terceira-G35-O3 Tourism and Overtourism Issues
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch 3
14:30 - 16:15 Terceira-KL7 Keynote Lecture by Ricardo Serrão Santos
Terceira-G18-R Climate Adaptive and Resilient Regions and Cities
Terceira-G04-O3 Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities
Terceira-G06-O6 Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
Terceira-G08-O3 Covid-19 and regional and urban resilience
Terceira-G14-O3 Institutions, Political and Decisional Processes
Terceira-G18-O2 Climate Adaptive and Resilient Regions and Cities
Terceira-G19-O3 Energy and Ecological Transitions
Terceira-G21 Urban Challenges and technological transformations
Terceira-G24-O2 Human - Environmental Interactions
Terceira-G39-O2 Big Data and Regional Science
16:15 - 16:45
Coffee Break 6
16:45 - 18:30 Terceira-Closing Ceremony & KL8 Keynote Lecture by Simona Iammarino
Including Awards Ceremony and Handover of the ERSA flag for next year's Congress
18:30 - 23:00
Gala Dinner

Saturday, August 31, 2024
