For submissions to Special Session Type.
Please note: Epainos Candidates can choose Special Session or Young Scientists session type.
Please click on the title of the theme to view its description.
(* the special session is based on a research project)
S01 The Spatial, Regional and Urban Dimensions of Circular Economy
Sébastien Bourdin, Normandy Business School, France, André Torre, Professor, INRAE, University Paris-Saclay, France, Forman Balázs, John von Neumann University, Silvia Grandi, University of Bologna
S02 Localizing Sustainable Development Goals: Actions, Assessments, and Interlinkages at the Regional Level
Iraklis Stamos, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Territorial Development Unit, Directorate Fair and Sustainable Economy
S03 Drivers and Impacts of Migration: New Insights on the Role of Labour Markets, Demographic Change, Human Capital and Networks
Maria Abreu, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, Bianca Biagi, University of Sassari CRENoS, GSSI, Italy , Stephan Brunow, University of Applied Labour Studies, Germany, Viktor Venhorst, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
S05 Founding Principles of Culture Based Development (CBD). A Book-launch Roundtable
Annie Tubadji, Swansea University, UK
S06 From Vulnerability to Opportunity: Building Resilient and Liveable Cities through Sustainability and Digitalisation
Karima Kourtit, Gabriela
Carmen Pascariu, Alex
Banica, Manuel
Fosalau, Oliver-Valentin Dinter, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, Tomas
Dentinho, University of the Azores, Portugal
S07 Future of EU Cohesion Policy Post-2027. In Search of an Effective Response to Major Challenges of Our Time
Daniela-Luminita Constantin, Bucharest University of Economic, Romania, Cristina Serbanica, “Constantin Brancoveanu” University of Pitesti, Erika Marin, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
S08 Regional Impacts of Global Value Chains Reorganization*
Roberta Capello, Roberto Dellisanti, Giovanni Perucca, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Research Project: TWIN SEEDS (
S09 Opportunities, Risks and Challenges of the Digital Transformation in Tourism: ICT and LocalDevelopment
Nicola Camatti, University of Venice, Italy, Matteo Beghelli, Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, Italiy
S10 The Knowledge and Technological Relatedness of UK National and Regional Economies*
Carolin Ioramashvili, University of Sussex, UK, Raquel Ortega-Argiles, University of Manchester, UK
Research Project: This is a research project coordinated by the Productivity Institute, involving four teams working on related but distinct research projects, from the University of Manchester, University of Sussex, Dublin City University, and UNU-Merit Maastricht.
S11 Exploring the Place of Human Capital in Regional Science
Daniela-Andreia Damian, Bogdan-Constantin Ibanescu, Corneliu Iatu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
S12 Place-BasedInnovation of Cultural and Creative Industries in Non-Urban and PeripheralAreas: What Roles for Actors and Policies?*
Nancy Duxbury, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal, André Torre, Université Paris-Saclay, France, Julius Heinicke, University of Hildesheim, Germany, Hugo Pinto, University of the Algarve / Centre for Social Studies, Portugal
Research Project: IN SITU: Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas
S13 SEEDS of FutureHumankind. The Location of Technological Innovations in Agriculture and Agrobusiness
André Torre, Qiang Cao, Paris-Saclay University, INRAE, France, Maryline Filippi, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, University of Bordeaux, France
S14 Migrant IntegrationChallenges and Policies
Tomaz Ponce Dentinho, University of Azores, Portugal, Joaquim Oliveira, CEPII, France
S15 Regional Climate Change Adaptation
Theodoros Chatzivasileiadis, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
S16 Changing Patterns OfSpatial Mobility During The Twin Transition*
Anastasia Panori, School of Spatial Planning and Development, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Olle Järv, University of Helsinki, Finland
Research Project: MOBI-TWIN & WinWin4WorkLife
S17 Regional Science in Turbulent Times: Embracing Circularity through Multi-stakeholder Engagement*
Justyna Trippner - Hrabi, Zbigniew Przygodzki, University of Lodz, Poland
Research Project: A FRONTrunner approach to Systemic circular, Holistic & Inclusive solutions for a New Paradigm of territorial circular economy.Funded by the European Union in the framework of the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 101037031
S18 University Impacts on the Local and Regional Economy
Bianca Biagi, University of Sassari, GSSI, CRENoS, Italy, Laura Ciucci, University of Artois, France and CRENoS, Italy, Claudio Detotto, University of Corsica, France and CRENoS, Italy
S19 Regional Integration AndEU Macro Regional Strategies
Paolo Sospiro, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy, Università eCampus, Italy, Director of EUAbout, Belgium, Marco Ciro Liscio, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy, Daniele Bregoli, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy, EUAbout, Belgium, Donato Iacobucci,
Università Politecnica delle Marche
S20 Circular Economy and Eco-Innovation in the Cooperative Movement*
Ginevra Coletti, Asia Guerreschi, Massimiliano Mazzanti, Emy Zecca, University of Ferrara, Italy
Research Project: Climate Circular Coop
S21 To What Extent CanTerritorial Contexts Influence the Strategic Behaviour of Entrepreneurial SMEs, and Vice Versa? Exploration Into the Triple Bottom Line
Jean Bonnet, Université de Caen Normandie, France, Marcus Dejardin, Université de Namur & UCLouvain, Belgium, Domingo García Pérez de Lema, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain
S22 Taxes,Public Finance and Spatial Development
Arthur Grimes, Motu
Economic and Public Policy Research, New Zealand
S23 A Day in Regional Geography
Asraful Alam, Serampore Girls College, Satpati, University of Calcutta, India
S24 Educational Inequalities: Exploring Diverging Territorial Patterns
Giorgia Casalone, University
of Eastern Piedmont, Italy, Alessandra Michelangeli, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy, Jurgena Myftiu,, University of Bergamo
S25 Video Game Industry and Regional Development*
Enrico Bertacchini, Cecilia Maronero, Pier Paolo Patrucco, University of Turin, Italy
Research Project: Gaming Clusters Across Multiple European Regions (GAME-ER), H2020 project,
S26 New Insights Into Agglomeration (Dis)Economies: Effects and Underlying Mechanisms
Lina Bjerke,
Jönköping International Business School, Sweden, Annekatrin Niebuhr, Institute for Employment Research and Kiel University, Germany, Jan Cornelius Peters, Thünen Institute, Germany, Duncan H. W. Roth, Institute for Employment Research and IZA, Germany
S27 Gender Equality in Regions in Europe and Beyond
Jorge-Durán Laguna, European Commission, DG REGIO, Brussels, Belgium, Alessandra Faggian, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy, Simona Iammarino, University of Cagliari, Italy, and LSE, UK
S28 Declining Resilience of Shopping Centres Effects in the European Urban Space*
Krystian Heffner, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland, Małgorzata Twardzik, SGH, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Research Project: Warsaw Retail and Consumption Observatory 2024
S29 Counterfactual Methods for Regional Policy Evaluation
Marco Mariani, IRPET, Italy; Elena Ragazzi, IRCRES, Italy; Lisa Sella, IRCRES, Italy
S30 Social Entrepreneurship in Connection with Corporate Social Responsibility: Promoting Partnership
Iza Gigauri, The University of Georgia, Georgia, Agnieszka Wójcik-Czerniawska SGH-Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
S31 The Intersection of Corporate Social Responsibility and Digitalization in the Era of Sustainable Development
Iza Gigauri, The University of Georgia, Georgia, Claudia Covucci, Universitas Mercatorum, Italy, Maria Giovanna Confetto, University of Salerno, Italy
S32 Subjective Well-Being and Geographies of Discontent in Rural Europe: Quantitative Insights from Survey and Spatial Data
Gundi Knies, Thünen-Institute of Rural Studies, Braunschweig, Germany), Daniel Meyer, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Cottbus, Germany, Andreas Klärner, Thünen-Institute of Rural Studies, Germany
S33 Spatial Microsimulation: Methodological Advances and Empirical Applications
Dimitris Ballas, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, Manos Matsaganis, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy, Anastasia Panori, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Thanasis Ziogas, University of GroningenThe Netherlands
S34 Efficient Buildings and Industrial Processes: Driving the Energy Transition*
Alessandro Lorenzo Palma, Luca La Notte, Miriam Benedetti, Biagio Di Pietra, Giovanni Landi, Giovanni, Puglisi Paolo Sdringola, ENEA, Italy
Research Project: Electric System Research
S35 The Geography of Innovation: Advancing Knowledge on Industrial Districts and Clusters*
Jose Luis Hervas Oliver, Universitat de Valencia, Spain
Research Project: based on the understanding of the geography of radical innovation, especially in industrial districts. In addition, digitization (Industry 4.0) and sustainability are also covered, especially their radical dimension. We seek to advance the topic of innovation in industrial districts, highlighting also the radicalness perspective
S36 Management of Electrical Devices and Waste in Global Value Chains in the Practice of the Circular Economy*
Balázs Forman, József
Kárpáti, John von Neumann University, Hungary, Hans Westlund, KTH, Sweden
Research Project: The research topic is the product life cycle of electronic devices and their waste, their material flow, as well as their economics and geography. In our opinion, the spatial configuration of the production of various electronic, communication and computing devices and the global spread of their use have created a completely new situation for environmental protection
S37 Towards Local Development Through a Sustainable Valorization of Cultural Heritage*
Silvia Cerisola, Politecnico di Milano, Silvia Emili, Università di Bologna, Italy
Research Project: European Union - Next Generation EU, Italian Ministry of University and Research, under the grant PRIN (Research Project of National Interest) number 2022M87K4F “Towards Local Development Through a Sustainable Valorization of Cultural Heritage”
S38 Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends (ESSPIN)*
George Petrakos, University of Thessaly, Greece, Roberta Capello, POLIMI, Italy, Ricardo Crescenzi, LSE, UK, Raffaele Paci, University of Cagliari, Italy, James Scott, University of East Finland, Finland, Victor Venhorst, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Research Project: HORIZON-CL2-2021-TRANSFORMATIONS-01
S39 Leveraging Green Financial Resources in the Fight to Overcome Regional Disparities
Zoltán András Dániel, University of Pannonia, Hungary
S40 Just Transition Governance: The Challenges of Justice, Place-based strategies and monitoring mechanisms*
Lefteris Topaloglou, University of Western Macedonia, Greece, Dimitris Kallioras, University of Thessaly, Greece, Despoina Kanteler, Konstantinia Nikolaidou, Foteini Pliatsika, University of Western Macedonia, Greece
Research Project: “JT-OBSERVATORY -The impact of a Just Transition Observatory on energy transition. Exploring synergies with spatial justice and place-based governance through a comparative perspective” funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU, National Recovery and Resilience Plan Greece 2.0, HFRI.
S41 Regional Science and Economic Development: Synergies, Insights, and Opportunities
Carlo Caporali, GSSI, Italy
S42 Strengthening Societal Resilience Through Policy Experimentation, Foresight and Participatory Approaches*
Matias Barberis, EFIS Centre, Asimina Christoforou, Panteion University, Greece
Research Project: FUTURESILIENCE project & CLIMAS project
S43 Regions at Risk: Climate and Weather Extremes in Local Perspective
Luca Buzzanca, Carlo Caporali, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy
S44 The Necessity of Circular Economy implementation in a Regional Context*
Eleni Gaki, University of the Aegean, Greece, Charalampos Manousiadis, Theseus H4C Lead Project Manager, Researcher and Project Manager, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Research Project: Theseus Hub4Circularity Horizon Europe Project (20 million EU funding)
S45 Spatial Aspects of Well-being, Addiction and Crime
Emmanouil Tranos, University of Bristol, UK, Tasos Kitsos, Aston University, UK, Chiara Paola Donegani, Aston University, UK
S46 Innovative Data Approaches to Regional Disparities and Inequality Perceptions in Left-Behind Places*
Giulia Urso, Paolo Bottero, Crhistian Joel González, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy
Research Project: Place-based Unfolding, Localities and Participation (PULP) in NRRPs
S47 All Eyes on Border Regions: Enhancing Cross-Border Cooperation through Data-Driven Policy Support*
Matteo Berzi, Benedikt Herrmann, Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission, Olle Järv, Digital Geography Lab, University of Helsinki, Finland
Research Project: ACROSS: Data and Analysis for cross-Border regions (Joint Research Centre, European Commission)BORDERSPACE: Mobilities and Interactions of People Crossing State Borders: Big Data to Reveal Transnational People and Spaces (University of Helsinki)
S48 Regional Stability: Banking, Digital Shifts, and Climate Investment
Chrysanthi Balomenou, Epoka University, Hellenic Open University (EAP), European International University (EIU), Greece, Iges Banda, Western Balkans University, Jora Banda, Assistant Lecturer, European University of Tirana, Athanasios Georgakoulias, University of Macedonia, Spyridon Mamalis, Dimocritous University, Marianthi Maliari MSc, Hellenic Open University-Aristotelian University, Simeon Semasis MBA -MSc, Hellenic Open University- Aristotelian University
S49 Towards more Resilient and Inclusive Urban Energy Futures
Sol Maria Halleck Vega, Wageningen University, Erkinai Derkenbaeva, AMS Institute and Wageningen University, Chuma Ebere, Wageningen University, Fabio Tejedor, AMS Institute and Wageningen University, The Netherlands
S50 Social Housing and Socio-Spatial Segregation: New Challenges in Urban Planning*
Juan Eduardo Chica-Mejía, Universidad de Bogotá, Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Nelcy Echeverría Castro, Universidad de La Salle, Laura Lucía Amezquita García, Universidad de Bogotá, Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Politécnico Grancolombiano, Colombia
Research Project: Socio-Spatial Segregation and Social Housing in Urban Borders
S51 Urban Vitality, Green Infrastructure, and Sustainable Urban Form*
Juan Eduardo Chica-Mejía, Universidad de Bogotá, Jorge Tadeo Lozano, CYTED Network, Laura Lucía Amezquita García, Universidad de Bogotá, Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Politécnico Grancolombiano,Diego Alejandro Olave Cruz, Urban Observatory - Defensoría del Espacio Público de Bogotá, Jasbleady Castañeda, Secretaría de Ambiente de Bogotá, Colombia
Research Project: Policies, strategies, and actions for urban revitalization and mitigation of climate change effects. Bogotá as a case study
S52 Solutions for Sustainability, Affordability and Inclusivity in Housing and the City’s Neighbourhoods*
Stefania Gyftopoulou, Municipality of Egaleo, Greece, Dimitris Balampanidis, Regional Development Institute (Panteion University, Athens, Greece), Greece
Research Project: Pilot (research and implementation) urban project entitled “Rock-the-Block: Integrated Participatory Roadmaps for Affordable Co-Living”, which is funded by the European Union, through the European Urban Initiative for Innovation Actions (EUI-IA)
S53 Promoting Circular Bioeconomy at the regional level. Potentials and challenges*
Antonios Rovolis, Panteion University, Greece
Research Project: HORIZON Europe BIO2REG project (
S54 Reactivating the Debate on Contemporary Albanian Migrations: an Updated State-of-the-art*
Ifigeneia Kokkali, University of Thessaly, Greece, Andrea Verhulst, Research Scientist at Institut national d’études démographiques (Ined), France
Research Project: “Re-reading the Albanian migrations in the light of urbanization in pre-1990 Albania”, submitted by Asssistant Prof. Ifigeneia KOKKALI, to be funded by the University of Thessaly
S55 Taking into Account Diversity to Shape just Rural Futures: Novel Indicators for Resilient and Inclusive Development*
Tristan Berchoux, CIHEAM-IAMM, Carlos Tapia, Nordregio, David Miller, James Hutton Institute, Henk Oostindie, WUR
Research Project: GRANULAR (
S56 Digitalization and Inequality: Territorial Disparities and Policy Effectiveness
Valentina Cattivelli, Benedetta Coluccia, Pegaso Telematic University, Italy
S57 Cohesion Policy and Industrial Policy: Competition or Complementarity?
Alexander C. Lembcke, OECD, Anabela Santos, EC-JRC, Andrea Conte, European Commission - JRC, andrea
S58 Measuring the Social Impact of Tourism in the European Union
Riccardo Curtale, Silvia Iodice, Filipe Batista e Silva, Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission
S59 Harnessing Machine Learning for Regional Resilience: Addressing Political Discontent for Sustainable and Inclusive Futures
Nicola Pontarollo, University of Brescia, Italy, Carolina Serpieri, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
S60 The Use of Innovative Digital Technology, Such as 3D Printing, in Education*
Maria Mavri, Member of Board of Directors of UoAegean, University of the Aegean, Greece, Patricia Ikouta Mazza, University of the Aegean, Greece,Dimitris Papandreou, University of the Aegean, Greece
Research Project:“3D printing technology aims students understanding maths and recycling procedure”, “3D Printing: a Cultural accelerator for Education”, “Overcoming Disabilities and Enforce Social Inclusion via 3D printing”
S61 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Industrial Dynamics in Rural Areas*
Simone Sasso, European Commission – DG Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Research Project: This special session proposal is based on a new project conducted by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) aimed at understanding the patterns of innovation and entrepreneurship in European rural areas, with a focus on quantifying these phenomena, characterising their key features, and identifying their determinants
S62 A Changing World: Balancing Economic Growth with Sustainable Energy Transitions
Vincenzo Provenzano, University of Palermo, Italy, Maria Rosaria Seminara, Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources (TERIN), ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
S63 Regional Development and Cultural & Creative Industries
Ioannis Kaplanis, Athens Epidaurus Festival & Athens University of Economics and Business, Agelos Tsakanikas, NTUA, Kyriakos Drivas, University of Piraeus, Ioannis Radin, University of Thessaly, Greece
S64 Going “Backwards”? Changing Peripheries Through Youth Mobility
Madalena Fonseca - Faculty of Arts and Humanities University of Porto & CEGOT, Porto, Portugal, Fabiano Compagnucci- GSSI -Italy, Martina Dal Molin – Vilnius University, Lithuania
S65 Accounting Sustainability in the Mediterranean Region*
Edoardo Pizzoli, University of Luxembourg
Research Project: Systems of sustainable accounts (FNR Project)
S66 Sustainable Health: Progress Towards Universal Health Coverage as a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 3.8) across the Globe
İsrafil Boyaci, İstanbul Ticaret University, Faculty of Business, İstanbul, Türkiye
S67 The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Unlocking Regional Innovation Potential and Overcoming Structural Disparities*
Yannis Psycharis, Panteion University, Greece, Alina Schoenberg, IMC Krems University of Applied Sciences, Austria, Maciej Turala, University of Lodz, Poland
Research Project: Erasmus+ funded project ENDORSE
S68 The Role of Foreign-Owned Companies in Regional Development: Opportunities and Challenges in a Double-edged Relationship*
Zoltán Gál, Balázs Páger, HUN-REN Centre for Economic and Regional Studies & University of Pécs, Hungary
Research Project: "Micro, Macro-economic and Territorial Differentiating Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in Visegrad Countries - Challenges of FDI-driven Economic Policy Models” funded by the Hungarian National Research, Development, and Innovation Office (No. K135185)
S69 Cohesion Policies and Displacement Effects: Challenges, New Ideas and Evaluation Methods*
Fabio Mazzola, Debora Gambina, University of Palermo, Italy
Research Project: Assessment of Cohesion Policies’ Effectiveness: micro and macro approaches
S70 The Role of AI in Turbulent Times: Challenges, Opportunities and Best Practices for Data-Driven Regional Resilience
Simona Cafieri, ISTAT, Italy
S71 Firm Responses to Global Challenges in Regional Economies: Global Value Chains and Sustainability*
Anna D’Ambrosio, Luigi Benfratello, Maria Laura Pupo, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Research Project: PRIN PNRR 2022 project "Pandemic shock and the sustainability of international trade flows"
S72 From Responding to Adapting and Transforming EU Cities*
Karima Kourtit, Open University, Heerlen, the Netherlands, Alexandru Banica, Cristian Incaltarau, Ioana Ursache, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania
Research Project: City-Focus - City: Future Organisation of Changes in Urbanisation and Sustainability, project code CF 23/27.07.2023, financed through National Recovery and Resilience Plan for Romania within project call – PNRR-III-C9-2023-I8 PNRR/2023/Component 9/Investment 8. [Financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU]
S73 Urban-Rural Cooperation for a Better Future
Kinga Hat, Vienna-Lower Austria Metropolitan Region Management, Austria
S74 Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainble Development
Salma Hichri, University of Sfax, Tunisia; Polytech of Tours, France, Maher Gassab, University de Manouba-ESCT Tunisia, Hamadi Tizaoui University of Tunis- FSHS Tunisia, Paolo Sospiro, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy.
S75 Cities Under Pressure: Building Resilience and Adapting to Climate Challenges*
Daniel Centuriao, Mustahsin Ul Aziz, West Virginia University
Research Project: The research involves analyzing the costs and benefits of implementing resilience plans against climate damage. The current case study is the implementation of the FiDI Master Plan in New York City, which is a major plan aimed at reducing the effect of major storms such as Hurricane Sandy that devastated the city in 2012
S76 Innovative Economic Policy Approaches in the era of transformations. Topics, Data, and Methods
Federico Fantechi, Luca Agnello, University of Palermo, Italy
S77 The Geography of Political and Life Discontent
Sébastien Bourdin, EM Normandie Business School, Camilla Lenzi, Giovanni Perucca, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
S78 Territorial Cohesion and Insularity: Policies and Tools for Resilience and Growth*
Manolis Koutoulakis, Secretary General of the Aegean and Island Policy, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy
Research Project: Improving the quality of multilevel governance and strengthening the resilience of island economies of Croatia, Greece and Sweden
S79 Viable Solutions Towards Sustainable Tourism in Mediterranean Tourism Destinations*
Spyros Niavis, University of Thessaly/ Department of Planning and Regional Development, Greece
Research Project: Community of projects under the Sustainable Tourism Mission of Euro-MED Programme, facilitated by the Community4Tourism project
S80 Challenges and Opportunities for EU Growth and Convergence: Climate Change, Digitalization, and Knowledge Diffusion
Tryfonas Christou, TEDAM team, Joint Research Center (JRC Seville), European Commission
S81 Europe’s New Industrial Policy: a Friend or a Foe for Regional Convergence?
Vassilis Monastiriotis, European Institute, London School of Economics, Yannis Psycharis, Department of Economics and Regional Development, Panteion University
S82 Well-Being Patterns and Disparities Across European Countries and Regions*
Peter Nijkamp, Gabriela Carmen Pascariu, Bogdan-Constantin Ibanescu, Mihaela Clincu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
Research Project: The special session will be organised within the project SAGES: Spatial Analysis of Growth, Environment and Sustainable Well-being – project code CF 20/27.07.2023, contract no. MCID – DGGCPNRR 760275/26.03.2024, financed through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan Call no. PNRR-III-C9-2023 – I8_runda 2
S83 Climate Resilience in Agriculture: Adapting to a Changing World
Asraful Alam, Serampore Girls’ College, India, Rukhsana, Aliah University, India
S84 Future Smart Cities: The way forward for Inclusive and Sustainable Communities
Lakshmi Sivaramakrishnan, Jadavpur University, India, Sumona Bandopadhyay, University of CalcuttaIndia, Sucharita Sen, Centre for the Study of Regional Development, India, Saptarshi Mitra, Tripura University, India, Ranita Karmakar, Jadavpur University, India
S85 Regional Inequality in an Evolving Socio-economic Context*
Panagiotis Artelaris, University of Athens, Thomas Georgiadis, Panteion University, Greece
Research Project: Greece 2.0, Basic Research Financing Action, (Horizontal support of all Sciences), Sub-action II
S86 Rethinking Economic Growth in Regional Science: on New Narratives and Indicators
Eveline van Leeuwen, Wageningen University & Research, Aleid Brouwer, Groningen University, Rutger Hoekstra, Leiden University, The Netherlands
S87 Territorial Transitions: Exploring the Scene of Participatory Actions and Commons
Leila Kebir, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Artur Ochojski, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland, Adam Polko, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland, Frederic Wallet , INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse, France
S88 Twin Transition and its Unequal Geography
Panori, Christina Kakderi, Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki, Greece
S89 Empirical Evidence and Policies for Sustainable and Resilient Cities and Territories*
Angela Stefania Bergantino, Alessandro Buongiorno, Giulio Fusco, University of Bari, Italy
Research Project: GRINS Project “Growing Resilient, Inclusive, and
Sustainable” - Code ID: PE0000018 - CUP: H93C22000650001 - Funded under the
National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) – Mission 4 – Component 2 –
Investment 1.3 – European Union – Next Generation EU
S90 Transport Policies Shaping Sustainable Cities and Territories*
Alessandro Gardelli, Mario Intini, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy, Roberto Patuelli, University of Bologna, Italy
Research Project: GRINS Project “Growing Resilient, Inclusive, and Sustainable” - Code ID: PE0000018 - CUP: H93C22000650001 - Funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) – Mission 4 – Component 2 – Investment 1.3 – European Union – Next Generation EU
S91 Microdata in Regional Science
Ana Viñuela, University of Oviedo, Spain
S92 Micro and Small Enterprises and Urban Development
Thanasis Kalogeresis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Sophia Skordili, Harokopion University of Athens, Giorgos Gritzas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Dimitris Giakoulas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and IME-GESBEE, Greece
Please click here to view General Themes.