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S19-S1 Collective action, commons and commoning : towards the emergence of new forms of territorial development processes ?

Special Session
Thursday, August 30, 2018
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Convenor(s): Leïla Kebir; Frédéric Wallet; Artur Ochojski; Adam Polko / Chair: Adam Polko


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Prof Marco Bellandi
Full Professor
Università di Firenze

Oligarchic power and resistance to change in industrial districts

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Marco Bellandi (p), Monica Plechero, Erica Santini, Dimitri Storai

Discussant for this paper

Adam Polko


see extended abstract
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Dr. Giulia Pesaro
Senior Researcher
Politecnico di Milano - DABC

Rethinking Resilience Practices: lessons learnt from the Italian Resilience Practices Observatory experience and development paths

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Giulia Pesaro (p), Angela Colucci

Discussant for this paper

Marco Bellandi


In recent years, there has been a remarkable expansion in use of resilience concept and a parallel wider diffusion of resilience practices, making territorial and societal quality a central element in urban and territorial innovative actions and investments.
Starting from the activities of the Italian Resilience Practices Observatory (RPO), settled in 2015, it is now possible to better identify strengths and weaknesses of the resilience implementation from the operational perspective and to envisage innovative tools to be applied in a new generation of multipurpose projects. From this experience, some main issues emerged as key elements to be discussed and deepened for enriching the offer of tools in an innovative perspective.
The essay introduces to the database of practices built up during the RPO and offers a reading of the main elements emerging from the ground. This particularly looking at the main criticalities addressed by the practices, the related main topics and sectors in which the practices concentrate their activities and investments, the territorial areas and contexts and the main tools proposed for the implementation.
Three “crosscutting” rethinking paths have therefore been identified as target issues for the following activities: (i) regeneration beyond the urban areas, promoting innovative models and processes for the regeneration and redevelopment of depressed areas; (ii) circular and new economies as a tool better adapting the demand for new production and consumption models with the demand for territorial and social quality; (iii) capacity building instruments, as new/renovated capabilities, skills and knowledge are more and more needed in order to make resilience become a more ordinary approach.
Ph.D. Student
Université Gustave Eiffel

Are Fablabs and Hackerspaces Urban Commons ? Relations with Territories in France and Belgium

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Flavie Ferchaud (p)

Discussant for this paper

Giulia Pesaro


See extended abstract
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Dr. Adam Polko
Assistant Professor
University of Economics in Katowice

Commoning in the city - evidence from experiments in Poland.

Author(s) - Presenters are indicated with (p)

Adam Polko (p), Artur Ochojski (p), Małgorzata Czornik, Piotr Gibas

Discussant for this paper

Flavie Ferchaud


See extended abstract