About the Congress

The ERSA congress “Disparities in a Digitalising (Post-Covid) world - Networks, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development” will host a large variety of themes in entrepreneurship, social-economic, regional-urban economics, regional development, and regional policy topics like local governance and institutions. The Congress has also the ambition to have a stronger interdisciplinary dimension featuring contributions and data from social sciences and entrepreneurship. 

With approximately 800 participants every year from all continents, the ERSA congresses have become the largest academic conferences in regional science worldwide. There is simply no better place to present your research results, network and/or exchange, find out about new developments in the field, and just to meet colleagues and friends.

We are excited to meeting you in-person in Pécs or online!

Zoltán Gál, László Szerb
Co-Chairs of the Local Organising Committee (LOC)
Balázs Páger
Secretary of the Local Organising Committee (LOC)
André Torre
President of ERSA

Key dates

 8 November 2021             Call for Special Sessions 
10 December 2021            Deadline Special Sessions Proposals
24 December 2021            Extended Deadline Special Sessions 
17 December 2021            Open submission for abstracts (and papers)
28 February 2022              Deadline abstract (and paper) submission
31 March 08 April 2022     Notification of acceptance
  4 April 2022                     Start of registration 
20 May 2022                      Deadline registration at early bird fee 
15 July 2022  (extended)  Deadline to register for onsite presenters
30 July 2022                      Deadline to register for online presenters
22-26 August 2022            ERSA Congress

Join us on social media #ERSA2022

Contact us 
Congress secretariat mail: ersa2022@ersa.org

18 July
Offer of Technical Excursions and Tours now available here!

13 June
Find out three outstanding roundtables online & onsite here which will be live-streamed during the ERSA2022 congress

19 May
Check the programme overview here.

5 May
Looking for accommodation in Pécs. Please note the offer has been updated, click here for more details. 

More past news

Join us in Pécs!

Discover all the charms of the University of Pécs, the place to be for #ERSA2022! 

We look forward to welcoming you in our beautiful city, Pécs!

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