Call for Special Session proposals

Extended Deadline The Call for Special Sessions closes on December 21st, 2018! 

The Local Organising Committee cordially invites proposals for Special Sessions.
Special Sessions must be related to the congress theme or especially hot topics within the congress scope. 
The Congress has also the ambition to have a stronger interdisciplinary dimension featuring contributions from social sciences, engineering and big data. 
We ask you to take note of the procedure and guidelines regarding Special Sessions at ERSA 2019: 

Procedure and Guidelines

What do we offer?
Special Sessions are a label of quality in the ERSA congress and we accommodate for this in several ways:

  • We aim to allow 30 minutes for each presentation slot in a Special Session
  • Each presentation in a Special Session will be assigned a discussant
What do we ask?
  • Each Special Session has a minimum of 4 registered presenters
  • Presenters can apply for a special session on the basis of a (draft) Paper or an extended abstract    (deadline February 28th 2019)
  • Accepted Presentations are based on a (draft) paper that has been uploaded on the ERSA 2019 submission website before June 10th 2019

If a Special Session does not meet the conditions, the presentations will still be included in the programme, labelled as an O-session.

How to submit a proposal?
  • You are requested to submit your Special Session Proposal using the following online submission form
     Please note that you must have a google account to fill in the online form. In case you have not, please use this form and send it back to
  •  Note, that in addition to contact information of the primary convenor, names of any co-convenors, the title, and description of the Special Session, we also ask you to list four interested presenters in your submission form.
We look forward to receiving your proposals for Special Sessions. Should you have any questions, please contact us at

Louafi Bouzouina
Researcher, LAET, ENTPE,University of Lyon
Co-Chair of the Local Organising Committee

Dominique Mignot
Director, Head of Department "Transport, Health, Safety"IFSTTAR
Co-Chair of the Local Organising Committee