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S32-S3 Social Agriculture for Social Innovation & Viability in Rural Areas

Special Session
Friday, August 31, 2018
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Convenor(s): Christian Hoffman; Valentina Cattivelli / Chair: Valentina Cattivelli


Agenda Item Image
Dr. Maurizio Prosperi
Assistant Professor
University Of Foggia

Influence of Socio-economic determinants on the involvement of agent implementers of Social Innovation: the Italian Case Study of VaZapp

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Antonio Baselice, Maurizio Prosperi (p), Mariarosaria Lombardi, Antonio Stasi, Antonio Lopolito

Discussant for this paper

Aoibeann Walsh


Which socio-economic characteristics well predict the active participation of agents in social innovation initiatives? Using a dataset of 300 observations reporting information on the participants to social events organized by VaZapp - a rural hub aiming at creating career opportunities for young people in a marginalised area in Southern of Italy - we seek to define the characteristics of people, who are willing to adopt a social innovation, and to group them on the degree of active involvement in innovative cooperation activities. Data have been collected directly by a questionnaire.
All the attendances to these social events will be classified as followers or unresponsive actors, based on their willingness to follow the further social initiatives and activities. As a result, followers will be divided into active and moral, based on their involvement degree in these projects among different agents. Based on these definitions, we use the Heckman’s two-step framework for active involvement prediction.
Considering a sample of N observations, the two equations related to individual i are:
1) Wi1 = β01 + βjXi + Ui1 + ɛ1
2) Wi2 = β02 + βjXi + Ui2 + ɛ2
where Wi represents the dichotomous dependent variable, in which an attendance chooses whether to continue to follow VaZapp initiative and decide to follow it; Xi represents the list of socio-economic variables for each individual, Ui represents the perceived utility by the individual i, directly connected with the event in the first stage and with the social innovation in the second stage, and ɛ is the errors term. In the two-step estimation, the equation 2 exists only for those observations where Wi1 > 0, who are the attendances willing to follow the activities of VaZapp and share its vision. Both stages will be estimated by maximum likelihood as independent probit model to determine the individual decision participation to the social events and the active involvement in the social innovation. Finally, the probability to be an active follower, directly involved in some projects, cooperation or formal agreements, is measured as the joint probability to belong to the followers and to the active followers.
The expected result is to estimate the probability for each attendance to belong to the group of followers and to the group of active followers, starting from the socio-economics characteristics of the individuals. The results will represent useful information and suggestions for the social innovators and for the actors involved in VaZapp.
Dr. Aisling Moroney
Social Farming Ireland

Growing connections, changing lives: A case of innovation and collaboration in the development of social farming in Ireland.

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Aisling Moroney (p), James Kinsella, Brian Smyth

Discussant for this paper

Maurizio Prosperi


See extended abstract
Agenda Item Image
Dr. Jacopo Sforzi
Senior Researcher
EURICSE (European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises)

Social Agricultural Cooperatives and Work Integration: the 'Social Taste' of Craft Beer in Italy

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Jacopo Sforzi (p), Laura Antonella Colombo

Discussant for this paper

Aisling Moroney


see extended abstract
Dr. Aoibeann Walsh
Rural Support

Social Farming in Northern Ireland: Growth and Next Steps - The SoFarm Project

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Aoibeann Walsh (p)

Discussant for this paper

Jacopo Sforzi


See extended abstract.