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Online-G39 Intangible assests and regional development

Ordinary Session
Monday, August 26, 2024
16:45 - 18:30


Chair: Edurne Zubiria-Ferriols


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Dr. Özlem Tepeli Türel
Other Academic Position
Erciyes University

From Local Culture to Global Visibility: The Impact of the Istanbul Film Festival on City Branding

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Özlem Tepeli Türel (p)

Discussant for this paper

Qianyi Cai


The Istanbul Film Festival has become a significant cultural event in Istanbul. This article examines the impact of the Festival on the city's branding, using social media data analysis as a methodology. It explores the Festival's role in promoting Istanbul as a global cultural destination. The findings reveal that the Festival generates significant social media attention, attracting local and international audiences. By investigating the nature of the connections between users and festival-related content on social media, the article provides insights into how the Festival's brand message is communicated and amplified through social media. The author argues that the Festival is vital in enhancing Istanbul's global visibility as a cultural destination, attracting international attention, and recognizing the city's cultural assets. The Festival also helps create a distinctive image of Istanbul as a modern and cosmopolitan city, highlighting its rich cultural heritage. The article concludes by discussing the implications of these findings for urban policy and planning, suggesting that cultural events such as the Istanbul Film Festival can be a powerful tool for promoting cities as global cultural destinations and enhancing their competitive advantage in the global economy. Overall, the study contributes to our understanding of the impact of cultural events on city branding and provides valuable insights for cultural organizations and policymakers.
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Ms Junqi Li
Ph.D. Student
Nanyang Technological University

Brand Communication of the Beijing Palace Museum Wenchuang

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Junqi Li (p)

Discussant for this paper

Özlem Tepeli Türel


With the advent of the cultural industry era and development of cultural and creative industry in China, a number of museum cultural and creative brands rise rapidly in recent years. The Beijing Palace Museum’s cultural and creative products (Wenchuang,文创)is the most representative example of cultural and creative practice in China’s museum industry. It is also a pioneering attempt to seek a dynamic balance between culture, economy, and society. In this regard, studying its brand communication effectiveness holds both practical and theoretical significance.

This study, through a review of the literature, categorizes brand communication media of the Palace Museum Wenchuang into traditional mass media, Internet media, and point-of-sale media, and quantifies the audience’s brand perception of these media. Furthermore, this study treats the brand communication cognitive effects of the Palace Museum Wenchuang as a mediating variable between the audience’s brand perception and the brand communication behavioral effects, to delve into the mechanism of action between these variables. A questionnaire method was employed for quantitative research. Drawing upon established scales and combining them with the actual situation of this Wenchuang brand, a new scale was developed and subjected to reliability and validity tests. Based on the collected data, the study conducts detailed descriptive statistical analysis, reliability and validity analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis, and structural equation modelling. Finally, the study provides suggestions for the managers of the cultural and creative brand endeavors and discusses the limitations of the study.
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Mr Leonardo Holguín Muñoz
Ph.D. Student
University of Valencia

The relationship between communities of experts and traditional communities as a key to the uneven logistics-port development in Colombia

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Leonardo Holguín Muñoz (p), Juan Ramón Gallego-Bono

Discussant for this paper

Junqi Li


Within the framework of the literature review, particularly in Latin America, it can observe how institutional interventions at the local, regional, or national levels, and the interests of actors converging in port cities in Colombia, impact the local/global articulation, influencing the formation of local clusters (Fernández and Vigil, 2007). On the other hand, when considering the unequal dynamism in territorial development in two port cities in Colombia and recognizing that it is characterized by the disconnection of collectives within communities of practice, the fragmentation of the innovation system (Gallego, 2016) becomes a highly explanatory factor, along with gaps in its development, in explaining the unequal dynamism of port cities. Given the necessary integration of logistic clusters with knowledge and the challenges in communication, cooperation, and coordination between expert communities and local communities, a novel contribution is proposed to explanations of territorial development, emphasizing the integration with traditional communities as a vital element for the relative development of port logistic clusters.
In this regard, this article delves into the analysis of the relationships among actors in the port city from the perspective of the national Logistics and International Physical Distribution Sector (LIPDS) to interpret the sector's capabilities and drive territorial development. Likewise, an attempt is made to recognize the developmental threads based on the knowledge and experiences of those who have ancestrally inhabited the territory, even if they are not part of expert communities. This aspect represents a vital contribution to broaden the conversation by providing a more comprehensive interpretation of actors possessing different types of knowledge (Rutten, 2017), essential for driving the development of the innovation system and port logistics clusters in the selected cases.
With an evolutionary focus, through the conduct of more than 50 in-depth, structured, and semi-structured personal interviews with LIPDS members in 2023 in two major Colombian port cities, differences in territorial development are evident with particularity in their relationships (Boschma,2005) and their social dynamics (Galaso, 2018). On the one hand, there is a relatively more specialized dynamic of local relationships between expert communities and adjacent communities in Barranquilla, contrasting with the disconnection of such dynamics between mentioned communities and actors from traditional communities in Buenaventura. In summary, a different articulation is observed between their expert and primarily ethnic non-expert communities, with collective territorial rights (ACNUR, 2016) being an essential strategic factor for both integrating into globalization and progressing the port cities in Colombia.
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Ms Edurne Zubiria-Ferriols
Ph.D. Student
Universitat Jaume I

Social Entrepreneurial Intentions: a bibliometric analysis, thematic evolution and research agenda

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Edurne Zubiria-Ferriols (p), Teresa Martínez-Fernández, Mercedes Segarra Ciprés

Discussant for this paper

Leonardo Holguín Muñoz


Social entrepreneurs are individuals who create and sustain social value through innovative solutions to neglected social problems. Entrepreneurial intention is a reliable indicator of actual behavior. Therefore, it is important to understand the systematic process of social entrepreneurial intention formation for an individual's desire to become a social entrepreneur.

Social entrepreneurship intentions (SEI) is a topic of great interest to researchers as implementations in this field are increasing in number. This noticeably increased interest of the academic community is due to the explosive growth of social issues regarding environmental pollution, poverty, climate change, unemployment, and so on. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in studying SEI. This increase in publications requires a systematic literature review to sort out the results achieved, explore the main trends and examine the relationship with other topics.

The aim of this paper is to provide a bibliometric analysis of the research on social entrepreneurial intentions (SEI). The study attempts to identify the significant journals in this area, years with the maximum publication, most cited papers, most important authors and most prolific countries and institutions. Also, this study provides the co-authorship network map, inter-country co-authorship network map and keyword co-occurrences network maps.

The methodology used is based on bibliometric techniques using mapping and clustering. The study has been conducted on 376 scientific articles using English language, published in journals indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) databases for a period that is, from 2010 to 2023. VOSviewer software was used to conduct the analysis.

The findings of this study highlight the top authors, the ranking of the main journals and universities doing research in the field of SEI. Also, identify and classify the main research streams and gaps that have been highlighted.This study contributes to the existing literature on SEI by giving some order to the variety of sources, outline state-of-the-art extant research, clarifying predominant research trends, and subsequently suggesting further research directions in the field
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Ms Qianyi Cai
Ph.D. Student
Institute Of International Law,wuhan University

Legal Regulation of Personal Information Data Transmission Risk Assessment: A Case Study of the EU’s DPIA

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Qianyi Cai (p)

Discussant for this paper

Edurne Zubiria-Ferriols


In the midst of global digital revolution, the flow of data poses security threats that call China's existing legislative framework for protecting personal information into question. As a preliminary procedure for risk analysis and prevention, the risk assessment of personal data transmission lacks detailed guidelines for support. Existing provisions reveal unclear responsibilities for network operators and weakened rights for data subjects. Furthermore, the regulatory system's weak operability and a lack of industry self-regulation heighten data transmission hazards. This paper aims to compare the regulatory pathways for data information transmission risks between China and Europe from a legal framework and content perspective. It draws on the “Data Protection Impact Assessment Guidelines” to empower multiple stakeholders, including data processors, controllers, and subjects, while also defining obligations. In conclusion, this paper intends to solve China's digital security shortcomings by developing a more mature regulatory framework and industry self-regulation mechanisms, resulting in a win-win situation for personal data protection and the development of the digital economy.

Extended Abstract PDF
