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S09-S4 Culture-led development: theory and evidence

Special Session
Thursday, August 30, 2018
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM


Convenor(s): Alessandro Crociata; Alessandra Faggian; Cecilia Pasquinelli; Pier Luigi Sacco / Chair: Michele Trimarchi


Dr. Mara Cerquetti
Assistant Professor
Università di Macerata - SFBCT

Cultural-led local development in inland areas. Criticalities and opportunities for the regeneration of Marche’s Apennines (Italy)

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Mara Cerquetti (p), Eleonora Cultrini (p)

Discussant for this paper

Michele Trimarchi


In the past fifteen years, economic and managerial studies have given an increasing attention to cultural-led development (Pratt, 2004; Santagata, 2009, 2014; Scott, 2010; Sacco et al., 2015). Considerable research has been devoted to the role of cultural and creative industries in promoting urban regeneration and development in metropolitan areas (Bailey et al., 2004; Mommas, 2004; Miles, Paddison, 2005; OECD 2009, 2014; Valentino, 2012). However, less attention has been paid to culture and creativity as drivers to foster innovative and sustainable development in marginal and fragile areas.
Aiming to fill this gap, this research shifts its focus to inner areas in Italy: a vulnerable landscape, but rich in environmental and cultural resources (Toscano, 2011; Lucatelli, 2016; Marchetti et al., 2017). The main strength of these areas is the dual nature of their diversity, both natural and cultural, changing in different places and including agricultural and building practices, traditions, arts and crafts. In the globalised world, this diversity is a great opportunity, that could attract a new and increasing, but still unsatisfied, demand for authenticity in tourism and consumption (Grayson, Martinec, 2004; Pine, Gilmore, 2007; Baverland, Farrelly, 2010). However, in order to be competitive in the global market, this richness has to be organised through an integrated approach (Becattini, 2015).
Sharing these assumptions, the field research focuses on the Marche Region’s “crater surface” , a wide hilly and mountain area affected by the earthquakes that hit the Centre of Italy between August 2016 and January 2017. The research aims to identify criticalities and opportunities for the cultural-led regeneration of Marche’s Apennines, based on the integration of natural, cultural and creative resources.
After providing a documented analysis of the economic structure of this area, current reconstruction processes and development strategies are better investigated. The results of the interviews to the mayors of the 87 municipalities of the “crater surface” are discussed. Mayors were asked to provide an answer on three main issues: (1) new possible development paths; (2) on going strategic projects; (3) the implementation of new development paths through governance and planning. These findings were also compared with the results of an explorative field research on horizontal cooperation in the tourism and cultural sector started in this area, in order to highlight the main gaps of the system, the social capital of the territory, and its possible future development.
See extended abstract for references.
Prof. Maria Cerreta
Associate Professor
Università di Napoli Federico II - Dipartimento di Architettura

PLUS Creative Community Hub: A Culture-Led Regeneration Process for Pisticci (Matera, Italy)

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Maria Cerreta (p), Gaia Daldanise

Discussant for this paper

Mara Cerquetti


see extended abstract