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Online-S03 Opportunities, risks and challenges of the digital transformation in tourism. Sustainability, Sharing hospitality and CoVid-19

Day 1
Monday, August 22, 2022
11:15 - 12:55


Chair: Matteo Beghelli (Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna)


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Dr. Bernardina Algieri
University Lecturer
Università della Calabria - Dipartimento di Economia, Statistica e Finanza 'Giovanni Anania'

New trends in tourism: Digital transformation and sustainability

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Bernardina Algieri (p), Rosetta Lombardo (p)

Discussant for this paper

Edith Cecilia Ruíz


See extended abstract

Extended Abstract PDF

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Dr. Matteo Beghelli
Senior Researcher
Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna

Sharing hospitality: The relationship between Airbnb, the accommodation industry and new touristic flows

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Matteo Behelli (p)

Discussant for this paper

Bernardina Algieri


The purpose of this work is, firstly, to provide a determination of the magnitude of the of the tourist sharing economy phenomenon and its various components for an Italian tourism destination. The second goal is to evaluate the relationship between the tourist sharing economy (or sharing hospitality) and the hospitality managed professionally in terms of direct / indirect competition. Furthermore, the analysis of the turnover associated with different types of accommodations that can be booked on portals will lead to the evaluation of the percentage of "core sharing" in the business of the portals and to an esteem of new tourist flows generated by these tools. The updating of these issues was framed in the situation experienced by the tourism sector following the outbreak of the CoVid-19 and the second year of pandemic. The work therefore also questions the - contrasting - effects of the CoVid-19 on sharing hospitality. An in-depth analysis was carried out on Airbnb which, although not the only active portal in the area analized, is generally considered to be the one capable of developing the greatest traffic for the tourist facilities present therein. The analysis shows that, tipically, only 20% of the turnover recorded by Airbnb in the metropolitan area of Bologna can be associated with the "pure" sharing economy, while the remaining 80% has different degrees of professional management which, in many cases, undermine the peer-to-peer relationship of the transaction established between the parties involved. Of this 80% of turnover, while 44% is associated with facilities that can be considered in direct competition with hotels, 36% is made up of tourist accommodations which, to varying degrees, play an indirect competition with hotels, thus activating new tourist flows to the destination's area. While this abstract is being presented, the analysis is being updated and expanded using the most recent data. The work also investigates the various consequences of the spread of tourist sharing in urban and extra-urban areas, highlighting the risk of displacement of habitual inhabitants from the most touristic parts of the cities and the permanent destination of the latter at the service of mass tourism, resulting in adverse social reactions.

Extended Abstract PDF

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Ms Edith Cecilia Ruíz
Ph.D. Student
Universidad Autónoma De Madrid

Temporary Space Analysis of the Professionalization of tourist rental platforms after Covid19 through Markov Chains. Madrid Case Study

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Edith Cecilia Ruíz (p)

Discussant for this paper

Matteo Beghelli


Through growing rental tourist in Spain, vacation platforms emerged taking advantage of this growth in the sector and as a new business niche. Collaborative consumption and the platform economy, linked to urban tourism, play an important role in reorganizing the daily economic and social life of tourist cities. In this context, Airbnb has been one of the most studied examples of vacation rental platforms.
However, Airbnb's activity has begun to professionalize so much that it has completely abandoned its link with the collaborative economy that it boasted so much about in its beginnings. Thus, the objective of this research is to analyze the professionalization of Airbnb in the city of Madrid from 2015-2021 in the four areas established by the Special Plan for the Use of Lodging in the city of Madrid, and to determine whether the behavior of professionalization of supply behaves in a similar way in all tourist rental restriction zones.
We use spatial Markov Chains to model changes in the distribution of Airbnb rentals, this has technically been used before in population growth and wealth distribution models, but has not been used before to model tourist rental growth.
We follow the methodology of Spatial Markov Chains that consist of 6 steps; The first is based on the representation of the distribution of the Airbnb housing supply through density functions for each of the years of the period and the spatial exploratory analysis. In the second and third steps, the supply growth process is modeled through a first-order stationary Markov chain where the effects of spatial and global autocorrelation on the transition probabilities are evaluated. In the fourth, fifth and sixth steps, an in-depth analysis is carried out to detect the existence and interaction of spatial mechanisms in the direction of movements and the classification in the mobility of Airbnb's supply distribution.
However, in general conclusions, we find that the professionalization of Airbnb increases the possibilities of housing speculation and that it has directly lost its social function to become a means of speculation.

Extended Abstract PDF


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Matteo Beghelli
Senior Researcher
Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna


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Rosetta Lombardo
Assistant Professor
Università della Calabria - Dipartimento di Economia, Statistica e Finanza 'Giovanni Anania'


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Bernardina Algieri
University Lecturer
Università della Calabria - Dipartimento di Economia, Statistica e Finanza 'Giovanni Anania'

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Matteo Beghelli
Senior Researcher
Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna

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Edith Cecilia Ruíz
Ph.D. Student
Universidad Autónoma De Madrid
