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Online-S70-S1 The role of young people in building up sustainable development practices for inner and rural areas

Special Session
Monday, August 26, 2024
9:00 - 10:30


Chair: Alessandra Micozzi, Universitas Mercatorum, Italy


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Dr. Gaia Daldanise
Junior Researcher
Cnr Iriss

Culture, creativity and enterprise towards new sustainable value chains

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Gaia Daldanise (p), Ludovica La Rocca, Maria Cerreta

Discussant for this paper

Antonio Capasso


The paper aims to investigate culture and creative, community-driven and enterprise strategies aimed at improving the quality of public spaces and services, harmonizing various social interests, and increasing the quality of life of inhabitants based on the assumption that culture is an engine of sustainable growth. A possible new value chain for the sustainable development starts from the impacts generated for defining the inputs of collaborative decision-making and then monitoring the resources employed in human, economic, social, and cultural terms. In this context, the theory of change, expressed by the impact value chain, is a useful approach for producing and evaluating short-term impacts that are able in leading to long-term changes.
This would allow implementing new skills and hybrid enterprises to benefit the community, and at the same time activate new processes of urban regeneration in a culture-led sustainable development perspective.

Extended Abstract PDF

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Prof. Emanuela Rossini
University Lecturer
Agevolando Youth Association /Milan University

Rockability: a social and inner being regeneration project involving young people leaving care

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Emanuela Rossini (p)

Discussant for this paper

Gaia Daldanise


Since 2019, in the Italian village of Roccaporena, in the territory of Cascia in Umbria Region (Central Italy), a regeneration and participation project has been active, named Rockability. It involves mainly young people who come out of protection paths as minors. The project aims at reinterpreting the identity elements of the place, its historical-cultural and naturalistic features including one of the deepest vocation of this village represented by the caring of young people in difficulty.
The contribution will briefly present the condition of the careleavers, according to current Italian legislation and the bottom-up experience that has arisen. it will then go on to illustrate how project Rockability started and what actions and results have been obtained to date in terms both of development of a widespread community as well as the creation of a model for the social integration, wellbeing and training of the young people leaving care as co-activator of community.

Extended Abstract PDF

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Mr Maximilian Broglio
Ph.D. Student
Universitas Mercatorum, Italy

Youth-centred rural transformation towards sustainable development

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Maximilian Broglio (p)

Discussant for this paper

Emanuela Rossini


Nowadays we are living two strong dichotomies: old generations versus new generations and urban areas versus rural areas; it is important to underline that while urban areas are more resilient and have basically experienced socio-economic growth, rural areas that are far away from the borders of metropolitan regions are suffering
from intrinsic problems such as substantial unemployment rate, the lack of basic services and infrastructures and all these combined factors led young people to leave. Moreover, the current crises, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, the recent pandemic and the ongoing wars have exposed the fragility of our current system and the urgent need for a paradigm shift towards the sustainable economy we need (the principle of leaving no territory and no individual behind must finally become a reality). In this context, young people themselves, can represent the keystone to promote sustainable development in these disadvantaged areas: the process needs to be bilateral namely that young people have to deploy all their qualities and innovative thoughts but at the same time they have to be put in the conditions to unleash their transformative potential. Young people can be definitely seen as the future of their communities, and their involvement in rural community development initiatives is crucial in ensuring sustainable development in these areas remembering that these areas play a vital role in economic and social cohesion, including sustainable food production. In this extended abstract are emphasized the ways in which young people can assure sustainable development in rural areas, in which ways institutions can help them and which are the possible consequences of this transition.

Extended Abstract PDF

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Dr. Antonio Capasso
Ph.D. Student
Universita' Mercatorum

Environmental protection and national strategy for inland areas: the “Alta Irpinia” Pilot Area

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Antonio Capasso (p)

Discussant for this paper

Maximilian Broglio


The expression inland areas refers to those territorial portions, smaller small towns, which characterize a large part of the Italian territory. These areas, which make up about 60% of the national territory, are home to a quarter of the Italian population. To redevelop these small towns in the inland area, the National Strategy for Inland Areas (SNAI), coordinated by the Agency for Territorial Cohesion, has been developed for several years. The intervention sees the convergence of the synergistic action of all levels of government. The protagonist of the strategic interventions is the territory. In continuity with what was experienced in the 2014-2020 cycle, the SNAI 2021-2027, also following the constitutional amendments in favour of the environment and biodiversity, will continue to strengthen citizenship services and promote initiatives for the economic development and employment of the selected inland areas. The interventions will be supported by the European Structural Funds of the 2021-2027 programming, but also by national resources mainly linked to the Development and Cohesion Fund. Among the 72 inland areas selected, the territory of “Alta Irpinia”, with its so-called "Territory". Pilot area represents the model in which direct action is promoted in support of territorial competitiveness through a sustainable development program, as a tool to counter demographic decline and the abandonment of local practices. It is part of the SNAI, launched in 2014 with the 2014-2020 European Programming, based on the EAFRD, ERDF and ESF funds, to which are added the national resources allocated by the 2014, 2015, 2016 Stability Laws and the Budget Laws for 2018 and 2020, in addition to the 2021 PNRR (Next Generation EU) which, through an agreement between Regions and Local Authorities, finances 15 billion euros for the maintenance of secondary roads, for interventions aimed at making the extra-urban road network resilient and to improve the safety of bridges and viaducts. In this framework, an economic agreement between Coastal and Inland Areas will allow the latter to be included in the industrial development system through the development of the logistics sector.

Extended Abstract PDF


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Alessandra Micozzi
Full Professor
Universitas Mercatorum
