Call for Abstracts

Submissions can only be made via the below Submission Portal link. We invite you to consult the Special Session themes and the General themes and read below information before making your submission.


Please note that all sessions will be organised fully IN-PERSON.

Submission Extended Deadline: 25 February 5 March 2025 (23:59 PM CET)

Terms & Conditions
Submission guidelines and Congress registration 

General Conditions
  • All congress sessions will be held in English, therefore all submissions must be in English. 
  • The submitter must be: (co)author of the submission and (one of) the presenting author(s). 
  • All correspondence will be sent to the submitter. 
  • There is a maximum of 2 submissions per person (2 presentations during the entire Congress). 
  • All participants need to register individually and pay the appropriate registration fee. Registration is effective after full receipt of payment. Only registered authors will be included in the programme.

Themes & Type of Session

  • General themes can be chosen for submissions to Refereed, Ordinary or Young Scientists session type.
  • Special Sessions themes can be chosen for submissions to Special session type.
  • Candidates for the Epainos award can select a Special Session type (the theme should be selected from the special session themes) or Young Scientist Session type (the theme should be selected from the general themes).

Requirements by choice of session type & conditions of acceptance
Congress acceptance depends on the type of session chosen by the corresponding presenter (submitter):

For Ordinary Sessions (O-)
  • Submission of an abstract is required.
  • After the review process, a decision is made regarding acceptance to the congress with confirmation of the theme and session type.
  • The paper upload is highly recommended for discussion purposes. The upload can be done during or after the submission period.

For Special Sessions (S-), Young Scientists Sessions (YS-) and Refereed Sessions (R-)

  • Submission of an abstract and an extended abstract/or a full paper are required. In case an extended abstract was uploaded during the submission, the full paper will be required during the registration period. (Paper upload deadline: 15 June 2025)
  • After the review process, a decision is made regarding acceptance to the Congress with confirmation of the theme and session type.
  • After registration check and verification of the paper upload, a decision is made regarding final acceptance and programming of the paper.
  • For Special Sessions, the paper upload may not be required by the conveners for some sessions but is highly recommended for discussion purposes during the session.

For the EPAINOS candidates

  • Submission of an abstract and an extended abstract/or a full paper are required. In case an extended abstract was uploaded during the submission, the full paper will be required during the registration period. (Paper upload deadline: 15 June 2025).
  • The type of session that should be selected is 'Special session' or 'Young Scientist session'.

Specifications for the submission

Full Paper - Extended Abstract (for S-Sessions, YS-Sessions and R-Sessions) 
  • A full paper is uploaded as a PDF-file. A full paper is between 5,000 and 10,000 words.
  • If no paper is uploaded upon submission, an extended abstract is required (PDF-file). An extended abstract is between 1,200 and 2,000 words.
  • An extended abstract includes a discussion of the objective and contribution of the paper, as well as an explanation of the methods and data used and the (tentative) results and conclusions. 
Abstract (for O-sessions)
  • An abstract must be included in the submission process (text format). 
  • An abstract includes the objective and topic of the contribution as well as a short description of the proposed method and data. 
  • An abstract is between 200 and 400 words.

All submissions will be reviewed by the LOC and/or the Scientific Committee. The LOC has the right to reject submissions from the congress or move a submission to another theme or another type of session. A Special Session is organised if there are a minimum of 4 registered papers. In case a proposed Special Session does not meet this condition, the S-submissions will be programmed as an O-Session or an R-Session. All presentations will be assigned a discussant.

Should you have any questions, please contact us at

Young Scientists Sessions (YS-) & Epainos Award

The Young Scientists Sessions provide young academics in Regional Science the opportunity to present their work to specialists in the field, to receive feedback and a review of the presentation and paper. The time for presentation is around 30 minutes. 

To present in a YS- Session, the presenting author must:
  • Be younger than 33 years on 1 September 2025 and must not have a senior position (i.e associate professor or higher). In case of multiple- authored papers these two criteria are not applicable for the co-author(s).
  • Have submitted an abstract and extended abstract/a full paper. If only an extended abstract was submitted during the submission period, the full paper must be submitted by 15 June 2025.

Eligibility for the EPAINOS Award
Young Scientist candidates for the Epainos Award can present a paper in a Young Scientist Session or in a Special Session. Please note that the time for presentation may be less than 30 minutes if the author makes the decision to present in a Special Session. The upload of an extended abstract or full paper is required during the submission period.


  • The eligibility for the Epainos Award implies that: All authors of the presented paper are younger than 33 years on 1 September 2025, and not have a senior position (i.e associate professor or higher).
  • Have submitted an abstract and extended abstract/a full paper. If only an extended abstract was submitted during the submission period, the full paper must be submitted by 15 June 2025.
  • Submitted manuscripts for the Epainos Prize must be unpublished at the time of submission and not being forthcoming or accepted for publication at the same date.
  • Manuscripts under review at the date of the submission of the Epainos prize but not accepted before the date of the Congress are eligible for the Epainos Prize.
  • Manuscripts under review at the time of the submission but accepted before the date of the Congress are not eligible for the Epainos Prize but they still can be included in the Epainos Sessions or Young Scientists Sessions if the author agrees. 

Read full details on Young scientists Sessions and the eligibility for the Epainos Award here.

This year’s congress will be held in-person in Athens, Greece. Registration of presenting author(s) must be made by 15 June 2025 in order to have their paper(s) scheduled in the programme (issued by mid-July). Read on the registration page for further information.

Membership is valuable!
Not yet ERSA Member?  This is the right time to learn more on ERSA Sections' exclusive Membership benefits. More over, becoming member soon will also allow you to get members' rates upon registration to the Congress.  Further information on ERSA sections can be found here
Interested?  Request information on membership via the online submission form when submitting your abstract.

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