Online-G32 Real Estate and Housing Markets Issues
Ordinary Session
Tuesday, August 29, 2023 |
14:30 - 16:15 |
Chair: Oleksandr Talavera
Dr. Krzysztof Nowak
Assistant Professor
University Of Rzeszów
Convergence of the office markets in capital cities of the Visegrad group countries
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Krzysztof Nowak (p), Jana Přílučíková (p), Áron Horváth, Malgorzata Snarska (p)
Discussant for this paper
Oleksandr Talavera
The Visegrad group consists of four countries – Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Respresenting the region of Central and Eastern Europe the economies of the four countries are belived to be codependent. This also refers to the commercial real estate markets.
The dominant role on the commercial real estate markets in the Visegrad group countries is played by foreign investors.
Taking that into consideration, the objective of the study is to verify if the office markets in Prague, Budapest, Warsaw and Bratislava can represent similar way of behaviour (despite the visible differences e.g. in the spatial planning at the local level). In the study, we use quarterly time series of the four office markets (stock, supply, vacancy rate, rents, yields etc.) along with demand data and financial data for period of over fifteen years. Our research is based on econometric models. First, we determine the Vector Error Correction Models (VECM) for each market individually. Then, we examine if the four markets can work as one in the VECM on panel data. Using the VECM approach we verify the relationships including shocks, leads, lags and possible asymmetries. The final step of the study is to verify the existance of convergence between the four office markets (α, β, σ). The conclusions of the analysis should allow us to answer the question whether the four office markets can be in fact regarded as one market.
The dominant role on the commercial real estate markets in the Visegrad group countries is played by foreign investors.
Taking that into consideration, the objective of the study is to verify if the office markets in Prague, Budapest, Warsaw and Bratislava can represent similar way of behaviour (despite the visible differences e.g. in the spatial planning at the local level). In the study, we use quarterly time series of the four office markets (stock, supply, vacancy rate, rents, yields etc.) along with demand data and financial data for period of over fifteen years. Our research is based on econometric models. First, we determine the Vector Error Correction Models (VECM) for each market individually. Then, we examine if the four markets can work as one in the VECM on panel data. Using the VECM approach we verify the relationships including shocks, leads, lags and possible asymmetries. The final step of the study is to verify the existance of convergence between the four office markets (α, β, σ). The conclusions of the analysis should allow us to answer the question whether the four office markets can be in fact regarded as one market.
Prof. Oleksandr Talavera
Full Professor
University of Birmingham
Online Real Estate Agencies and UK Housing Market
Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)
Cigdem Gedikli, Robert Hill, Oleksandr Talavera (p), Okan Yilmaz
Discussant for this paper
Krzysztof Nowak
This paper explores the interpersonal vocal communication of managers with analysts during earnings conference calls. We apply a novel machine learning technique to a sample of more than 600,000 earnings call Q&As to generate vocal emotion measures. We show evidence of emotionally reciprocal interactions in analyst-manager conversations. Negative questions asked by analysts are likely to evoke negative vocal responses from managers. This vocal reciprocity is stronger when the respondent manager is female, but weaker when the analyst is new to the firm and when the analyst dialogues with the CEO or with an older manager. We also document that analysts incorporate emotionally charged information when forecasting earnings.
Jana Prilucikova
Assistant Professor
Tomas Bata University In Zlín
Malgorzata Snarska
Assistant Professor
Cracow University Of Economics
Krzysztof Nowak
Assistant Professor
University Of Rzeszów
Oleksandr Talavera
Full Professor
University of Birmingham