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PL3_Keynote Presentation 3&4

Wednesday, August 26, 2020
9:15 - 10:45
Room 1


Keynote Lectures by Doctor Mafini Dosso and Professor Pierre-Alexandre Balland


Chair: Prof. Jouke van Dijk, University of Groningen, The Netherlands


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Dr. Mafini Dosso
Senior Researcher
European Commission JRC

Designing Smart Specialisation Strategies with Sub-Saharan Africa

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Mafini Dosso (p)


Increasing spatial disparities and inequalities of opportunities constitute key challenges in the development paths of Sub-Saharan African economies. The Smart Specialisation international cooperation provides a platform for sharing knowledge and practices on science, technology and innovation (STI) roadmaps for sustainable development. The presentation builds upon the ongoing JRC’s exploratory scientific activities and cooperation with African institutions and organisations. With a chronological perspective, it sheds light on the joint science and policy efforts to encourage the development of place-based STI strategies, consistently with the African continental and national plans for industrial and territorial development. A few research avenues are suggested in line with the conceptual and methodological requirements for “Designing Smart Specialisation Strategies with sub-Saharan Africa”.

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Prof. Pierre-Alexandre Balland
Utrecht University

Cities in a Post-Corona World

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Pierre-Alexandre Balland (p)


Cities are a global magnet to talent, capital, and knowledge. The success of cities has been so spectacular that it has propelled a worrying spatial divide within almost every country. Cities are also the most resilient social systems that humans have ever created. They have dwarfed the longevity of countries and corporations, and have bounced back from pandemics, to natural disasters, to economic crises. Is this time different? Will the coronavirus crisis put a halt to the home-run of cities? Or will the societal transitions – in particular in the digital sector - triggered by this crisis will just be another leg to the success of cities in the 21st century? In this talk, Pierre-Alexandre Balland will build on research on complex systems and economic geography to offer an outlook for cities in a post-corona world.