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Online-S47 Leave No One Behind! The Role of The EU Cohesion Policy in a Changing World

Special Session
Monday, August 26, 2024
11:00 - 13:00


Chair: Daniela-Luminita Constantin, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania, Erika Marin, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania, Cristina Lincaru, National Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection, Bucharest, Romania


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Mr Adrian Valentin Buta
Ph.D. Student
"Lower Danube" University from Galati

Revitalizing Rural Economies: Innovative Strategies for Economic Development in Remote Regions

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Adrian Valentin Buta (p), Mihaela Neculita

Discussant for this paper

Cristina Lincaru


The paper aims to address the critical yet often overlooked aspect of economic development in rural areas. This paper seeks to explore the unique challenges and opportunities that rural regions face, particularly in the context of sustainable development and regional economic growth.
The primary objective of this study is to identify and analyze innovative economic strategies that can stimulate growth in rural areas, which are typically characterized by limited resources, lower population densities, and restricted access to larger markets. The paper looks at different models of rural economic development, focusing on how these areas can harness their unique attributes to achieve economic benefits. This includes the examination of successful case studies where rural regions have successfully revitalized their economies through approaches such as agritourism, digital connectivity, local entrepreneurship, and the promotion of regional products.
Methodologically, the research adopts a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative data analysis with qualitative case studies. Data was drawn from a range of sources, including economic performance indicators, demographic trends, and case studies of successful rural economic initiatives. This approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of the economic dynamics at play in rural areas, as well as the effectiveness of various development strategies.
The contribution is expected to offer valuable insights into the economic development of rural places, providing policymakers, academics, and practitioners with a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that can drive sustainable growth in these regions. Furthermore, the paper aims to contribute to the broader dialogue on regional science, highlighting the importance of
inclusive and sustainable development strategies that encompass all geographic areas, not just urban centers.
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Dr. Pulbere ( Ghelase) Cornelia Carmen
Ph.D. Student
Dunarea de Jos University GALATI

The impact of improving the Esg score in banking in the new economical contexr

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Cornelia Carmen Pulbere (p), Mihaela Neculita, Zamfir Cristina Gabriela

Discussant for this paper

Adrian Valentin Buta


Abstract: This paper assesses the opportunities and ESG risk factors relevant to the banking system through selected environmental and social key issues as defined by the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS). The research process involves analyzing the impact of banks' exposure to ESG factors using different methodologies and tools. In the context of growing global awareness around sustainability, the banking sector faces increasing pressure to integrate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into its risk management frameworks. This study evaluates the relevance of ESG factors for banks by examining their impact on financial stability and performance, using data from 2019 to 2023.
The study’s objectives include: assessing the correlation between banks' ESG ratings and various financial performance indicators (such as ROA, ROE, NPLs), applying linear regression to model these relationships, comparing the first 10 Romanian banks and their parents international banks (Société Générale, ING, Raiffeisen, Alpha Bank, Unicredit), and analyzing the systemic impact of ESG factors within the banking sector. It also provides practical recommendations for banks to enhance their ESG performance.
Preliminary results indicate that NPLs have a significant negative impact on ESG ratings for most banks, while ROA shows a negative relationship with ESG ratings, particularly for a smaller bank. These findings highlight on one hand, the importance of credit risk management and suggest that better ESG performance may positively influence financial health and on the other hand, this strong emphasis on sustainability could lead to lower short-term profitability, as reflected in the ROA. For instance, sustainable projects might require longer maturation periods or involve higher initial costs, which can temporarily reduce the bank's return on assets.
However, the study notes that its results are preliminary due to the limited availability of ESG data and lack of formal model validation. Further research with extended data periods and more rigorous methodologies is recommended to validate these relationships.
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Dr. Cristina Lincaru
Senior Researcher
National Scientific Research Institute for Labor and Social Protection - INCSMPS, Bucharest, Povernei 6-8, Bucharest, Se

Clusters agglomeration as an accelerate employment creation way

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Cristina Lincaru (p), Gabriela Tudose, Daniel Coșniță, Speranța Camelia Pârciog, Adriana Grigorescu, Vasilica Ciucă

Discussant for this paper

Pulbere ( Ghelase) Cornelia Carmen


The new policy priority of sustainability means firstly social inclusion across all regional zones, meaning not only the increase of employment but also, the quality of employment, such as more equitable income and wealth distribution, in the context of more competitive and productive enterprises. A cluster is formed by a group of companies, related economic actors, and institutions located in geographical proximity, and which have reached a necessary level of specialized expertise, services, skills and suppliers. The cluster can play as a catalyst for economic development but also for social development. Thus, a cluster favours the multiply and the specialization of enterprises and consequently of the workforce in a better manner than in the case of isolated and not connected enterprises in a same region. So, analysing in time and space the cluster development it’s possible to prove the simple theoretical assumption that a cluster can be an employment accelerator.

Extended Abstract PDF

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Mr Alin-cristian Maricut
Ph.D. Student
Bucharest University Of Economic Studies

European capitals in the Context of EU Cohesion Policy 2021-2027

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Alin-cristian Maricut (p), Giani-Ionel Gradinaru

Discussant for this paper

Cristina Lincaru


The EU Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 and the European Green Deal are two entities that prioritize the development of sustainable cities. The definition of a sustainable city involves several areas of urban development, but an important side is represented by the component of the circular economy and green cities. Therefore, the paper aims to analyze the pattern of the cities included in the research sample from the perspective of their circular and green component. In order to achieve the main objective of the research, GIS variables were extracted from the area of the circular economy and the green economy, at the level of each city in the sample, and then a quantitative analysis was carried out on the urban development model of these cities. The main methods used to identify urban development patterns are clustering algorithms, as well as spatial density. Green city and circular economy are two hot topics promoted by the EU Cohesion Policy 2021-2027. Therefore, for the process of substantiating decisions by political decision-makers, it is important to analyze the current state, as well as the development directions of urban settlements worldwide. The paper aims to identify an urban development pattern from the perspective of the concepts of eco-city, circular city and green city. It is important to mention that in this paper the concept of "eco-city" is considered as a consolidated level of the other 2 dimensions "circular city" and "green city". The identification of ecological urban development models will lead to the possibility of identifying examples of good practices, but it can also lead to the development of partnerships between local administrations of cities that have a similar urban development model. The novelty element of this research is represented by the data collection process, using GIS technology. Thus, the data are taken from the satellite, and then processed to ensure the main dimensions of statistical data quality: relevance, accuracy, comparability. The results of the research show structural differences at the level of the cities included in the sample as a result of the economic specificity of the countries they come from, as well as a result of the public policies applied at the local administration level. Also, a relationship of association was identified directly between the two dimensions of the eco-city concept, "circular city" and "green city".
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Dr. Cristina Lincaru
Senior Researcher
National Scientific Research Institute for Labor and Social Protection - INCSMPS, Bucharest, Povernei 6-8, Bucharest, Se

Marginalised Zones – instrument to navigate the complexity of permacrisis and its social, economic and environmental impacts

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Cristina Lincaru (p), Vasilica Ciucă, Speranța Camelia Pîrciog, Adriana Grigorescu, Gabriela Tudose, Cristina Stroe

Discussant for this paper

Alin-cristian Maricut


It should be noted the special importance given to the increase of cohesion in Romania, through the public policies formulated by the Government of Romania and under the responsibility of the Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity. As a response to the complex persistence of poverty and need for resilience, recently was launched the National Strategy Concerning Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction for the Period 2022- 2027 (SNISRS 2022-2027). SNISRS 2022-2027 of 30.03.2022 approved by GOVERNMENT DECISION NO. 440/2022 establishes as the only General Objective (GO) "the reduction by at least 7% compared to the year 2020 of the number of people exposed to the risk of poverty or social exclusion, until the year 2027". This objective is strongly connected and harmonized with Romania's objectives assumed for the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy (through the National Reform Program) and the 2030 Agenda through the National Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Romania 2030).
This strategic document marks Romania's commitment to cohesion as a priority at the level of public policy. Thus, in the context of the "Leave no one behind" principle and supporting the growth of cohesion, we note the assumption of the first two strategic objectives of the Strategy:
1st Strategical Objective. A decent living for all, based on the principle "No one is left behind";
2nd Strategical Objective. Social investments to promote cohesion.
Not at least, the other two strategical objective consolidates in a complementary manner the first two objectives, respectively:
3rd Strategical Objective. Social protection throughout a person's life;
4th Strategical Objective. Improving the administrative capacity to coordinate national policies in accordance with European requirements.
A new element in Romania's inclusion policy is the diversification of the spectrum of more efficient and effective interventions aimed at marginalized areas together with their vulnerable communities. In this context, we propose a deep rethinking of the "marginalized area" as a tool to navigate the complexity of permacrisis and its social, economic and environmental impacts. In this sense, we foresee the use and development of analysis and intervention tools at the community level, in order to successfully operationalize the Strategies that support the growth of cohesion through an integrated, spatial approach to social inclusion and poverty reduction, based on supporting employment in conditions of just transition, according to the wishes of the 2030 Agenda, under conditions of sustainability.

Extended Abstract PDF


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Daniela-Luminita Constantin
Full Professor
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
