
38th ERSA Summer School

The European Regional Science Association, in collaboration with the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER), the DRESDEN-concept alliance and the German speaking section of ERSA (GfR), is pleased to announce the organisation of the 38th ERSA Summer School which will be held at the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER), from 29 June - 4 July 2025 in Dresden, Germany. It is funded by DRESDEN-concept as part of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments.

This 38th edition will feature the theme Sustainability, Innovation and Regional Development”.


The ERSA Summer School 2025 will aim to gather young researchers who are working empirically and conceptually on sustainable and transformative innovation in various spatial contexts . The empirical work can involve quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Lecture topics include: territorial circular economy, regional eco-innovation trajectories, regional change agency, transformative innovation policy, and more!

Methods highlights: sequence analysis methods, innovation measurement, cross-case analysis.


André Torre
University Paris-Saclay

Sebastian Losacker
Gießen University

Carolina Castaldi
Utrecht University
The Netherlands

Daniel Schiller
Greifswald University

Simone Strambach
Marburg University

Artem Korzhenevych
TU Dresden and IOER

Remmer Sassen
TU Dresden


Sunday (Day 0) to Friday (Day 5), 29 June to 4 July 2025

Preliminary structure of the week:

  • Day 0: Welcome Reception
  • Day 1: Morning (3 hours): lectures / workshop; Afternoon (4 hours): Student presentations
  • Day 2: Morning (3 hours): lectures / workshop; Afternoon (4 hours): Student presentations; Evening: Guided Tour of Dresden
  • Day 3: Morning (3 hours): lectures / workshop; Free afternoon (joint social activities)
  • Day 4: Morning (3 hours): lectures / workshop; Afternoon (4 hours): Student presentations
  • Day 5: Morning (3 hours): lecture or student presentations; Afternoon: prize ceremony, closing ceremony 


The ERSA Summer School 2025 will aim to gather young researchers who are working empirically and conceptually on sustainable and transformative innovation in various spatial contexts. The empirical work can involve quantitative and qualitative research methods.

The participants will have an opportunity to present and discuss their own research with experienced researchers in the field. They will acquire new knowledge to advance their careers as researchers. They will have an opportunity to expand their professional network on an international level.

Application - Terms and Conditions

Selection of participants
The ERSA Summer School 2025 will aim to gather PhD students (especially the ones who are in the second half of their studies), post-doctoral students, and young researchers with less than 10 years’ experience from any research field interested in developing skills and learning new methods on the topics of sustainability-oriented innovation and regional development.

The Local Organizing Committee primarily according to the below-mentioned criteria will select participants. In addition to these criteria, the organizers will look for a mix of international participants. The number of participants is limited to 24.

Application submission
PhD students and young researchers who want to participate in the 2025 Summer School should submit their application form via the below online ERSA Application portal which include (in PDF format):

  • A one-page summary of the research project students’ aim at presenting during the Summer School 
  • A one-page Motivation letter
  • A one-page CV of the applicant

After notification of acceptance and receipt of registration payment, the participants will be asked to upload an updated version of their intended presentation during the summer school.


After notification of acceptance, the accepted applicants must register and pay the participation fee before the registration & payment deadline. The registration link will be sent by mail to all successful applicants.

The fee

Participation fee: €250

The fee includes:

  • Accommodation for 5 nights - breakfast included
  • Lunches and coffee breaks throughout the Summer school
  • Welcome reception, dinner, closing reception and social events
  • Social activities
Please note:

Participants must cover their own travel expenses to/from the Summer School venue.


Local Organising Committee

Prof. Dr. Artem Korzhenevych
TU Dresden and IOER
Chair of the LOC

Practical Information

Key Dates

Call for Application start             4 February 2025

Application deadline                   21 March 2025

Notification of acceptance          21 April 2025
& Registration start

Registration & payment              24 May 2025


The 38th ERSA Summer School will be held at Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER), Weberplatz 1, 01217 Dresden, Germany. (Phone +49 351 4679 0).


Accomodation in double rooms at "a&o Dresden Hauptbahnhof" is covered.

Travel information

By local public transport

From Dresden Main Station

Bus 66 (ca. 10 minutes): Bus stop Main Station/"Hauptbahnhof" (exit "St. Petersburger Straße", below railway bridge). Take the bus 66, direction "Dresden Lockwitz" or "Dresden Nickern", exit at "Weberplatz" (ca. 5 min/4 stations). After a few steps further in the direction of travel turn right into "Reichenbachstraße". You’ll reach the IOER (on the right side) after about 200 m.

Tram 11 (ca. 15 minutes): Tram stop "Hauptbahnhof Nord" (follow the signposts from exit "Wiener Platz"). Take the tram 11, direction "Zschertnitz", exit at "Strehlener Platz" (ca. 7 min/4 stations). Follow the tramline in the direction of travel until junction Ackermannstraße/Reichenbachstraße bzw. Weberplatz. The institute is located at the left side (after about 230 m).

By foot (ca. 20 minutes): Main station exit "Bayrische Straße", follow "Fritz-Löffler-Straße" (B170) southwards until junction "Fritz-Löffler-Straße/Reichenbachstraße". Turn left into "Reichenbachstraße" until junction "Reichenbachstraße/Ackermannstraße".

From the Airport

S2 (ca. 40-50 minutes): Take S-Bahn in the direction of Heidenau, exit Dresden Main Station (follow the description above).

By Car

From A17

Exit 3 "Dresden Südvorstadt", follow street B 170 towards city centre ("Zentrum", keep left after exit). Follow B 170 and turn right on "Reichenbachstraße". Follow until "Weberplatz2 (ca. 1,2 km).

From A4

Coming from west: Take A 17 in the direction of "Pirna/Prag" at "Dreieck Dresden-West", take exit 3 "Dresden Südvorstadt". Follow street B 170 towards city centre ("Zentrum", keep left after exit). Follow B 170 and turn right on "Reichenbachstraße". Follow until "Weberplatz" (ca. 1,2 km).

Coming from east or airport: Take exit 81a "Dresden Hellerau" and follow B 170 in the direction of "Bahnhof Neustadt" and city centre ("Zentrum", keep right after exit). Turn left (after ca. 8,5 km) into "Reichenbachstraße" and follow until "Weberplatz" (ca. 1,2 km).

Contact us

ERSA Office
  E-mail: office@ersa.org

Local Organising Committee
  Artem Korzhenevych, E-mail: a.korzhenevych@ioer.de

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