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Alicante-KL5 Keynote Lecture by Phillip McCann - HYBRID Session

Thursday, August 31, 2023
14:30 - 16:15


Chair: Fernando Rubiera Morollón


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Prof. Philip Mccann
Full Professor
University of Manchester

Monetary and Fiscal Policies and Regional Development - Speaker 1

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Philip McCann (p)


Monetary and financial issues are an under-researched area of regional science, urban economics and economic geography. Given that all interregional economic systems within national economies or specific integrated international single markets such as the EU operate on the basis of a common currency, most scholars have assumed away monetary issues as being relevant to regional economic adjustments. Similarly, the nuances of private capital investment markets are also largely absent from the field, presumably due to data limitations, while the fiscal underpinnings of public finance in regional development are also largely ignored, instead dominated by models of competition in public goods. The result is that we currently know very little about the effects of financial markets and monetary policy on regional development. Clearly monetary and fiscal policies are likely to have a strong impact on people and places, and, at the same time, their effects are likely to be deeply influenced by spatial constraints and potentials. Therefore, Regional Science Policy and Practice should care about Monetary and Fiscal Policies and Regional Development.

Professor Phillip McCann, from The Productivity institute at the University of Manchester, will discuss impact of private investment capital and public finances or regional development
Professor Kokoszczyński, from the University of Warsaw, will report on the spatial dimensions of monetary policies.


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Fernando Rubiera Morollón
Full Professor
University of Oviedo
