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Online-S65 Contribution of Peace and Cultural Diversity to Sustainable Economic Growth in the Era of Climate Change

Special Session
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
9:00 - 10:30


Chair: Oumhani Eddelani, USMBA, Morocco


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Mr Marouane Khayati
Ph.D. Student

Economic growth and renewable energy consumption: modelling approach

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Marouane Khayati (p), Oumhani EDDELANI

Discussant for this paper

Oumhani Eddelani


The aim of this work is to study the nature of the relationship between economic growth indicators (including gross domestic product, gross fixed capital formation with other economic variable) and environmental indicators that have an impact on the environment, taking into account the consumption of renewable energy and the level of carbon emissions (CO2), not forgetting other variables that could be included in our research, such as gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and per sector of activity (by agricultural, industrial or even digital sector) . In this respect, we will opt for the econometric approach of multiple linear regression and more precisely on the techniques of ordinary least squares (Régis BOURBONNAIS, 2015, p50), based on the data of the World Bank (international sites) to treat the economic and environmental indicators of Morocco over the period between 2000 and 2020. Our aim in this paper will be based on the recent literature review that focuses on the energy economy as a key factor of sustainability and its relationship with economic growth (Saidi and Omri, 2020, p1), trying to study this possible relationship to know the cleanest and most likely to be green economic activity sector in renewable energy (Saidi and Omri, 2020, p 1)

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Ms Sadgui Oumayma
Ph.D. Student
Iav Hassan II

Evaluation and Mapping of Carbon Sequestration Service in Morocco’s Protected Areas: A Case Study of Ifrane National Park

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Oumayma Sadgui(p), Abdellatif Khattabi, Zouhir Dichane

Discussant for this paper

Marouane Khayati


Ifrane National Park (INP) situated in the province of Ifrane in Morocco, is renowned for its unique bioecological attributes and rich biodiversity. It offers a multitude of ecosystem services essential for human well-being. This study focuses on the park's pivotal role in climate regulation. Particularly as a primary carbon reservoir within its forests’ ecosystems. Despite its importance, the park faces challenges arising from land use dynamics. These dynamics involve the settlement of local populations in mountainous areas, exerting increased pressure on forest resources, and the conversion of grazing lands into agricultural fields. Our study aims to highlight the importance of carbon sequestration service (CSS) within INP and understand how it changes pre, and post park creation. We use Google Earth Engine to map land use changes from 1992 to 2022. Then, we quantify and map CSS using InVEST software. Additionally, we assess the economic value of this service by employing a social cost of carbon monetization approach. Our findings reveal a spatial evolution in CSS, which exhibits a positive trend post-park creation. Subsequently, the economic value of this service has increased. In conclusion, mapping and economic assessment of CSS serve as crucial tool to inform and persuade decision-makers about the significance of conservation efforts and investment in restoration initiatives within protected areas. Additionally, it fosters awareness among local communities and promotes their engagement in sustainable development initiatives.
Keywords: Carbon Sequestration; Land Use Dynamics; InVEST Software; Economic Assessment; Ifrane National Park.
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Ms Charifa Mamouni Alaoui
Ph.D. Student

Innovation and sustainability of territories, local institutions and cultural values promotion

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Charifa Mamouni Alaoui (p), Oumhani Eddelani

Discussant for this paper

Sadgui Oumayma


Often associated with uneven development, rapid economic growth requires the integration of cultural aspects into transformation processes, thereby contributing to more authentic, equitable development rooted in local specificities. Innovative collective dynamics offer numerous advantages for actors, institutions, and individuals. They are important factors in social, cultural, and economic development while encouraging citizen involvement and creativity in local development projects.
Promoting innovation and sustainable economic growth requires a holistic approach that considers both the formal and informal institutions present in a given territory. Aligning these institutions with cultural values can strengthen social cohesion and foster sustainable, inclusive economic development.
This contribution focuses on innovation as a lever for sustainable transformation. More specifically, it aims to understand the role of local institutions in promoting cultural values through innovation dynamics. We opted for a qualitative method, conducting semi-directive interviews with institutional players involved in the Fès-Meknès region, using NVIVO software.
The sole aim of this research is to open the debate on the need to intervene on endogenous factors, such as the cultural values that characterize each territory, to promote recognition of the role of the local in projects for sustainable regional transformation.

Extended Abstract PDF

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Prof. Oumhani Eddelani
Full Professor

Human Rights between universality and specificity in developing countries

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Oumhani Eddelani (p)

Discussant for this paper

Charifa Mamouni Alaoui


Even if related to minorities and communities, culture is a human universal issue. Thus, globalization / localization and universalism / particularism are binaries to which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is confronted in many levels and around the Globe. Indeed, “UDHR is a milestone document in the history of human rights” (https://www.un.org), but when we talk about certain rights, the “flag of specificity” is raised against the universal values and rights a person has simply because he or she is a human being.
In one hand, universalism searches for what is systematic and tries to impose the rules, laws, and norms on all of its members so that things can run more efficiently ; in the other hand, particularism seeks for what is different, unique, or exceptional in order to create something that is incomparable or of special quality. Human rights are universal and inalienable; indivisible; interdependent and interrelated. They are universal because everyone is born with and possesses the same rights, regardless of where they live, their gender or race, or their religious, cultural or ethnic background. However, homosexuality, Adultery, Freedom of belief (…) lead to relativism and particularity.
Here, comes our main question of research: What to do against the principle of supremacy of international agreements over local legislations in developing countries?
To try responding to this problematic, we will ask practices of certain communities in developing countries in the light of the UDHR as document that acts like a “global road map for freedom and equality “(https://www.amnesty.org/). All human beings have the right to live freely, equ¬-ally and in dignity, but many questions must be asked in this context.
To present the results of our investigation, we will use the outputs of EViews and SPSS software

Extended Abstract PDF


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Oumhani Eddelani
Full Professor
