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S08-S3 Regional Characteristics and Vulnerability to Economic Shocks

Special Session
Thursday, August 30, 2018
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Convenor(s): Timothy Slaper; J. Paul Elhorst; Stephan J. Goetz; Alexandra Tsvetkova / Chair: Matías Mayor


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Dr. Timothy Slaper
Manager/Director (prof.)
Indiana University

A basic approach to measuring a region’s economic performance: Regional risk and resiliency (R3) index

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Alexandra Tsvetkova, Timpthy Slaper (p)

Discussant for this paper

Matías Mayor


see extended abstract
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Ms Anna Herzog
Ph.D. Student
Hochschule Niederrhein

Key factors shaping urban structural adjustment processes A case study of former textile cities in France and Germany

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Anna Herzog (p), Rüdiger Hamm

Discussant for this paper

Alexandra Tsvetkova


see extended abstract
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Prof. Barbara Martini
Associate Professor
Università di Roma Tor Vergata

Labour Market Resilience: The role of policies and institutions in Europe

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Barbara Martini (p), Massimo Giannini

Discussant for this paper

Anna Herzog


As known, Italy is characterized by a strong polarization between
North and South and the 2007 crises has exacerbated such pattern.
Some regions have shown a higher degree of resilience, with a fast
recovery while others seems to be stacked in a poverty trap. Most of
the story is related to the unemployment gap, hence to the regional
labour market. The paper investigates upon the functioning of Italian
labour market at NUTS 2 level, over 1995-2015, by means of a panel
error correction model after controlling for spatial interactions among
Italian regions.
Our results show that in the long run wage per worker follows
a standard labour demand curve, with a subsequent adjustimento of
short run dynamics to the long one. Hence wage are essentially driven
by labour productivity. But regional characterics matter, as residuals
show a certain degree of cross dependence and presence of common
factors. This means that regional disparities could be related to the lo-
cal functioning of labour market and to productivity gap, that calls for
the di¤erent industrial and institutional tissue among Italian regions.
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Dr. Matías Mayor
Full Professor
Universidad de Oviedo

Economic crisis and regional resilience in the Spanish Labour Market. A spatial perspective

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Matías Mayor (p), Begoña Cueto , Patricia Suárez

Discussant for this paper

Barbara Martini


see extended abstract