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Terceira-S29 Savoring Sustainability: The Intersection of Wine Tourism, Heritage, and Eco-Friendly Growth in Wine Regions

Special Session
Thursday, August 29, 2024
9:00 - 10:30


Chair: Javier Martínez-Falcó, Eduardo Sánchez-García, Bartolomé Marco-Lajara, University of Alicante, Spain


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Dr. Javier Martínez Falcó
Assistant Professor
University of Alicante

From Vineyards to Value: The Influence of Corporate Legitimacy and Green Innovation on Sustainable Performance in Wine Tourism

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Javier Martínez Falcó (p), Eduardo Sánchez-Garcia, Bartolomé Marco-Lajara, Luis Antonio Millán-Tudela

Discussant for this paper

Francesco Scorza


Purpose - This research focuses on analysing the impact of Wine Tourism (WT) development on the Sustainable Performance (SP) of Spanish wineries, as well as the mediating effect of Corporate Social Legitimacy (CSL) and Green Innovation (GI) on this link. In addition, age, size and membership in a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) are introduced as control variables to increase the precision of the cause-effect relationships examined.
Design/methodology/approach - The study proposes a conceptual model based on previous studies, which is tested using structural equations (PLS-SEM) with data collected from 196 Spanish wineries between September 2022 and January 2023.
Findings - The findings of the research reveal the existence of a positive and significant relationship between the development of WT and the SP of Spanish wineries, as well as the partial mediation of CSL and GI in this linkage.
Originality/value – The uniqueness and significance of this study can be attributed to several crucial factors. First, it enhances the understanding and knowledge regarding the advantages associated with WT development. Second, no prior research has conducted a comprehensive study on the WT development as a catalyst for economic, social, and environmental outcomes within the context of Spanish wineries. Third, to the best of the authors' knowledge, no previous study has simultaneously analysed the mediating role of CSL and GI as mediators in the relationship between WT development and the SP of wineries.
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Prof. Francisco J. Velazquez
Full Professor
Universidad Complutense De Madrid

Preferences and information: The role of distance in the propensity to pay for wine quality

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Francisco J. Velazquez (p)

Discussant for this paper

Javier Martínez Falcó


The quantity and quality of information about the product both to make the purchase decision and to assess its quality are of great relevance and will determine the propensity to pay at least for the quality or for other attributes. In fact, the elements of quality and reputation are information, and this is lost with distance, understood here as a broad concept and not restricted to spatial or physical distance. It is evident that the loss of information with physical distance can be moderated if there are other elements of connection between the places of origin of the wine, where the maximum information is usually found, and the sale market: cultural relation or connection or same tradition in wine consumption, in general or a certain type of wine.
This paper aims to establish a relationship between the estimated propensities to pay for a broad set of Spanish wine attributes in 26 international markets and various distance measures. For this, previous estimates of hedonic price functions are used from the authors.
From these values, internal meta-analyses are carried out for each of the attributes where these elasticities are regressed against different distance indicators and characteristics of the markets - in addition to the traditional variables of the internal meta-analyses following the methodology proposed by De la Peña et al. (2016)-.
Regarding distance indicators, five different ones are used: physical, transportation cost, genetic, cultural and related to the tradition of wine consumption.
The results found show that the quality elements of greater amplitude - amplified - are those that seem to increase their influence in determining the propensity to pay for wine. Thus, the magnitude of this influence ranges from the quality of the vintage, brand, winery and denomination. This seems to allude to the need to concentrate quality elements in the most distant markets and concentrate sales on a small number of products. This strategy can be relaxed with greater closeness. Among the five distances considered, the one that works best is the one related to wine tastes and clearly the ones that seem to show the most erratic behavior are those related to physics and genetics. On the other hand, varied results are obtained in terms of the remaining objective attributes.

Extended Abstract PDF

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Dr. Eduardo Sánchez-García
Assistant Professor
University of Alicante

Value creation in the wine industry. A Bibliometric Analysis

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Eduardo Sánchez-García (p), Javier Martínez-Falcó, Bartolomé Marco-Lajara, Luis Antonio Millán-Tudela

Discussant for this paper

Francisco J. Velazquez


The main aim of this study is to analyze the literature pertaining to value creation in the wine industry developed in the last two decades, identifying the main contributors such as leading institutions, authors, and countries, and uncovering the main subfields developed by researchers in this area. Bibliometric methods have been used to carry out this research, particularly the R package Bibliometrix®. The results unveil, besides the most relevant contributors, the main subtopics developed in the field of study. It is concluded that value creation is a key factor of success in the wine industry, playing academic research a leading role in revealing consumer trends, health benefits of wine, grape biodiversity, technological developments applicable to production processes, quality improvements of grapes and wines, sustainable practices, brand positioning and other sources of competitive advantage. This research can be of great significance to researchers, policymakers, and managers in the wine industry.
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Prof. Francesco Scorza
Associate Professor
University Of Basilicata

Enhancing Sustainable Development through Wine Tourism: Challenges and Opportunities

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Francesco Scorza (p), Rachele Vanessa Gatto (p)

Discussant for this paper

Eduardo Sánchez-García


Wine tourism is a vital component in driving economic development, particularly in regions facing socioeconomic challenges. Despite its potential benefits, understanding and optimizing the tourism value chain in specialized and fragmented areas present significant hurdles. This study introduces a comprehensive methodology tailored to identify and evaluate specialized wine tourism ecosystems within designated study areas, with a primary focus on wineries and their production processes.
The proposed methodology enables policymakers to navigate the complexities of wine tourism by facilitating the selection of appropriate measures—both hard and soft—in alignment with the principles outlined in the United Nations' New Urban Agenda. By adopting this strategic framework, which places sustainability and community well-being at the forefront, stakeholders can effectively address the unique challenges and opportunities inherent in wine tourism development.
Through an integrated approach, this research provides valuable insights into strategic decision-making processes for territorial governance. By emphasizing the importance of coordination and collaboration across various sectors, the study underscores the need for cohesive strategies that integrate economic, environmental, and social considerations.
Ultimately, this paper contributes to the ongoing discourse on wine tourism by offering a holistic perspective on its role in fostering local economic growth and resilience, particularly in disadvantaged regions. By leveraging innovative methodologies and strategic frameworks, policymakers and practitioners can harness the full potential of wine tourism as a catalyst for sustainable development and community empowerment.

Extended Abstract PDF
